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Everything posted by Mavric

  1. Why not is the $64,000 question. Because it's whether you think things will get enough better to justify it. You think so. Others do as well. Many do not. Yes, he's building talent. But many tried to say we had the most talent ever this year. All Miles got us with that talent is the most losses in school history. So it's fair to question what he can do with the talent he gets. Obviously there will be a time when that's not enough. To some, that time has already passed. Being within one loss of the school record for losses four out of his five years will do that. Maybe it's not for you, and that's fine. But it's fair to ask if that time has already come. What will "getting it done" next year be for you?
  2. Did you really take time out of your day to type that? I mean .... it was a joke.But maybe the funny part is how serious people take defending Miles reputation. People want to defend Miles, the same way they want to defend Riley. They are both "nice guys" who are good with the media and fans. They also seem to bring in "talent", and with some fans think that should buy the coach years to develop that "talent". So, fans will cut them some slack when it comes to actual results, and want to take a wait and see attitude. I understand. It's not that they're wrong to defend him. There are things that can be pointed to as reasons to be defended. But how far some people will go to defend him at all costs is a bit much for me.
  3. This is where I'm at as well. I've been about as critical of Riley and his staff as anyone. But - one way or another - I think we now have the kind of coaches we should have had two years ago - or at least pretty close to it. I don't like that we had to piddle away two years getting there but that's where we're at. I'm still not totally sold but I at least feel better about our chances.
  4. So you're calling for 24 wins. I like it.
  5. Did you really take time out of your day to type that? I mean .... it was a joke. But maybe the funny part is how serious people take defending Miles reputation.
  6. I kind of doubt that. Be a game or two over .500 and lose in the second round of the NIT. That will have enough people saying "look at the progress" and he'll stick around.
  7. https://twitter.com/_ChrisTurner28/status/840378696527683584
  8. Not quite on topic but YOLO
  9. Said he hasn't heard from Nebraska since about a week after we offered him.
  10. Most teams recruiting him on defense but we want him on offense.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?V=iRdgSkC9Vac
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