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Everything posted by SWAMI

  1. I get that sker. My dad has had two heart attacks, both in his 60s - he's now 82. I remember the first one when I got the call at 3 am. Scared the crap out of me. Was at the hospital in 10 minutes. Glad to hear you're doing fine. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 06, and after the requisite depression (tried to take my life) I turned my life over to the Lord, and I've never known happiness like I do know. I've learned that I'm happiest when I'm helping others. Few have been blessed to the degree that God has blessed me. I'm 60 and still have both parents who have kept it together for over 60 years, and two of the most precious kids a guy could dream for. I grew up in Illinois, but went to Nebraska and walked on the Frosh team coached by Ross. I thought you guys were all nuts, but then realized that what you have is so very special. I've taken great pride in bringing my kids and others back to that great state. I only get back once a year now. Use to be twice as a frat brother who now runs the pharmacy in Valley grew up in Crawford and we would pile into his motor home with golf clubs, booze and shotguns, and head out for a turkey shoot around the Fort Robinson area every spring. The secret to happiness is best found in Philippians 4:8. "Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable; if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, set your mind on these things." Take care man. GBR
  2. Were any of Beck's calls dumber than throwing the bomb on 1st and 10 with a 7 point lead, 2 and a half minutes to go and Bama having only 2 time outs left. That was the single dumbest play I've ever seen. Another high on my list happened in the 1st have of same game: 1st and goal from the 1, a 250 pound QB, and they line up in shot gun with an empty backfield. Sneak the damn thing 3 times if you have to. They were stacking the box and he went for the kill shot. He even said it would have ended the game and he was right. My goodness, play to win the game and don't play to not lose the game. Come on man! You can't be serious? I can argue this but we won't change each others mind. I was fine with the call. I also have been watching Urban coach the Buckeyes for three seasons and have been fine with the majority of his calls because they get the job done. I am not going to cray over a couple freaking plays since he has only lost 3 games over that span. You assumed I think he is a bad coach. I never stated that. In fact I think he is a great coach. I was merely pointing out that those two instances were stupid. His body of work, despite the occasional f-up, which all coaches make, speaks for itself.
  3. Were any of Beck's calls dumber than throwing the bomb on 1st and 10 with a 7 point lead, 2 and a half minutes to go and Bama having only 2 time outs left. That was the single dumbest play I've ever seen. Another high on my list happened in the 1st have of same game: 1st and goal from the 1, a 250 pound QB, and they line up in shot gun with an empty backfield. Sneak the damn thing 3 times if you have to. They were stacking the box and he went for the kill shot. He even said it would have ended the game and he was right. My goodness, play to win the game and don't play to not lose the game. Maybe they should have thrown all 3 times and then faked the punt. Each one would have been ever more surprising to Bama. Play to win the game. Playing to win the game with a 7 point lead means run the clock, and if you don't get a first you punt. Hell, they had the ball at mid-field. Providing you don't get the first you put them in a position where they have to drive 80 yards with under a minute to go. This isn't rocket science. Play to win the game.???
  4. Were any of Beck's calls dumber than throwing the bomb on 1st and 10 with a 7 point lead, 2 and a half minutes to go and Bama having only 2 time outs left. That was the single dumbest play I've ever seen. Another high on my list happened in the 1st have of same game: 1st and goal from the 1, a 250 pound QB, and they line up in shot gun with an empty backfield. Sneak the damn thing 3 times if you have to. They were stacking the box and he went for the kill shot. He even said it would have ended the game and he was right. My goodness, play to win the game and don't play to not lose the game. Come on man! You can't be serious?
  5. Ya "He stressed himself out, had a cardiac scare, and said it is not worth it." Then suddenly decided it was worth it. I understand now.
  6. Were any of Beck's calls dumber than throwing the bomb on 1st and 10 with a 7 point lead, 2 and a half minutes to go and Bama having only 2 time outs left. That was the single dumbest play I've ever seen. Another high on my list happened in the 1st half of same game: 1st and goal from the 1, a 250 pound QB, and they line up in shot gun with an empty backfield. Sneak the damn thing 3 times if you have to.
  7. That is what I have been saying about Riley at NU... But I have been told more than a few times that Riley getting 7 wins next season would be good. Meyer is a stud...he clearly had his choice of almost anyone he wanted for this spot and he picked Beck, which says a lot, it might not mean he will be great at OSU but it clearly says a lot that he is the one that was picked. You've been told that by your fellow pearl clutchers. So...you are saying that 7 wins next year is horrible, correct? I'm on record saying I think NU will be fine next year. I'll say Neb does better than 9-4 next year. I 100% agree! Better staff, they don't lose a lot of players, they have most of the defense back and all tough teams at home... It would not shock me at all if they only dropped one game. Dream until your dreams come true.
