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Everything posted by Sub-Husker

  1. Or we could just send them off to the Mideast or elsewhere to fight for our corporations.
  2. Yes, and if you live under a rock you can pretend that centuries of oppression never happened, and that equality magically happened in 1865.
  3. Rick Santorum: 1) Hates gay people for religious reasons. 2) Thinks that women should be subservient to men for religious reasons. 3) Believes that the resources of the planet should be ravaged corporations for religious reasons. 4) Believes that Satan is controlling America for religious reasons. 5) Does not believe in education for religious reasons. 6) Wants to invade Iran for religious reasons. What fringe, lunatic religious cult has he been brainwashed by?
  4. Hemp needs to be legalized now, it's not even a drug.
  5. BYU fans bring two things when on the road... the Ten Commandments, and ten dollars... and don't break either one. We have been in competition with BYU for quite a few recruits, but will this help us or hurt us?
  6. That would work if you are a straight Christian white male... like most of the characters on Happy Days.
  7. Thank you for your understanding. Even when I was a mainstream Christian (belonging to a large denomination) I yearned more for the teachings and parables of Jesus than the Last Supper ritual, or the teachings of Saint Paul, Saint Augustine or Saint Thomas. Jesus taught a Gospel of compassion, especially toward the least amongst us. Remember... in his last public appearance he criticized the money changers at the temple. It seems as though the Pharisees and Sadducees were OK with him criticizing their religion, but when He threatened them in the wallet He was executed Regarding Reverend Jeremiah Wright; he was a bit off on his AIDS rants (but not way off), but as far as I know he was correct in his criticisms of our foreign policy. But politics should not be preached from the pulpit.
  8. That may exclude me from screwed up denominations, and I'm fine with that. But to me if you ignore the teachings of Jesus (the Christ), you are not a Christian... no mater how many weekends you sit through a made up ritual for 45 minutes to an hour.
  9. Sorry JR20, but you do not get to define whether or not I am a Christian. Neither do "Doctors of the Church" who had never met Jesus.
  10. Christians are quick to whine about nothing, while at the same time pissing all over other belief systems.
  11. Warping is like cheating, it's taking a short cut. But the particle or wave would appear to be moving faster than C.
  12. Just what we need, more threads on the same topic. It would make more sense to merge this one with the one about what the wife of the assassinated Iranian scientist said that he said. That way we could see how some people Romney their views based on which side allegedly did what.
  13. Physicists who shocked the scientific world by claiming to have shown particles could move faster than the speed of light have admitted it was a mistake due to a faulty wire connection. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/9100009/Scientists-did-not-break-speed-of-light-it-was-a-faulty-wire.html
  14. While every major presidential contender (except Ron Paul) is fighting to be the most militant against Iran, they can't fawn enough about their love for Israel. http://www.jpost.com/JewishWorld/JewishNews/Article.aspx?id=259037
  15. Only bet with what you and your opponent have in excess, and winning should be more about bragging rights than monetary gain.
  16. I have posted a mea culpa on the article source, but the bias against anything anti-Israeli is there. And you are one of the leaders of that camp.
  17. I dunno. Why don't you go to Damona and interview a few people.
  18. There is a band by that name, but I would not call them awesome.
  19. Carl, it does have "something" to do with him. However that is different from him having done something. I looked at the source and it was from a usually reliable one. My bad. I usually check sources that I am not familiar with, and from now on I will add this one to my "no post without checking" list. However I still believe that the amount of hostility that came out over my error was because I was critical of Israel. And everyone here damn well knows this as a certainty... if my article was falsely critical of Iran or Syria, then there would not have been a peep from those that had criticized me here.
  20. It seemed that there were a few Israelis that wanted to kill all Arabs. Perhaps you need to watch some of the videos that Max Blumental posted on YouTube that shows the Israeli view of Arabs, and Americans. That is if they hadn't been censored off the site as viewpoints that we Americans should not see.
  21. His misrepresentations of an error on my part is not patience. Shame on you.
  22. Yes, this is very silly, and you are propogating it. The usually reliable source I quoted made a mistake. But my criticism was of Israel, so there was a need for the lemmings to pile on. And you felt it necessary to add a stupid comment about my understanding of Facebook. Good for you, you got a cheap dig in. By the way, I don't read the language that the posts were written in. You are lying. You are not trying to "make this as simple as possible". You saw that the source I quoted from made an error, and now you are trying to complicate the issue by trying to logic out that I don't know how Facebook or message boards work. 1) I'll excuse your error on the hypocrisy of "our media, since you may not have read the thread about what the wife of the assassinated Iranian scientist said that her dead husband said. 2) It does have something to do with Netanyahu since the reply was to something he wrote. 3) Yes, the source I quoted made a mistake. 4) How is the opposite true? My thoughts too!
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