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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. He obviously has never actually listened to the audio tape....OR....he believes Trump when he says it's not his voice. Wait....now we are back to Clinton??? Again...I thought we wanted a President that didn't do any of these things? I'll ask again.....what is my party?
  2. This proves you didn't listen to the audio....OR....have extremely selective memory. He specifically says..."I grab them in the pu&&y and try f'ing them". That means he DOES DO IT!!!
  3. Your dodging and weaving is impressive. It still is amazing to me that you are perfectly fine with all of this including not respecting the military and law enforcement....so that you can get tax cuts. You still haven't told me what my party is.
  4. You do realize the woman he was talking to WASN'T A GROUPIE!!!! Right???
  5. My party? What is "my party"? Umm......This made me laugh since our President is working with COMMUNISTS!!!!!! Remember the leader of a country that Trump believes more than his own intelligence community?
  6. I've listened to it many times. You have a really odd twist to it that is oddly similar to his own explanation when he was trying to downplay it and get elected. Oh....and now it's not even apparently his own voice. OH...and now we are back once again to the "Clinton's did it". I really wish we could find someone who isn't a pathetic human being to be President.
  7. I guess, it's interesting to know that if I ever meet @45timesbetterthanemptysuit wife, he's OK if I walk up to her and "grab her pu&&y and try f'ing her." PS...our illustrious President's own words.
  8. Over 300,000 Americans died fighting Nazis.....and this is the best you can do? I wish we had a Republican party that actually respected the military and their sacrifices.
  9. You seriously went there? You might need to listen to the audio. Oh....wait.....now he says he doesn't even think it's his voice....AFTER he talked about him saying those things......Yeah....he doesn't lie much. You might also want to do some research on HIS OWN comments on how he treated Miss USA locker rooms (in his own words) and realize he did that too with Miss TEEN pageants.
  10. Wait....that's derogatory? That's actually his family name.
  11. Seriously??? An "October surprise" when we have his own words talking about molesting women and thinking about sex with his own daughter? Also, from your response, I have to assume that you are OK with the "aiding an enemy". I personally wish we had a President that actually respected the military and law enforcement and had more of a problem with nazi's marching in our streets than Americans peacefully protesting. But, that's just me.
  12. That honestly is very encouraging. He knows the secrets. If he is still encouraged by knowing that eventually the real truth will come out....that's comforting.
  13. Bull s#!t. And....you're willing to over look sexual molestation and aiding an enemy so you can get tax breaks? Really?
  14. So, you and I aren't Republicans anymore. So, my comment doesn't apply to either of us.
  15. Here's something I don't get. Anytime I am in a conversation with a Trump supporter and I bring up things I don't like about him, they always say..."Well, Hillary did that too...or....Obama did that too". Umm....As someone who didn't support either of those two.....I thought we wanted something better. I thought we wanted a Republican President who supported the military, supported law enforcement, didn't lie to the American people, didn't aid foreign enemies, didn't molest women, didn't have sexual scandals.... and didn't make policy decisions based on his or her own monetary gain.....oh yeah....and golf less. But...for some reason, Republicans LOVE a guy who does all of that.
  16. Obviously, security would not be a problem bringing him with no background check. People like him LOVE Trump and would never think about harming him.
  17. Serious question. Is this really a serious question about immigration? Should we only take people from countries that are wonderful places to live and people are in heavenly happiness? If so, I'm glad that wasn't the case when my family immigrated here. My ancestors were from a country that was in the middle of economic troubles and in the process of a build up of causing two world wars while slaughtering millions of innocent people and over 300,000 Americans had to die to stop them.
  18. I appreciate the article and I understand that a stock market crash can trigger a recession. My question was more about what of the other causes does he (or you) think have been lining up to cause a recession. 1) High interest rates - don't see that happening. 2) Stockmarket crash - covered that. 3) Falling housing prices - why do you see that happening? 4) Slowdown in manufacturing - why do you see that happening? 5) Massive swindles - what do you see happening here? We have had the Wells Fargo crap and that hasn't caused anything yet. 6) Deregulation - This is possible. 7) Wage - Price controls - NOT happening. 8) Slowdown after a war - Don't think we need to worry about that. 9) Credit crunch - Any evidence of this coming on? 10) Asset bubbles - What assets are ready to burst? 11) Deflation - I just don't see that happening right now.
  19. I agree with your post...that we will not see the 4-5% trump promised he could do... Actually, I hope we don't. But...about the bolded part. Why do you think we have an impending recession coming up? Was this something that was coming even before Trump took office? I personally believe we have a stock market bubble that is going to burst at some point. But.....I'm trying to decide how close we are to an actual recession.
  20. Amen!!!!! My thoughts for the last year.
  21. Question about this. Is a missed tackle only when someone touches the RB and doesn't tackle? There are lots of missed tackles because the RB jukes the guy out of his jock and doesn't touch him.
  22. Wait...I thought McCabe resigned.....It's official now that he was fired by Trump?
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