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Everything posted by Terrabus

  1. He really should have been stopped behind the line of scrimmage. If this team were just a shade better he would have been stopped.
  2. I know I keep saying this but there have been several times in this game when the offense has made it look very easy to score. I'm not sure why we're not getting this consistently but it clearly shows this offense has fire.
  3. OMG! I swear every time these guys score they make it look easy and they make you wonder why they're not leading this game.
  4. Bad tackling has been the death of this team. Game after game. I feel bad criticizing them because I know their heart is in it and I know they were let down by poor coaching. It feels like a beating a dead horse.
  5. It is truly criminal what Frost did to this program. This team....*sigh*. I hate to say it but this team is actually performing better than the sum of their talent.
  6. For a minute there I thought we were going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory but we actually won!
  7. Two wins in a row? I don't think I ever thought that was even possible a couple months ago.
  8. I have never seen so many calls go our way in one game before.
  9. Night and day! I left for the store during halftime and came back to a team that looks completely different than the first half.
  10. And then sometimes our defense comes through and does something wonderful.
  11. I didn't think it could get worse. Man was I wrong!
  12. We absolutely cannot let them score. Not this time.
  13. I have to say these guys have got more fire than they have in past games. Now they just need to be more disciplined
  14. Having guys that are #2 or #3 on the roster getting some playtime is huge. Not only are those kids going to remember that but they're also going to be seen by coaches and they'll be able to get some quality feedback. Also I thought it was very good that with a lot of these kids there wasn't an ounce of quit. It seemed like everybody was making the best of a bad situation and doing everything they could to get the most out of it.
  15. That's the best description of Twitter I have ever seen.
  16. I'm upset for the players. They don't deserve this. It's not their fault that coaching simply was not adequate. It's clear that they are looking for something to grab onto and believe in.
  17. I was thinking something similar. This team hasn't completely given up. They are fighting and if they are able to keep Oklahoma from scoring more touchdowns then that says a lot.
  18. I understand that players aren't playing the way we would like them to. And I understand that the coaching let everybody down. But some of these kids are playing their hearts out. Honestly games like these are great for teaching. They're full of coaching opportunities. Winning is good for that too. But that's not going to happen today. So instead of crapping on the players who were out there and whining about the players we don't have I choose to support the players we do have. There's not much that can be done right now.
  19. Even though that was a loss it was also incredible effort. The effort is what this team needs. Sure it might not result in a touchdown or anything huge but it's a booster for the team. They're not giving up.
  20. It's starting to look like they will. We all knew the list of problems this team had. That's why we have a different head coach coming. Teams in our position never do well. All we can do is cheer for the kids and support them as they struggle to survive this season. I don't think there's a single head coach in the entire country who could be dropped into a situation like this and do much better.
  21. I just got up and turned on the game. I hoped for a surprise but instead it appears that we are playing as we knew we would. These poor kids.
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