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Born N Bled Red

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  1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/04/15/lansing-capitol-protest-michigan-stay-home-order/5139472002/ Three questions I'd be curious to find out about this. 1) How many were paid to be there. 2) How many are Russian agitators. 3) How likely is it that Trump is behind it since the Gov. of Michigan directly called him out.
  2. Actual Conversation I had. Completely illustrates the mental hoops some people are willing to go through to support current leaders and the lack of testing being done. Maybe I got through to him? Other guy: So test everyone? Even though they show ZERO symptoms? Giving people false hope? Really? I can agree to test those who are symptomatic, but to test asymptomatic is asinine. Me: Help with the title. "Rand Paul test positive for Covid-19, says he is asymptomatic." Rand Paul, is what is known as a carrier. Even though Rand Paul does not exhibit symptoms, he is passing the virus along to everyone he encounters. Rand Paul is effectively killing people by being in the public while harboring the virus. Most people don't want to be like Rand Paul. https://www.wymt.com/content/news/Rand-Paul-tests-positive-for-COVID-19-569009761.html?fbclid=IwAR0INl1tYAvESMZ6ADd3uSs80YYOc9IGMWWr9W1PFhsPpisQwBRP4N-k-Gk Other guy: he (Rand Paul) is self quaranteed, so he is not spreading any Covid 19 Me: Well hello! How did Rand Paul know to self quarantine... come on I know you'll get there. Other guy: crickets....
  3. I figured it was ageism not politicism. Either way, just celebrating stupidity with you.
  4. The people who drank pool cleaner had a vote too. Just saying.
  5. And testing is STILL what they are refusing to do. Reports across Nebraska and Iowa that symptomatic people are STILL not being tested unless they have traveled or come into direct contact with a known case. Everyone knows the virus is here. Everyone knows symptomatic people that can't get a test. Everyone knows testing is the answer. If I come down with symptoms, I will lie in order to be tested and protect my family and loved ones. They are risking the entire population by still adhering to these terrible testing guidelines that likely weren't even appropriate a month ago. This thing has changed, those two questions are now irrelevant. If test don't soon become available to all symptomatic people, frustrations will boil over and we'll end up with more issues than just the virus to deal with. Everyone is seeing the rich, the famous, and the athletes get tested on demand, but the rest of us are told to stay inside for 14 days and ride it out. What's more not testing is even more damaging to the economy. Test folks for the virus, if they don't have it they can assume normal sick leave protocol then get their butts back to work making and spending money. A 14+ day quarantine takes them out of the economy for an extended amount of time, which will be repeated for every cold/ flu/ etc they might catch that is not corona. Listening to people, I fear we are building a tinder box of frustrations that are reinforcing and exaggerating socio-economic frustrations that were already popping and boiling beneath the surface. I am just as fearful of that fuse being lit as I am the virus.
  6. Did I read this right? These mitigation policies need to be in place until large stockpiles of vaccine are available, which may take as long as 18 months??? I figured 3-6 months... 18 months without school? I can't imagine that happening, but then again even a month ago, I didn't imagine any of this.
  7. So, about the Government Corona Virus Checks, each one needs to come with a signed card with a message from Trump. I can just imagine what it might say. Sorry I f'd this up so bad. It wasn't a hoax, it wasn't contained, and we weren't on top of it. This might help a bit with some of your costs, unless, of course, you die. In that case, my bad. Trump 2020 PS. I blame Kushner! MAGA! Oh and isn't it ironic the great american toilet paper shortage happened on the Trump/ Pence watch/
  8. That high of a positive rate only further shows that the US is only testing cases that are severe, and leaving those who are not experiencing severe symptoms in the general public to infect the rest of us.
  9. Right, that has been the most frustrating part of all this. Every decision so far has come late. Shut down district wrestling 3 hrs after wrestling starts. The next week shut down school a day before spring break... at noon. In both cases they had the knowledge beforehand, but it took an outside source to make the call after exposure had already taken place. This pattern only seems to be repeating itself over and over.
