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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. Wings have bones. That's an unavoidable fact.

  2. Critical Thinking Fun Time. The Biden Administration doesn't have a "border czar."
  3. Solid list for folks reaching across the aisle. Republicans who have endorsed Vice President Harris, so far: Former Defense Sec. Chuck Hagel Former Amb. to India Robert Blackwill Former Amb. to Romania Michael E. Guest Former Congressman Adam Kinzinger Former Congressman Chris Shays Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele Republican Voters Against Trump Haley Voters for Harris
  4. Yeah, I don't disagree with the increase, it was those initial numbers. The increase, for me, is just bizarre. We're all familiar with voters voting against their own self-interest, but Women voting for that dude hast to be the most crazy example. Maybe that's the best example yet of how hard it was for people to vote for Biden.
  5. ... no? @Dr. Strangelove said, "white women voted for Trump 54-39 in 2016 and 55-43 in 2020" Pew says the Dem/Rep split in 2016 was 45/47. In 2020 it was 46/53.
  6. So, basically the same enthusiasm everyone was showing for Joe Biden.
  8. Where did you get those numbers? Pew shows a vastly different picture. LINK
  9. That's a hell of an endorsement from your husband's ex-wife.
  10. Intentional or not "calling the shots" was a good line. This whole situation is a concern. That building seems hugely obvious as a shooter's location. How could he have been up there for minutes - long enough to extricate the gun from his backpack, assemble it, and start shooting - before they were able to get shots at him? How could a significant portion of that building be completely uncovered by counter snipers? Thinking about the Kennedy assassination, Reagan's shooting, and this incident, it makes you realize how easy it is to assassinate a president. It's surprising it doesn't happen more. I'm frankly amazed that Obama wasn't assassinated, knowing what we know about the prevalence of racism in America.
  11. I agree, those people are dopes. I believe that guard had control of that horse at all times, and knew exactly what it was going to do, and allowed it. All it took was the slightest twitch of the rein and the horse stopped. Those are professionals. I saw a different video years ago where a woman put her hand on the reins for a photo and the guard barks out, "DO NOT TOUCH THE QUEEN'S HORSE!" or something like that. Horse never flinched.
  12. Remember this next time you read something posted from Politico. Or really any news source owned by a wanna-be oligarch. Politico Owner Asked Execs to Pray for the felon’s Reelection Politico’s parent company Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner emailed his top executives shortly before the 2020 election to ask if any of them would “want to get together for an hour in the morning on November 3 and pray that Donald Trump will again become President of the United States of America,” according to an email obtained by The Washington Post. When asked about the email by the Post, Döpfner initially denied its existence, then admitted it was him who wrote it after he was shown the message.
  13. Harris can win if she loses Arizona. She can't win if she loses Pennsylvania.
  14. What are "the Dems trying to do" that would make people boo like this?
  15. There's a sign RIGHT THERE that says the horses bite. It's a GIANT SIGN.
  16. You get a really good sense of how big mad the felon's supporters are that Biden stepped down. The anger jumps out of every post.
  17. It'll almost certainly be Shapiro. I saw today that Harris can win without Arizona, but she cannot win without Pennsylvania.
  18. NEW THIS AM: @KamalaHarris raised more than $100 million between Sunday and Monday night. The money has come from more than 1.1 million "unique donors," the campaign says - 62% of them are first-time givers. Perhaps more encouraging for Dems: More than 58,000 people have signed up to volunteer for the Harris campaign since Sunday afternoon. Other left-leaning groups reporting similar surges in money and manpower.
  19. She isn't a felon, so that's a plus. She's never lost a case where she was accused of sexually assaulting someone, so that's a plus. She's never been credibly associated with a pedophile, so that's a plus.
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