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Everything posted by benjibean1

  1. Smithers, She is eying my frosty treat. --Mr. Burns (younger years)
  2. #4 deserves it. What a bunch of nimrods. the classic part is the guy asking "what is wrong", um hello.
  3. Im sorry i could not see the last post. All I hear is crickets.
  4. Barnett has been released or fired or however you want to look at it from CU. Link here http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=2252252
  5. Why in a bowl game would he do such a thing. Unless UM's scrubs are all upper classmen on their last game.
  6. It just shows that we are a nice community here and that we have very active users. Heck I have has so much reading content over here since i found this place.....it is awsome I wish for christmas that we can all just sit and watch a great game. Oh yea and that we crush them. So with that I ask for a shutout. Mind as well dream big.
  7. Doesnt that always seem to be the case....someone can score nothing all year long then our team bus gets hijacked and someone puts up 21 in the first quarter before we even show up. I am looking forward to this game. The bottom line is that our O needs to keep our D fresh and not have the 3 and outs. If we can at least get some yardage we will be ok. We have the talent on D to put pressure on the QB to make him get rattled. 13 1/2 is a little steep though. Oh well. We shall see.
  8. The Power of Red cannot be stopped Herbie will win....unless capital one cheats.
  9. SO i keep reading about the grades and stuff but what is the factor for if a recruit can qualify for NU or not.
  10. is it just me or does purdue pete look like "uncle bad touch" or something to that nature.
  11. If i were to lobby it would be for the Holliday bowl in SD. But that is because it is easy to get to for me. Heck i dont care as long as they play like they did against the CU club.
  12. It just makes you wonder....where was this most of the year. Was it the extra time to prepare......however this team looked unreal today. I am hoping they can get to the holliday bowl now....just becasue i can make the road trip there from Phoenix.
  13. I think that the officials had their hands tied on this one here. Just an embarassment of the CU fans.
  14. Yes i Would be refering to his last years in OAK. The thing was it was Grudens team really and not Calli's team. So it was not built the way it should. In the college game it is different for him as these kids should listen as they want to get where he coached. I just think that sometimes he is a little hard headed on "his way" when he should have lightened up. What i mean by that is last season for nebraska. On one hand you are changing the entire offense and you want to prove that you are committed to it come hell or high water. However it was obious to everyone that Bill did not have the players for his WCO. So why not keep some of the old playbook around. Did he start using his only weapon exclusivly in Ross later in the year. Yes. Well what is my point anyway. I love NU and I like what i am starting to see and he is making a believer out of me.
  15. I still dont like Calahan. I think that he lacked the ability to control his players. However this is not something that he is showing a lack of here and NU. I will support whomever is our coach. I am a Husker Fan and I just dont want to have to watch the team be 5-6 ever again. It is great to see some of the speed and quickness that has been recruited. It is going to be a real Hoot when we get to see Lucky and the likes running around and through people (side note) I love watching Lucky run the ball. He has moves...however he just is barreling into people when he has no where else to go. Have you also noticed how well him and Glenn hold onto the ball. Work of beauty.
  16. When did we start refering to this offense as an attack.....well at least they are moving the ball...but the turnovers are still rearing its ugly head. And get FU-Thomas out of there. HORRIBLE>
  17. That is classic..... are they thinking with this.....support our D. THank you very much.
  18. After reviewing alot of the games i have on film for this year it seems this guy is becoming a huge thorn in my side. It seems more times than not when he is not getting penalties for false starts or holding he is getting blown by or bull rushed over. Isnt there someone on the depth chart that plays better than this guy? LT seems to have to be the most important part of the line behind the center....so what is up here...any insight would be helpful. The thing that got me looking is the 25 yards of penalties that he recieved on 3 plays in one drive.
  19. i would love to see them make the holliday bowl.....because if they do then i get to see them 2 times in one year....as my wife gave me permission to travel to it. I think it is too much to ask of them to get to the fiesta as that is in my backyard.... By the way Lincoln and the Fans are awsome. NU fans are all awsome....and damn i am proud to be a husker fan for my life.... Print that.
  20. I will have to say after my first game in lincoln it took me until tuesday to speak normal again. I have never heard 45k+ fans all say the F word at the same time. It was messy. I still dont care how it ended...these heart attack huskers are fun to watch and they have OOGLES full of heart.
  21. well i am pretty sure that i am on the west side....bought my seats off ebay. Sec 27 Row 46 If i need to shake some old people i will. I know my voice will be hurting something fierce after i leave.
  22. i was watching a game a few years back which was the direct feed comming off the satalite (big Dish) It had no announcers. If you ever get the chance to listen to a game like that i highly highly recommend it. It is so nice i is like you are there at the game. You hear the band kick up. You hear the crowd. Man i wish it could be like that every week. I just hate all the anouncers.
  23. Yea sometimes people just dont understand...but it is the Huskers.....what else do we have. Would i rather have anything else.....no. Saturdays are time well spent. Listening or watching a good Husker Game.
  24. Yea that is the plan....get her to memorial.....and let her see the passion. It worked with the cubbies and wrigley field. She loves the cubs since i have taken her to wrigley. So who knows. She doesnt even like football....but it would be nice if she would just support our team..... So 45yd line 35 rows off the field should sway her. Man i hope so. GBR
  25. i was starting to get worried as of yesterday....but now i see that we have awaken from our comas and pushed herbie to where he needs to be.
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