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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. Having a hard time figuring out who to root for tonight. Washington Pitching ERA: 3.51 Hitting AVG: .256 Cubs record against them 5-2 LA Pitching ERA: 3.7 Hitting AVG: .249 Cubs record against them 4-3
  2. The guy is truly amazing. During the last game they did just a few highlights of him tagging people at second base. His glove work is a work of art.
  3. I heard that term for the first time last week, had to look it up. I tried and google failed me.
  4. What the DNC did behind Bernie's back was bad and I would be pissed if I was one of his supporters. But...come on.... these are private organizations that can do whatever they want as far as what candidate they support. They hand picked Hillary years ago as their candidate for this election and anyone who dared think about running against her was probably quickly told where to shove that idea. They though Bernie was a cute crazy old man and would do well acting like someone actually serious about running. They weren't prepared for him to actually start getting that big of a following. They had to do something to squash him so their Queen can rise to the top. Like you implied, the Repubs were too hands off and they ended up with way too many people on stage. I really think after the last election, they put out at least a decent effort in trying to find someone to take the party in a different direction. They gave the voters a wide range of options to choose from. They weren't prepared for exactly how clueless and blind those voters were. The problem is that people actually think these parties have their best interest at heart. The Dems actually thought they were giving them a fair option and letting them choose. Fact is....it was all chosen before the primary ever started.
  5. OMFG!!!!!!! That is priceless. So....now.....we have evangelicals supporting a molester who has cheated on at least 3 wives. We also have right wingers who ranted and raved about how horrible Obama was for his "apology tour" and now we have Trump doing the same thing. Damn this election is fun to watch......when you can so blatantly see people totally brainwashed.
  6. But...it's fun. See here's the deal. I can be watching something where Trump's campaign manager is being questioned. I can come on here and find him repeating the exact same talking points. It's really kind of a cool phenomena.
  7. Pretty much. Especially when he is on tape bragging about almost the exact same thing they are accusing him of.
  8. What I've been saying, If Hillary wins Republicans have no one to blame bite themselves for nominating Trump ( well, that and the fake stories about dead people voting and voter fraud that Trump has already planted) If Trump wins Democrats have no one to blame but themselves and the fradulant DNC for Hillary being the nominee I have been yelling that from the roof tops. Any reasonable candidate would be beating Hillary in a land slide. But...no.....the clueless voters in the Republican party nominate the biggest fraud they could find because he says obnoxious things and they think thats cool. I think there's a crapload of stuff that led up to the current mindset of the average Republican base voter that has obviously led them to a point where they nominate a Trump. My ideas: Fox News/Breitbart type of places --> The proliferation of right-wing media The party itself becoming less the party of personal responsibility and more the party of Screw Obama (or, to view it a bit differently, the party of No.) Corporate money influences. It's extremely damning in the eyes of Millennials when a substantial chunk of your party denies climate change and ignores something like universal background checks Subtle racist undercurrents that even if not displayed by a majority of the party, manifest themselves in very poor minority outreach (though this is definitely amplified BIG LEAGUE by the Trump effect) Others? Dude, turn it around, How would the Dem party come to the point to nominate someone like Hillary? Just gonna stop reading here. Clinton isn't even borderline close to as terrible a candidate as Trump is. But, she's still pretty pathetic and it should have been easy to beat her if it weren't for clueless Republican voters nominating the village idiot. And....there are a lot better Dems than she ever will be. and...it's too bad you stopped reading. He made some good points about how the Dems work.
  9. Oh...the NYT is probably begging him to file this suit.
  10. Have they considered how sexist this approach is? The only way they've thought of to reach millennial women is to talk about their opponent's husband's so-called crimes? You are missing the point. First off, Hillary is married to a sexual predator unless you are going to choose to not believe the many women that have come forward. Watch the Juanita Broaddrick video and tell me you don't believe her. Moreover, Broaddrick and others all talked about Hillary's role in threatening them, trying to dig up dirt to discredit them, etc... What kind of woman who claims to be a champion for female empowerment stays with a rapists and then attacks the women he assaulted. Let's not also forget that as an attorney, Hillary defended a 41-year old man who raped a 12-year old girl, and claimed the girl was simply seeking attention. She was later caught on tape laughing about how she knew he was guilty. I would not expect any Democrats or liberals to claim to be offended by Trump's antics towards women given most likely voted for Bill Clinton not once but twice. Soooo....don't vote for Hillary because she is married to a sexual predator when you can vote for one directly. It's much more efficient that way. Or dont vote for a woman that supports, enables, and defends men who committed violent sexual assault. Again, any person that voted and supported Bill Clinton and claimed he just "lied about sex" has no voice in this accusations against Trump. Yaaa....I know...right??? Why support a woman who supports a sex predator when you can support your own directly. I just don't get it.
  11. More popcorn needed. How many times now in this campaign has he threatened people with this??? Oh yaa....that's how America works, run for office, if people report bad things about you, sue them. Don't like your opponent???? Throw them in jail. Don't win???? Just don't concede and tell people they should revolt. Oh goodie. He thinks we live in North Korea. Next thing we know Dennis Rodman will be visiting him.
  12. Have they considered how sexist this approach is? The only way they've thought of to reach millennial women is to talk about their opponent's husband's so-called crimes? You are missing the point. First off, Hillary is married to a sexual predator unless you are going to choose to not believe the many women that have come forward. Watch the Juanita Broaddrick video and tell me you don't believe her. Moreover, Broaddrick and others all talked about Hillary's role in threatening them, trying to dig up dirt to discredit them, etc... What kind of woman who claims to be a champion for female empowerment stays with a rapists and then attacks the women he assaulted. Let's not also forget that as an attorney, Hillary defended a 41-year old man who raped a 12-year old girl, and claimed the girl was simply seeking attention. She was later caught on tape laughing about how she knew he was guilty. I would not expect any Democrats or liberals to claim to be offended by Trump's antics towards women given most likely voted for Bill Clinton not once but twice. Soooo....don't vote for Hillary because she is married to a sexual predator when you can vote for one directly. It's much more efficient that way.
  13. well....I call BS on at least some of that. New York as s financial market would not exist if it weren't for the rest of the country. They don't get to claim production from a publicly traded company in Nebraska just because they handle they money. Same can be said about California and Washington. Part of why they are bigger is because they have major ports. They get that business in large part because we out here produce or purchase something. Now, those states do have large populations and do they are automatically going to produce more than a state like North Dakota. None of that has to do with red or blue. I also know lots of companies have wanted out of both CA and NY as fast as they could die to taxes.
  14. Yep...they sure have that angry old white male vote locked up. I always find it interesting how the deep blue states remain the economic driver of American free-enterprise. Explain????
  15. I'm on my phone but wish I could add the popcorn eating emoji.
  16. That sent a chill down my spine when I read it.
  17. So....basically you have described CU fans. No thanks. But...hey....congrats on being who you want to be.
  18. Really??? When people at their campaign rallies are already talking about a revolution after the election?? and chanting "Lock her up"??? We have already seen what happens if someone in their rally doesn't agree with Trump, it turns into violence and Trump himself just makes light of it or eggs it on. Now...take those same people when they realize their wonderful amazing savior LOST......but.........then goes on stage and gives a speech where he claims he is not going to concede. What happens next?
  19. Oriented Strand Board. It's the plywood stuff that the walls are made of in this guy's living room. I'm sure you've seen it. It looks like it's made out of large chips of wood.
  20. What an absolutely disgusting human being.
  21. I had totally forgotten about him.....and not disappointed that I had.
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