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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. You didn't answer my question. So, you support a President who thinks he's a King. And, to answer yours, the vast majority of the Presidents throughout history had a clearly better understanding of how our government works and their limitations. I find it really interesting that Republicans were OUTRAGED at Obama simply using an executive order. But, now that King Trump is in office, it's....well....every President does this. NO...Not every President has acted and done things like Trump. I have constantly heard his followers proclaim, "well, he's a different kind of President". Well...you're right. He is. So....now you can't come back and say....But....all Presidents do that.
  2. Have to say, I really wish these people weren't doing this. But, since they are and they obviously have been told the dangers of the virus and how to protect themselves, it's going to be really interesting to see if a spike in cases in the groups that protest occur over the next couple weeks. Of course, it's always possible that just by chance there isn't anyone at these events that are infected. But, I see a lot of elderly people at these.
  3. I wonder why people in this country tend to be confused as to what they should do next.
  4. I still vote every time. But, his comment is true. Sitting in the middle of Nebraska, my vote for President means nothing.
  5. That part's questionable in this case. I mean, you have to be smarter than the door knob to know you're not going to get AIDS from it.
  6. The biggest and mostest amazingest wall the world has ever seen.
  7. I commend them for doing this especially in relatively short notice. However, I would prefer it to be a sliding scale. Say, if you are from a family 60,000 or less, it's free. then, from 60,000 to 80,000 it's scaled to the point of if you make 81,000 you're out of the program. It's really going to suck for the kid whose family makes 61,000 per year.
  8. It's a point well taken and needs to be considered. FYI...I don't like looking at "cases" because of the well documented problems with who is being tested. I like looking at deaths. So.... New Zealand has a population of 4.88 million and 11 deaths. US has 328.2 million with 35,371 deaths. So, if you extrapolate NZs results to the US population, the US population would have 740 deaths.
  9. So....if a football player comes from a family that makes less than 60,000 so he gets free tuition and he walks-on to the team, does this scholarship count towards the 85?
  10. You just said you don't support a President that thinks he's king and can do whatever the hell he wants. Trump has said that multiple times over the last 3 years and clearly believes it. So, supposedly you don't support Trump. Who are you going to vote for?
  11. That's great. It will really help out kids whose families might not now be able to help pay for school. I'm interested in knowing where they are coming up with the money.
  12. Well, the geniuses at Qanon and antivaxers have a new target for their conspiracy crap. idiots.
  13. Wait....you don’t support Trump? Who are you going to vote for?
  14. Every one of these cities should publicize this heavily during the campaign.
  15. I'm not the one that supports a President who thinks he's a King with ultimate power to do whatever he wants. Where do you draw the line?
  16. Yes, when they are overwhelmed. Otherwise, why are the not confirmed?
  17. It's not a surprise. I used to work in healthcare and have actually helped with an autopsy.
  18. Have you seen the reports on how overwhelmed NYC doctors and coroners are? If I'm a doctor and I have 100 patients I'm scrambling to keep alive, I'm not going to be paying too much attention to exactly what the body appears to have died from at home. I'm signing it and moving on to someone I can actually help.
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