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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. Who is pushing congress to figure that out?
  2. I have no problem with a discussion about gun laws. My problem is that the national discussion is about gun laws and all pointing to Newton only to be talking about gun laws that in reality, don't have that much to do with Newton. Example, as I have asked, how does back ground checks prevent something like Newton? How many of these crazies would have been prevented from getting a gun with a back ground check? In other words, I am not against talking about gun laws. But, let's be honest about what crimes we are trying to prevent so that we can have an honest opinion. That way, people who want to prevent Newtown from happening again can stay focused on that subject. Now, I will give you my very honest opinion of gun laws. As you know, I am a gun owner. But, I look at this as similar to pitt bull dog owners. There have been enough irresponsible pitt bull owners that it has caused society to want to not have pitt bulls around. I don't blame society for that, I blame irresponsible dog owners. Similar to that, I blame the gun industry and gun owners for society not wanting guns around. There have been enough irresponsible gun owners to make society want them limited. So, my statement to gun owners and the NRA is STFU until you can be more responsible with the guns you have. Now, I sure wish we could figure out why certain people think they need to grab a gun and go kill as many people as possible in a school.
  3. "[O]ther murders" don't concern you? Where did I say they didn't?
  4. What pressure is being put on Congress and the President to prevent issues like Newtown compared to gun laws that prevent other crimes? I haven't heard anything other than what is being discussed here that basically you admit is an effort to prevent other murders than the type that happened in Newtown.
  5. Am I the only one that gets the feeling that this kid simply thought it would be fun to go on another free trip? I have absolutely no more information than anyone else here. Just a feeling.
  6. So, you are taking a tragedy and making political gains on it to affect other issues and ignoring the efforts to help prevent the a future tragedy like what started the discussion.
  7. Like I said in an earlier post. I have absolutely no problem if someone if vegetarian or vegan. That is totally your choice no matter if it is because of health reasons or moral reasons. My issue is when it is based on false information.
  8. Glad someone was finally able to track him down, he was M.I.A for awhile. I might be wrong...but I think he still has a small grade issue. I have actually wondered about this. His recruitment just has seemed like there is an issue somewhere. It's like the coaches want him but they know there are other issues involved.
  9. No one has said that it's possible (or likely) to totally stop gun homicides. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't aim for (pun unintended) reduction. People are killed with guns outside of mass shootings. A 2008 study out of Chicago showed that 91 percent of homicide offenders had been arrested prior to committing the offense. Outside of mass shootings it appears that murderers (admittedly using the words loosely interchangeably) are very likely to have criminal records. As far as I can tell it's not broken down by severity. Regardless, it seems quite relevant. http://www.chicagoju...Chicago_CPD.pdf Hmmm...I thought the discussion was about preventing crazy people from walking into schools, malls, theaters and spraying the crowd with bullets and killing 10-20 people. That is what started this discussion and what is pushing it on.
  10. Wow Headly....you really know nothing about how a milk cow is pampered. Just a clue, if there is stress of any kind, they produce less milk.
  11. Nice smart ass comment when we are trying to have conversation about it. Carl... I agree with keeping guns out of felons hands. However, if people think that is going to stop stuff like Newtown they are mistaken. When was the last time one of these psychos was a felon?
  12. And, yet...like you implied, I could just wait over a two month period and buy one box of bullets at a time. As for the Bushmaster, I can agree with that. I honestly don't understand why someone would want one even though I am a gun owner and enjoy using them. BUT, say you outlaw the Bushmaster, are you saying I can't take a gun like what I use for hunting and do one hell of a lot of damage is a school? Heck, how about if I take my two shot guns, saw off the barrels. I can walk into any school and I bet you 8-10 people could be dead before anyone can do anything about it.
  13. Hmmm...I'm not a vegan and I actually like tofu.
  14. Again, what laws that are being proposed would have kept a gun out of the hands of the person who shot up kids in Newtown? From what I have read, Connecticut has some of the strictest gun laws in the country and the guns were all purchased legally. If they are purchased legally, I'm sure there were back ground checks ran on the mother before she was allowed to purchase the gun. Even if there wasn't, was there anything in her past that would have thrown up red flags? I haven't heard of any. What good would have restricting ammunition done? From what I have heard, these things are usually pre planned. Meaning, let's say restrictions are put in place to delay some how purchasing of ammunition. Someone like this would just wait for them to come in the mail. You and I weren't having this conversation two months ago. Why? I have had these thoughts about mental health for years.
  15. I have not heard any proposals that make me believe they will keep guns out of the hands of crazy people. Can you explain some that will?
  16. But, still no talk about the motivation and mental capacity behind the person committing the violence. Like I said. Make whatever laws you want, the violence isn't going to stop until the motivation behind them and mental capacity of the people committing the crime is addressed. This is like you working on your car thinking you need to change the battery when it is actually out of gas. Fine...change the battery but it's still not going to run. You are going into the emotional thought process behind this. It's the "easy" solution. Nobody wants to address the real problem.
  17. What I'm getting at is that the discussion in this country is not focusing on the problem. You are falling into it also. A gun was used to commit this horrible act. People can be violent with guns. So, your thought process is that any promotion of anything shooting or with a gun is promoting violence and that just simply isn't the case. If I take my shot gun out and shoot skeet in my back yard, there is absolutely NOTHING violent about that. years ago there was a chain saw massacre in Texas. So, does that mean that if I go cut down a dead tree in my back yard I'm being violent because I'm using a chain saw? People have been killed with a chain saw after all.
  18. Again, so any shooting game is bad? You admit that there is a huge difference. One instills violence. The other is simply acting like you are practicing a skill that isn't any different than shooting a basketball. Contrary to some thoughts, just the act of shooting a gun is not violence. True, though I've never seen anyone killed by an errant basketball shot. What difference does that make? People are killed with cars all the time. So, should we also be upset that their are driving games marketed to kids? The act of simply shooting a gun is not violence.
  19. Another statistic I would like to see is how many of these people were brought up with guns with good mentors showing them gun safety and the proper use of a gun.
  20. I don't have issues with anything you said other than: Again, so any shooting game is bad? You admit that there is a huge difference. One instills violence. The other is simply acting like you are practicing a skill that isn't any different than shooting a basketball. Contrary to some thoughts, just the act of shooting a gun is not violence.
  21. The LHN is a perfect example of what happens when huge egos get in the way of good business decisions.
  22. If I remember correctly, Stringfellow came and visited but kept his commitment to Washington. If I remember, he was very impressed and enjoyed his visit. Wondering if some of his comments after his visit have rubbed off on Qualls.
  23. Soooo......any shooting game for kids is bad? What about BB guns? I have a problem with games like Grand Theft Auto. I don't have a problem with a game that allows a kid to shoot skeet. There is a huge difference.
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