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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I agree. It makes me feel better that he is friends with Stanton because he can tell Newby how great the crowd was after next weekend.
  2. What? Let's see if BigRedBuster can follow his own advice.... It was a joke. I was wrong for trying to be funny.
  3. This is like if we would put blind refs on the football field and then claim there wasn't any penalties because no flags were thrown.
  4. CLICK ME Oh...isn't that cute. I find it interesting that I have scanned through probably the first 6-8 links brought up by your search and nowhere in those links does it point to the specific mechanism in place to catch voter fraud. But, of course I will keep looking through this. I find it interesting that I have asked this to various people and tried looking it up on line and nowhere can I find a specific mechanism in place that will catch me if I try to vote under a dead person's name.
  5. And, I have asked multiple times what mechanism is in place to catch it and not once has anyone showed me how that is done.
  6. to your point: Twenty Hours of Work & Two Trips To The DMV: What It Takes To Get Voter ID In Pennsylvania So, let's fix that problem instead of throwing the entire effort out the window. are you serious? this is a ruse to disenfranchise voters. how have you been convinced that this is some noble goal to protect democracy? it is so transparent and corrupt it is disgusting. and you have been convinced to defend this assault on decency and democracy? i do not even know what to say. you mentioned treason earlier, for some inane reason. i will use the treason example again. treason is not a problem, but there should still be treason laws. voter fraud is not a problem, but there still should be laws to punish voter fraud. however, the government is using the fabricated specter of voter fraud to disenfranchise possibly millions of voters. there is to proportionality to the law or the problem. so, in regards to the treason example; it would be like if the gov't decided to warrant-less wiretap all american's citizens foreign communications, under the ruse of preventing treason. only, the ulterior motive is more clear in the case of voter id laws. And you obviously don't see any problem with illegal people voting or dead people voting or people voting multiple times. I have read back through my posts and can not find anywhere I mention "treason". Can you point to what you are talking about?
  7. So, I guess I have to be the one that brings up this. Before he committed to Louisville, he was in Lincoln several times with recruits showing them around and getting to know them. It appears to me from the outside that the he really never had a desire to go to Nebraska. So....it seems really odd to me that he would spend that time in Lincoln with recruits showing them around. Was he doing it to get to know them to recruit them now to Louisville?
  8. I'd be interested to see how many of those occurred against teams with defenses that finished the year ranked in the Top 25...heck even Top 50. For that point to be valid the rest of FBS would have had to play those years against all top 25-50 defenses. Everyone plays their fair share of patsies.
  9. I have the feeling going into this game similar to Louisiana Tech in 1998 when they had a stud QB (Rattay) and WR (Edwards) and that was it. We won fairly easily with a score of 56-27 but LT racked up 590 yards of passing. Hope I'm wrong.
  10. I know nothing more on the stat than what I posted. Obviously both this year were one from TMart and one from Rex.
  11. All indications on this game are that we should be able to be very successful on both sides of the ball in this game. The one area that ISU has been successful in is passing. I believe they have around 860 yards passing in two games so far. I know that is against not good teams. BUT, how good do you think they are? Are they a quick pass/spread type offense like we have seen or are they more of a pro style defense? It doesn't appear from the stats that their QB runs very much.
  12. Nebraska leads FBS with 19 rushing touchdowns of 40 yards or longer since the start of the 2010 season, including two this season.
  13. to your point: Twenty Hours of Work & Two Trips To The DMV: What It Takes To Get Voter ID In Pennsylvania So, let's fix that problem instead of throwing the entire effort out the window.
  14. Wow, that is one slippery slope on which you're standing. You are correct, which is why I back-pedaled from that statement a few hours after I posted it: It wasn't one of my more lucid moments. I'll beg forgiveness, and ask everyone to forget my error. Yeah, I responded before I got all the way down the thread. Still, it was kind of a half-backpedal (maybe a side-shuffle? ). You said there wouldn't be any grounds for legal action but you didn't really say you changed your stance on being responsible. Sorry if I'm nit-picking. Have you ever seen anyone in this forum admit to being wrong to that degree before? I was wrong, I said I was wrong, and I even repeated it for good measure. For the last time: It would help if you would just flat out admit you were wrong.
