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Born N Bled Red

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Everything posted by Born N Bled Red

  1. The thing you're missing here.... Trump doesn't care about abortion. In fact, he doesn't care about any policy issues. He wants and craves power and money, and the ability to exploit his power for more power and money. The maga cult, religious right, and duped working class are a merely the pawns willing to give him power and money, if he helps them get what they want. That's why you can't pin him down on policy positions. He is willing to do and say anything in order to gain power. If liberals were willing to elect him and grant him his power and money, he would be left of Bernie.
  2. In my entire life, I have not seen any presidential election in which one third of voters did not express frustration at the 2 candidates they have to choose from. Every single presidential election has had some form of. "I'm voting for the lesser of 2 evils, this is the best we got?, why doesn't someone good run discussion. Regarding both candidates. Democrats just can't get out of their own freaking way, and seem to have a freak out every election about this time. Remember when Hilary struggled to come out on top of Bernie and there was a late push to draft Biden?
  3. I hope this is true. I fear it is, instead, Putin pulling back to conserve resources until Trump pulls the US funding and gift wraps Ukraine to Russia.
  4. 100% And even if they had done this a year ago, running Kamala loses the election too. Jeff Jackson is one of the few who could have stepped in a year ago and stood a chance. https://www.congress.gov/member/jeff-jackson/J000308 Only other one I could see is Pete Buttigieg.
  5. Haha... good. He probably wanted to tell them. To "f" off but couldn't bring himself to say it. It takes a lot of self control to start a sentence in which you're going to tell someone off and then stop yourself before finishing the line.
  6. Holy crap... thats quick! Usually it takes days or weeks to find the shooters motive and manifesto. Twitter had it in minutes. Investigators are getting way better at this stuff!
  7. Are you suggesting it's not possible? We'll see how the facts shake out, but it all seems odd especially since Trump already has a significant secret service detail and other security.
  8. Yeah, I hope no one was seriously injured and if it was legit whoever did it is caught and held accountable. Is Pennsylvania a conceal carry state? Sending thoughts and prayers.
  9. To boost poll numbers. The video is out. 5 or 6 shots and no one in the audience vacates. Woman in the front row gets her phone out to record Trump on the ground instead of seeking cover, directly in the line of fire? To me it looks as if it was expected.
  10. I suspect its a false flag.1. If Trump was the target folks around him would've dropped with each miss. 2. Trump would be screaming about gun control if he was actually scared or hit. Either that or look for a limping Democrat trying to find medical care.
  11. Its because the Democratic party is ran by self righteous morons who think they are smarter than they are. The correct response to a debate challenge from Trump was. "Donald Trump is a convicted felon and a sexual offender. I will not legitimize his candidacy or his intolerable acts by granting him a debate." Done. Republicans would have said he's scared blah blah, who cares. Anytime someone asked Joe about Trump, all he had to say is "Donald Trump is an illegitimate candidate, a convicted felon, and sex offender. He is not capable of holding the office of president." Memorize that line, repeat it at every opportunity until the entire electorate can recite it because they've heard it so often. It's called staying on message. Now the dipwads are playing into Trumps hand by repeating themselves the same lines that Trump repeated ad naseum. Bunch of damn idiots!
  12. Democrats are damn stupid. The republican party could keep dimensia Reagan in office, but once again democrats prove they can't shut their freaking mouths and make the power play for the good of the country. For once take a page out of the Republican playbook and realize maintaining power is the most important thing right now. The rest of it comes after November. Just shut the heck up and quit throwing your own under the bus. Al Franken is somewhere shaking his head that this dumb a$$ party still can't figure out how to get out of their own way. It's no wonder Republicans think they could win a civil war. Democrats are more likely to shoot themselves in the foot than shoot an enemy.
  13. Courts have proven written law has no effect on their law. What's more your constitutional knowledge is bunk, no cap.
  14. Joe Biden: "In my first official act under the new authority granted to the Presidency by the Supreme Court. I am canceling the 2024 election do to lack of a viable candidate from another major party. This is an official act of the Office of the President of the United States."
  15. The executive branch never has had absolute authority. The executive branch interprets, administers, and enforces. The courts are there to rule if the law, as interpreted and applied by the executive branch, is in line with the intent of the law. Chevron never gave the executive branch absolute authority and to suggest and argue otherwise, when you know better, is asinine, in poor faith, and rudimentary parroting of talking points. Bad take.
  16. First play of the first game, Haarberg comes out at QB, the line gets set. A wr goes in motion for some jet sweep action. Suddenly Haarberg shifts down to tight end, the Wr stops and takes the snap. It's Raiola. The crowd roars, while the defense bites on the play action fake. Raiola throws up a bomb. 80 yard td Raila to Haarberg. The stadium explodes and the 2024 Huskers are off and running!
  17. As many of us said during his playing years, Martinez's success, or lack thereof, here had far more to do with the talent around him that it did his own. He had the worst line Nebraska has had since before Devany, no name running backs, and receivers that struggled to catch a ball. How many touch downs did Cade Warner drop? Martinez was the only reason we had so many one loss games under Frost, without him we would have looked like a MAC school out there, just as we did at the end of Riley's tenure. You remember him not being great because he had no room for error whatsoever. For us to win he literally had to be perfect every snap of every game. His 1-2 errors out of 75ish snaps seemingly cost the game because he was literally the only one who could win the game for us so if he wasn't perfect it didn't happen. I, for one, will always say Martinez was way better than most give him credit for and its good he's getting the chance to prove it.
  18. He'd rather his taxes go to PPP loans, corporate bailouts, and subsidizing mega corporation and share holder profits through government benefits so they can continue to pay substandard wages. Oh and also, don't forget the farmers. Make sure the farmers get their welfare (ehrm) subsidy checks. Those are the folks that really need tax dollars in their pockets.
  19. Time in the pocket, no fear of being sacked, not rushed into falling back into bad habits.
  20. Tominaga yells, "yeah man, good job" to a teammate and gets T'd up... lol
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