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Sub-Husker last won the day on February 26 2012

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  1. There were better was to honor Bo Pelini than to wear a B on his helmet (I did not notice it). In my opinion is was an insult to the new staff.
  2. Perhaps there was no gun. Let's ask the dead kid... oops, we can't. http://photographyisnotacrime.com/2014/12/newly-released-videos-berkeley-shooting/
  3. That's the magic of this contest... lots of lead changes right up to the very end!
  4. It's great whin the bozos self-identify themselves.
  5. Whatever you say dramacarl, I'm sorry for asking you to think. Over a year has passed, but your brain is still frozen. Look at past crises with North korea, they corresponded with reactionarry changes in Japan and the US that increase our war spending.
  6. 1) The guilty party is dead. 2) If he wasn't, he would have been severly punished. 3) He was not a peace officer, sworn to protect the public. Edit: The Fox narrative of a vast left wing consiracy requires an overreaction that would accomplish nothing.
  7. Why do we need them to be a threat again? I will answer that question, but I would like to ask you to think about it for a while. I don't want to start another Korean war in this forum.
  8. We need North Korea to be a threat again, so magically it is. Where is the proof that the hackers were Norks?
  9. Just as Fox continually criticizes an Obama strawman, they will criticized a Hillary strawwoman. While I dislike both of them, it peeves me when people whack at strawmen. I wonder which Rand Paul will be running each month, he has been changing. Some good, mostly bad.
  10. Yeah, there's that, And there is very unlikey to be a big money opponent to oppose her, so right now she has all the money and the attention it buys. The only thing that can stop her is a populist uprising in the party against warmongering banksters. Unlikely to be successful, but her only potential challenge.
  11. Perhaps we should have General Carter Ham and Admiral Charles M. Gayouette testify.
  12. Is trying for something/building something generally what you think of when you say "entitlement"? No, it just seems to be the image that they give off and the press as well - the next in line. Polling seems to support the idea that she is the next in line. Early polling said the same thing in 2008. Unfortunateley it takes a lot of money to run a national campaign, which Obama had thanks to George Soros. Neither Elizabeth Warren nor Bernie Sanders will have nearly the money, making Hillary unopposed cash-wise. The Koch brothers and/or Sheldon Adelson will pick the Republican candidate. Big money will only put garbage into the office, so we will get more of the same. Or worse.
  13. In 2008 Barack Obama was a nobody, whose claim to fame was a pretty anti-war speech during the 2004 convention. Then he was backed by George Soros' money and dictates on finance, and who brought in Zbigniew Brzezinski to dictate to him on foreign policy. Elizabeth Warren has done much more than Obama in the senate, and has made a name for herself in progressive circles by advocating for financial reforms. Hillary Clinton has done more and has more experience than just about anyone considering running in 2016. Some people love her, some people hate her, and very few are indifferent. As a progressive/libertarian, I oppose just about everything she stands for. I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012 after voting for Ron Paul in the state primary. I would vote for in order; Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, any Republican (if Hillary was the opponent), Hillary Clinton (never).
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