  10. An hour later all ESU2 schools were told to shut down for two weeks.
  11. Lyons Decatur Northeast just announced they will have school.
  12. I'm not usually one to argue with someone who lives and dies by right wing talking points. I learned long ago that it is useless. What I am going to do is share this message. China has done everything it can to contain the virus. Watch any zombie movie/ show, no matter how well you contain something a carrier always gets through. We should have had a secondary line of protection at our ports of entry. This article outlines exactly how someone who was a carrier got into our country, even person 1 here in Nebraska. I know you won't read it because it doesn't fit your narrative and facts don't matter to folks like you, but this will be my one and only attempt to helping you see the failures of the Trump administration in mitigating this outbreak for US citizens. Pretending like the pandemic wasn't happening, wasn't going to hit us, and then that it was all under control instead of testing ill people at the point of entry is why we are now dealing with it and having our lives so thoroughly disrupted now. All that security and safety at Camp Ashland was undone by improper training, handling, and messaging. - I'm out. He said "the alarm bells" sounded when he saw how the outbreak was being addressed at San Francisco International Airport. "They literally had no idea what they were doing," he said, adding that one airport official even admitted that since things had escalated so quickly they were in disarray. As passengers got off the plane, no one was at the gate to recording their temperatures, he said. (One of the symptoms of the disease is a fever, though a few cases are asymptomatic.) https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-outbreak-covid19-self-quarantine-us-safer-china-2020-3?fbclid=IwAR0_u2rV663SZjVBaDSX71PlD13yCYKUROMLvCAGwo17WJM-_ian_fDernc
  13. This corona virus while absolutely terrible, may just open enough people eyes to the fact that our current healthcare system is terrible and a medicare for all solution is necessary.
  14. Story time, we had a district youth wrestling event in Fremont on Saturday. Right as the first session was wrapping up, confusion set in as rumors started flying that the place was being evacuated. No one knew why. Soon, people were sprinting out of the building, some covering their mouths. Come to find out the patient in quarantine from Omaha had been there the week before. Rumor is those behind districts were aware but decided the risk was low and went forward with the tourney. Apparantly the CDC called and told them to shut down. This, after all the morning session wrestlers and families had been in the building wrestling for more than 3 hours. Fast forward to Sunday mid-afternoon, my 7 year old wrestler starts to lose his voice and start coughing. At 8:30 pm, he registers a fever of 100+. Knowing the likelihood of his exposure was slim to none, we suspect influenza as we had other children in our home that tested positive for type A in the last week/ week and half. So we give him Tylenol and send him to bed, with the intent to take him in and potentially get some tamaflu in the morning. Call in the morning to get a doc appointment. Because we were at the tournament we were unable to get an appointment until the case was reviewed by DHHS. After two different conversations with DHHS, we were able to get an appointment as the risk of Corona being the cause of my son's illness was low. My son tested negative for both Influenza A and B. We were told that he has some "viral infection" and to practice home care. He did not fit the profile for a Corona patient and so a test was not even considered, in spite of multiple possible exposures- Elkhorn Wrestling Tournament, Logan View Wrestling Tournament, Districts in Fremont, and more. He was cleared to go back to school and would be there today, had his fever not climbed back above 100 last night. Do I think he has Corona Virus? NOPE, but it would sure as heck be a lot smarter to completely rule it out before sending him back to school and to interact with grandparents, elderly teachers, and other students that could potentially become carriers as well. This is why this virus will spread and spread fast. The lack of testing may keep the "total number of cases" metric low, but it does nothing to protect the public from people who may have picked it up second hand. Volunteers from the Special Olympic event in Fremont and other participants are embedded throughout Northeast Nebraska, working as cooks in restaurants, student volunteers, etc. at this point no one truly knows the extent of exposure.
  15. Because old people vote, and they vote for candidates they know, and names that are familiar.
  16. You didn't include Pete as a VP candidate for Sanders.
  17. Trump pardoned Blagojevich 1) So that when he pardons all his crooked buddies he can say, "Hey I do it for Dems, too!" 2) To desensitize the country to corruption and show that its not a big deal. 3) Because he will be a thorn in the side of Dems In that order of priority. It is a calculated attempt to continue to advance his agenda.
  18. Well sticking with Trump, we're already a third of the way there. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-national-debt-increase-3-trillion-first-three-years-presidency-1483660
  19. The republicans need Trump in order to hold the presidency. If he wins, they just might support impeachment having already won the white house for four more years. This would set up President Pence, and leave Democrats running against an incumbent again in 2024. Incumbents are hard to beat. If this happens, they would be wisest to vote for impeachment just after January 2022, leaving Pence to finish out Trump's second term, with two terms of his own to follow, potentially. This could, in theory, set up 12 more years of a Republican in the Oval Office.
  20. Lol... put your hand up, maybe you'll catch it next time
  21. If anyone has more time and better graphic skills than I, I'd love to see a Meme of the "and you were there, and you, and you," scene of Dororthy in the Wizard of Oz, in which Dorothy is identified as John Bolton, and the rest of the cast are Trump, Mulvany, Cipollone, and Giuliani.
  22. This has been the pattern of every wrongdoing Trump has been accused of. Trump is accused. Trump Denies. Evidence comes out proving he did, Trump Denies. Overwhelming evidence comes out, Trump says I did it, but it wasn't illegal. Trump starts new controversy to distract from the old, Trump is off the hook. EVERY TIME!!!
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