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Ric Flair

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Everything posted by Ric Flair

  1. I don't pay attention to SNL. After their all-out campaign to get Hillary elected, I lost any interest in what those hacks have to say. The weekly anti-Trump screed isn't funny. It's the same pointless and humorless schtick every comedian is trying now.
  2. Limited and constitutional government. A strong border and a strong military. Prioritizing the interests of America over those of the rest of the world. Equal protection under the law. Due process. NOT falsely and cynically accusing the other side's judicial nominees of sexual assault and gang rape in order to gain political advantage. The list goes on, but you get the gist.
  3. No generalization...just a simple truth. The same mindless idiots marching in their vagina hats and shrieking about what Kavanaugh allegedly did routinely ignore what the Clintons actually did as they cheer them, vote for them, and give them money and power.
  4. Not at all. Republicans are fully aware of who and what Trump is. If you want us to vote for someone better, put one on the ballot.
  5. It not surprising that you're irritated hen others point our your hypocrisy. There was no credible evidence that Kavanaugh did what he was accused of. So the idea that Dems were outraged...OUTRAGED...about the possibility, while still championing the Clintons made the outrage laughable. Bill did far far worse than Kavanaugh is accused of. Hillary helped to discredit and intimidate his accusers and cover it up. And Dems are outraged about unsubstantiated allegations against Kavanaugh? GIVE ME A BREAK.
  6. Actually it's still embracing the Clintons, one a serial sexual predator and the other his chief enabler, now that we're in the #MeToo era, that's not a good look.
  7. Yeah, that was my reaction to her as well. I was surprised Avenatti and Feinstein didn’t present some woman to claim Kavanaugh drove some alien spaceship that kidnapped her and performed some weird experiments on her. After all, if you’re going to make ridiculously obvious lies about the guy, who not go all in with them? Go big or go home, right? Why halfass it?
  8. Ford seemed like a nice lady, but with some obvious issues. Strangely, most psychologists are a little off themselves. Maybe that’s why they’re attracted to the profession. Ramirez couldn’t remember details about what happened to her or whether Kavanaugh was even responsible. She was calling mutual friends asking them if he was even involved. Swetnick is a flat-out loon. Her demeanor, history, and crazy eyes tell you all you need to know about her. Add in her deranged claims and it’s clear she’s simply out of her mind. Sad that these were the best Democrats could come up with. If they can’t even run a professional hit job on someone, why should we trust them to run the government?
  9. I’m old enough to remember when SNL was funny. That seems like long ago. Now it’s just another liberal wackadoo show serving up Democrat propaganda.
  10. Kavanaugh was precisely correct about that. How many Democrats were howling with outrage about his involvement in Ken Starr’s investigation into the Clintons? They made abundantly clear that their opposition was at least partly about payback. They were willing to falsely accuse the guy of sexual assault and gang rape based on unsubstantiated allegations made by wimen with obvious psychological issues. Why do you think they were so willing to go to such extremes to try to derail his nomination? Come on knapplc. Try harder. This is getting embarrassing.
  11. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/10/brett-kavanaugh-confirmed-supreme-court-justice-prevailed/
  12. He’s an amazingly qualified Justice and a remarkably good and brave man. He fought through lies, smears, and a gauntlet of hate and evil to secure the job. THREE CHEERS FOR BRETT!!!
  13. Rubin is in no sense a conservative. It’s not just that she hates Trump. It’s that she opposes virtually everything the Republican Party stands for. Calling her a conservative in order to oretend their editorial page is fair and balanced is remarkably dishonest.
  14. I think the yards of total offense had far more to do with superhuman efforts from the skill position guys, especially Martinez and Spielman. I saw a decent pocket on some passing plays, with good protection. Overall though, Martinez was having trouble setting his feet anf getting hit more than he should have been, the penalties were drive and momentum killing, and the offense couldn’t get into a rhythm.
  15. There was a decent pocket on some plays. But their overall effort was putrid.
  16. Ford has no ‘evidence’ aside from her own account. NONE. The fact she waited decades to describe the incident and even longer to name him makes her account less credible. It’s possible her memories were reconstructed in therapy. But the long wait makes her allegations less credible.
  17. False. Broaddrick had physical injuries and told people what happened shortly after it happened. Ford had no injuries and told no one for decades. Being non-partisan means you should be at least somewhat objective and gove Trump credit where it’s due. If you can’t do that, then by definition, you’re a partisan.
  18. There is no doubt Kavanaugh liked to drink. No corroboration of that is needed. There is no evidence whatsoever that Kavanaugh assaulted Ford. What you claim as corroboration is laughable.
  19. Broaddrick has evidence. Ford does not. Apples to oranges. For being “non-partisan,” you sure do hate Trump...
  20. Martinez and Spielman have the makings of stars and NFL level skillsets. The offensive skill position guys played lights out and never gave up. I could round up 5 fat guys from any bar in town and they would do a better job of blocking than our offensive line. Their effort and technique are both pathetic. How many big plays were negated by them doing something stupid? The defense is generally bad. Coverage is poor, run defense is bad, and we can’t generate a pass rush. But worst of all is their complete inability to tackle. On several plays, several defenders were running alongside the RB or WR carrying the ball and not even attempting to make a tackle. It reminded me of watching my 4 year-old daughter play soccer. I have confidence in Frost and the staff, but thought we would be further along by now. We have to eliminate mistakes and general stupidity. Some of that is dumb players, but part of it is also coaching. Despite the result last night, I saw signs of progress.
  21. Yeah, better relations with North Korea, tearing up a bad deal with Iran, a better version of NAFTA, a looming trade deal with Europe, and more repsect on the onternational stage...who needs that? Add in a booming economy, with numbers Obama suggested would be impossible, the lowest recorded black and Hispanic unemployment, the lowest recorded female unemployment in around 60 years, the list goes on and on and on. That’s what happens when you have a businessman as President, rather than a pot-smoking community organizer.
  22. I’m actually more surprised by what you don’t know.
  23. Simply saying something is corroboration doesn’t make it so. Kavanaugh drank a lot. He still likes beer. So what? It sounds like most at both Kavanaugh and Ford’s schools enjoyed drinking and partying. You think it’s a coincidence that Ford’s yearbook disappeared from the school’s website just as she was making these charges? I wonder what was in there... The question is whether Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her as she described. A calendar entry that indocated he was goong to have beers with friends says nothing to that. And what’s most amusing is watching you continue to pretend to be the objective and non-partisan voice of reason as you continue to post this ridiculous tripe. So you complain about the partisanship while being one of the most partisan people here. #SAD
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