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Everything posted by TGHusker

  1. Very true. When I think of Biblical conservatism - it is equated to stewardship. Mankind is told in scriptures to be good stewards of this earth. Thus sustainability relates to stewardship and passing this earth on the future generations in good shape. This should not be a liberal or conservative construct. If corporations or govt pollute and destroy the earth and make it less sustainable, then we are allowing them to violating the biblical mandate. So, this then gets down to policy and priorities. What should this govt spending its limited funds on. Protecting the environment is an important 'human' responsibility and therefore an important role of govt. Today's congressional 'conservatives' should be less concerned with the 'donor' class and more concern with stewardship and the long term affect of policy.
  2. Funny. Compassionate Conservative perhaps. Under this definition, copied from the quote below, I would be a liberal: In most other countries and languages, also, “liberal” means classical advocacy of a free-market economy; personal rights, liberties, and responsibilities; equality before the law; and a democratic element in limited government. http://libertyunbound.com/node/496 Here are some quotes from this interesting article that explains the movement of the meaning liberal from the classical sense of the word to the American politicization of the word.
  3. My Dad sent me this video clip. Explaining taxes and tax cuts in beer talk https://www.youtube.com/embed/BomQxCG5VG4?rel=0&autoplay=1
  4. Hopefully our record and reputation improves quickly so we will no longer be in that dreaded 11 am time slot - back to prime time TV
  5. Why is the sky always dark and dreary^^^
  6. This is a bit long but very informative read. Summary: Trump is in big do-do. Mueller and team have many avenues to pursue and Trump would have to be squeaky clean on all of them to survive. My money is on that he isn't clean (yes - a big leap of faith there I know ) and he won't last as president. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/03/07/what-we-believe-mueller-is-investigating/?utm_term=.78334b1459da
  7. As predicted, Cohn resigns due to the tariff issue. This after Trump said all is fine wt the staff - see my post above. https://www.newsmax.com/finance/streettalk/gary-cohh-trump-tariff-trade/2018/03/06/id/847174/
  8. Putin already says the USA political system is broken. Then goes on and praises ...... Trump http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/article203865749.html#fmp
  9. I wonder if his testimony will be discredited because of his need for rehab?
  10. Trump is even more of an idiot than I thought. https://www.newsmax.com/finance/streettalk/trump-gary-cohn-resign-tariffs/2018/03/06/id/847070/ He thinks it is no big thing that Cohn will leave if he goes ahead with the tariffs. Why? Because he thinks he is the only inteligent guy in the room. He is in denial about the chaos in the WH - he has people he wants to change still - reaching for perfection so he says Note: perfection is defined as "People who are loyal to me and and agree with me on all things"
  11. Moderate Dems and Moderate Repubs probably all long for the days of Obama and GWB in comparison. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376909-bush-says-trump-makes-me-look-pretty-good-by-comparison-report
  12. When you cheapen the office, the office itself loses respect that it deserves. First at home and then abroad. Again, when will someone standup and protect our institutions? This is a big fail by the congress. If this was Obama or GWB ... you know the rest of the story.... Regan so respected the office, he wouldn't go in to it without suit & tie - Trump and family market it for all their self-aggrandising worth.
  13. Oh what a surprise. Oh wait - no it isn't. I think we saw all this coming.
  14. Trump Administration is unraveling before our eyes
  15. This would be like taking the home run out of baseball. The kick off return is potentially the most exciting play in all of football. Unfortunately too many never make it out of the end zone. Our punt return game disappeared under MR playing it too safe. The great teams and players take risks (appropriate) and don't just play it safe.
  16. What a terrible call by the refs by saying he was down before fumbling - I guess his forward progress was stopped - very quickly.
  17. Bush's former Com Sec agrees with you. Like most of us, he thinks Trump is an idiot but uses a milder term - 'a little naive' https://www.newsmax.com/politics/carlos-gutierrez-trump-tariff/2018/03/05/id/846813/ Meanwhile Drumpf double downs on stupidity. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/trump-tariff-steel-aluminum/2018/03/05/id/846867/
  18. Ok so they aren't an importer of Alum? I was reading it that they import alum for their cans - but if they don't then beer will remain the same !! So that would be a double
  19. Looks like Russia is taking a play out of the Trump play book - pointing back at the accusers. Russia accuses the USA of interfering in their next election. https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/russia-us-elections-putin/2018/03/05/id/846778/
  20. Pretty amazing. Sounds like an admin out of control, disorganized and moveable only by the whims of Trump's emotions. This alone is an Amendment 25 concern. The guy is emotionally unstable, the staff seems to be very 'brittle' - afraid to step on egg shells. As Fru said and this guy has his finger on the nuke button.
  21. To follow up on the above, Trump goes on a tweet rant about NAFTA https://www.newsmax.com/politics/trump-canada-mexico-tariffs/2018/03/05/id/846755/
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