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Everything posted by BRV920

  1. What's the hidden agenda Guy? We hear on HB all the time about the lack of talent. Most of that blame was laid at Pelini's feet. Yet somehow he was able to win at least 9 games every year. So either he was about to get more out of his poor talent or most of HB has no clue what they are talking about.
  2. Yeah, I'm aware. You are the one pissing and moaning about CM's statement on S and C.
  3. When did CM say that there were 30 to 40 schools with better S and C programs than ours in the 90's? He said they were on par with us. Doesn't mean they were better but the gap was very small.
  4. The funny part about this thread is that CM husker is the only one backing up his statements with numbers. The rest of it is just butt hurt sunshine pumpers.
  5. Frank wasn't a good recruiter according to you? Osborne said he was one of his best recruiters.
  6. Pretty sure he that it wasn't the best idea for a offense at Nebraska because we don't have the luxury in recruiting that Alabama has and that he would like to see us run a offense closer to Osbornes. If I remember right Guy.
  7. I've stated several times I'd like to see AT LEAST a 60/40 run/pass ratio. If our goal is to play for conference and National championships the numbers say that running the ball 60% of the time or more is the best way to do that. Only two teams have won a National Championship in the last 15 years with a 50/50 balance or throwing more than running.
  8. I've never once heard CM Husker say that he wanted a all in passing game Guy. He has been very consistent in saying that he would like to see us run a power running offense with some option game. He did state that he doesn't understand why everybody is surprised thar Riley wants to throw the ball a lot. CM Husker seems to be one of the few people on HB that seems to understand that a balanced offense isn't the best way to build a consistent winner.
  9. I looked up Stanfords run/pass ratio for 2015. Oddly enough they ran the ball 65% of the time and passed 35. Not the kind of balance that Riley is looking for.
  10. Who said anything about running QB's Guy? I said Andrew Luck was a once in a generation type QB. All you have to do is look at the history of Riley coached teams. When he gets great QB play he puts a decent product on the field. When he doesn't get that type of play it's a dumpster fire. The only way the changes is if he starts fielding top 10 defenses. Something Banker hasn't proven he can do.
  11. The problem blem with your line is f thinking Guy is that for every Andrew Luck there are 30 Harrison Becks. Sure you will be good when you have great QB play and when you don't..... Back to 6-6.
  12. This is the reason he will fail here. To be honest it's the reason he failed at Oregon State
  13. When I brought up how many groin injuries we had last season I was informed it was a non issue. Lol
  14. Actually Huskerexpat I would say the game plan did cost us the Purdue game. Asking a first time starter to pass the ball 40+ times isn't a good game plan. I'd put that loss 100% on the coaches and their game plan. If you go back and watch the game when we ran we were doing pretty good and the game didn't start getting out of hand til the middle of the third quarter.
  15. I don't care who we are playing. Sticking with the run is key to making our passing game successful. it's much easier throwing to guys in single coverage. Just look at Armstrongs stats against UCLA. If we throw it all over the yard we are in for another long season.
  16. Seeing some stuff on Twitter about people not liking the Devaney hire. Mostly say he ran the Rams into the ground. I'm not really sure what he's going to do on a day to day basis so I'll guess I'll wait and see.
  17. I can't imagine that he would even be cleared for spring ball. Does anybody know about that?
  18. I knew you would duck answering the Osborne/Riley question guy.
  19. I've never said good teams don't pass. Those are the words you try to put in my mouth. My stance is that you need to be a team that is run first and stays committed to running the ball. Like Alabama. If you look at their stats they are pretty close to 60/40 run pass. That is a run first team. Balanced is 50/50 and the numbers show that it isn't the most successful way to win championship.
  20. So let me ask you this Guy. If you could choose between Osborne and Riley to coach the team next year who would you take? I also disagree with your statement on elite teams. Alabama was not a elite passing team this year. Nebraska never had a elite passing game in 93 to 97.
  21. I'm aware of the offensive lines part in a elite running game. I guess if Alabama didn't have a elite running game this year then I must be missing something. They ran the ball egainst everybody all year. To the point where people stacked the box on them. Opening up their passing game. Part of being a elite running team is commitment to it. If you guys can't see that Alabamas success over the last 5 or 6 years is based on defense and running the football you aren't ever going to get it. Spin it however you want but the numbers back me up.
  22. So the two don't go together? Explain how you can have one without the other? Not to mention over the last 5 years the have turned out several top running backs.
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