  15. OK...let me try this again. I have quoted your post twice now and then it won't let me post mine. Carl, I stated two points where the Dems block efforts to prevent voter fraud and you responded to them. I am all for voter ID being free and readily available and yes, it should be implemented years in advance of an election. Funny thing is, Republicans have been working on this for years but the Dems block it constantly. Yes, I am concerned about legal voters being taken off of the list so let's work together to prevent that from happening. Saying "don't do anything because it's not a big problem" doesn't work for me. How is 5 years in prison and/or $10,000 in fines a deterrent when there is no mechanism in place to catch me? I didn't ask what the punishment was if I get caught, I'm asking how do you catch me? Obviously it wasn't a big deterrent for ACORN.
  16. How do you know when voter fraud happens? Every single time an attempt is made to find out or prevent it, the Dems block it. Voter ID....nope. cleaning he list of eligible voters by eliminating dead people...etc....nope. Seriously....how do you know if it is happening or not? If I can walk up to a polling place on the day of the election and register to vote and I don't need any form of ID to register......what prevents me from doing that at 5 polling places? And, if I did, how are you going to catch me?
  17. Here is a prime example as to why these things need to be decided more on a local or at least the state level. Since the school year has started, I have been doing research on this problem. All I get from pretty much everyone is..."It's all because of Federal guidelines". Everyone has the excuse that it's coming down from the federal government. It is extremely hard to hold the federal government accountable and everyone at the local level simply passes the buck up the food chain. Oh....and this same federal government wants more control over our health care system.
  18. I don't understand why Cooper isn't in the nickel role. He has the similar build to Hagg, and seems to have the necessary athleticism. Ciante Evans is doing a nice job at the nickel, but he seems undersized for the position.... Cooper doesn't have the cover skills Evans has. That is only half of the skills needed for the nickel position. It is also necessary to be able to be effective on stopping the run, and I think Cooper could really help us there. Like I said, for his size, Evans has done a good job at the position (especially that tackle in the open last week). Will Evans be able to stay in the game against teams like Michigan St., Wisky, or Iowa? So, we have one player that is better at coverage and one who is better at stopping the run. We have been playing teams that have spread offenses, the one that covers better is in higher demand.
  19. I didn't say that you said "nanny state." The article that you linked contained a quote from Rep. King that used the phrase. So the federal government should just cut a check with no strings attached? Or should school lunches be funded on a local level as well? Maybe the money shouldn't go to the federal government in the first place. There's a novel idea.
  20. To me there is a big difference between Crouch going home to Omaha to think things through and within a couple days (less than a week if I remember correctly) being back with the team and what Rome has done now being gone for an extended period of time. Now, that doesn't mean I wouldn't accept him back as a coach. But, I wouldn't be begging him to come back and it would be on my (and the team's) terms and I would do it only if it was accepted by the leaders of the team (unity council). Basically he needs to prove to the team all over again that they can trust him to be there for them and work hard. Obviously it worked for Crouch because he came back and worked his butt off for the team and was very successful.
  21. You really watch away games that are broadcast by their local media people? You really want to sit and listen constantly to a homer point of view?
  22. Teachercd... If you are talking about my side of this, it was my kids who came home every day for the first several weeks of school constantly complaining about the school lunches. The same thing happened to all of the families in our community. Now, I agree that the blame needs to be pointed to the parents but not for what you're saying. The parents need to take control of what their kids eat and THAT is where the obesity problem will improve. Knapp... Thanks but no-thanks to Michelle simply because she is the face of this movement. Carl.... No place have I ever said anything about "nany state". But, this is a perfect example of good intentions by the federal government totally failing in practice. This needs to be a local issue. I am fine with the federal government giving guidelines as to what the "recommend". But, these decisions need to be handled on the local level.
  23. I applaud this effort. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/18/house-republicans-introdu_n_1893936.html Thanks but no-thanks Michelle.
  24. I guess our school isn't the only one that is tired of this crap. http://www.jsonline.com/news/education/students-strike-against-new-federal-school-lunch-rules-t96t7sp-170124676.html
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