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Drone strikes on Americans

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Welp, they're using drones to search for Christopher Dorner.


I feel like this story and its unfortunate headline have been really, really overblown....because none of the relevant issues appear to even crop up. At least to me. Maybe I'm missing something.


This is a surveillance drone we are talking about, that is giving law enforcement the best chance at locating the guy. It's not armed and they're not going to take him out without due process. But more than a few of my friends have posted this, asking 'Is this the end of democracy?' I don't lump you in that group, by the way, just commenting on the general outcry over this. As it's stated in the part you're quoting, they need the aerial thermal imaging.


This is simply a case of better available technology than sending a manned helicopter pilot out there patrolling the highways looking for cars. It's safer and more efficient. Sounds like a great use of the tech.


Although probably the day will come when these drones are armed as well, and considered mobile precision policemen, able to take out a guy if he stops in the middle of the highway, hides behind his truck, points an AK-47 and starts shooting. Even if that happens, that isn't killing an American citizen without due process, exactly, is it? Police on the scene would do the exact same thing. But it does raise some interesting questions on how far technology can go and if there's ever a point where it simply overreaches.


That's why I posted it. The loss of our democratic rights won't come in one giant leap. It will (and has) come in small steps.

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