  8. lol what is this nonsense Just saying. Guys good, sure, but best in the country?Gary Patterson says hello! The best coaches in the country don't need 5 star talent across the board to be "the best coach in the country"! Patterson is good no doubt but Urban is a little better. Patterson is 132-45 in his career. All at TCU Meyer is 141-26 in his career. Split between Utah, Florida and tOSU. Patterson started at TCU in 2000 and Meyer started at Utah in 2001. But the talent level is the difference!Meyer started Utah in 2003 and left in 2004. The WAC. And the Utes have largely held onto their success since. Basically, record is not the whole story. Utah was in the Mountain West then. Yes, it's not a Power 5 conference but going undefeated for a full year is nothing to down play.I don't know how people can say Meyer isn't a good coach. Part of being a college coach is bringing in the talent, and he has done that. With that talent he has won 2 NC's and is in a 3rd NC game tomorrow. His record speaks for itself. You ever wonder why he left Florida? Didn't the story sound a bit odd when you heard it? Scoop. The other SEC coaches had the goods on him and gave him an ultimatum - get out of the conference or we turn you in. Ya, he brings in talent. He also beat Bama. I wouldn't be surprised to see the old school boys from the south break their gentlemen's agreement. Stay tuned.
  9. Nice to hear an honest answer without trashing the employer.
  10. Urban on the other BIG coaches about recruiting better? That's laughable seeing as how he got the ultimatum from the other SEC coaches to leave or get turned in for egregious violations.
  11. I agree with some things, I think Gregory is overrated as a pass rusher, see his game against michigan in 2013 when he faced Taylor Lewan, a taste of what the pros are like. I predict 2nd round pick. Gregory needs to put on 15 to 20 lbs. without slowing him down. He can't play in the NFL this light without being injury prone.
  12. I'm friends with a major booster of Notre Dame, and he wants Kelly gone. Cited staying with the QB too long and off field activities - one being that kid dying filming practice from that structure in 50 MPH winds back in 2010. At the time an ND spokesman said the weather reports weren't accurate regarding wind speeds. Dah, stick your finger in the air. It's too windy.
  13. The committee didn't get TCU right. How can you move a team up to 3rd, then have that team win their next game by 50, and subsequently drop them to 5th. Boggles the mind. Oregon, TCU, Ohio St., North Dakota St. errrr. Alabama.
  14. The committee didn't get TCU right. How can you move a team up to 3rd, then have that team win their next game by 50, and subsequently drop them to 5th. Boggles the mind.
  15. You gotta love it. They won despite Urban. Thought he must have gone to the Bo Pelini School on Coaching. First half - first and goal from the one and they line up in shotgun? With a big QB. Sneak the damn thing 3 times if you have to. Then that last drive pass. What the hell was he thinking. We'll trick em. Was pulling my nose hairs out. GO SEC. Down the tubes. YES! Ohio State has never run under center since Urban Meyer became coach. Switching to that at the goal line could be disastrous. (Since they never practice it) What ensued was disastrous. They go from 1st and goal from the 1 to 2nd and goal from the 10. I assume you are implying that they might fumble the snap? I'll take my chances under center. Correct. And personally, I'd rather take only a safety than give the other team a chance to get a TD from fumbling the snap. I think you are confused. They were first and goal from the 1 yard line. Unless they would get sacked for a 99 yard loss, a safety wasn't a concern. When you're first and goal on the 1 you don't line up in a shotgun especially with an empty backfield. Did you see this play? If so didn't you cringe when you saw this formation?
  16. No way 6!!! Idiotic idea!!! 6 does not make a bracket, it has to go to 8. Why would you want to have two bye's. You have been watching Dumb and Dumber way too often.T_O_B I'm still on the 6 team playoff train. It's not a bad idea to allow the top two teams an extra week off. It gets all 5 power five champs in and the best other team out there. With that said, I'm leaning towards 8 each day, just for competitions sake. I think we should not give too much emphasis on which are the top 2 teams. As has been stated the old systems top 2 teams would have been playing each other and that would have been Alabama v. Florida St. Hope that makes sense as I know someone will try to point out F St. wasn't ranked 2nd. They still would have gotten the invite by virtue of being undefeated and defending champs.
  17. You gotta love it. They won despite Urban. Thought he must have gone to the Bo Pelini School on Coaching. First half - first and goal from the one and they line up in shotgun? With a big QB. Sneak the damn thing 3 times if you have to. Then that last drive pass. What the hell was he thinking. We'll trick em. Was pulling my nose hairs out. GO SEC. Down the tubes. YES! Ohio State has never run under center since Urban Meyer became coach. Switching to that at the goal line could be disastrous. (Since they never practice it) What ensued was disastrous. They go from 1st and goal from the 1 to 2nd and goal from the 10. I assume you are implying that they might fumble the snap? I'll take my chances under center.
  18. I think Auburn was voted #1 at one point as well. Remember all that talk early on about possibly 3 SEC teams in the playoffs. Crash and burn Maverick. Crash and burn under the hard-deck. Sweet.
  19. OLnly thing that could have been better would have been if Brent Mushberger had been doing the game.
  20. You gotta love it. They won despite Urban. Thought he must have gone to the Bo Pelini School on Coaching. First half - first and goal from the one and they line up in shotgun? With a big QB. Sneak the damn thing 3 times if you have to. Then that last drive pass. What the hell was he thinking. We'll trick em. Was pulling my nose hairs out. GO SEC. Down the tubes. YES!
  21. I hope that kid is Okay. These are the kind of hits that lead to major health problems later in life.
  22. So was I. If the SEC is going to win I'm happy it's middling Big 12 new comers Mizzou and A&M. The old south can't stand them.
  23. I don't listen to the condescending know-it-all.
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