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Everything posted by Moesker

  1. Agree. Rose on crutches might still be our best option.
  2. You have a good point. Perhaps a pair of them, I suspect. No, I have a small gut created the old fashioned way...by eating. .
  3. I drank a lot of beer in college and I still drink to this day. I had a really good friend in college that smoked weed in college more than he drank. To this day, he has a hard time with memory loss and comprehending things that shouldn't be that hard to comprehend. If you really think that weed is far less dangerous than alcohol and tobacoo, then you haven't been around too many people that have been doing it for an extended period of time. I don't use marijuana and never have. I also don't drink very much. I have been around people who have drank to excess and smoked weed to excess and I will take the potheads over the drunks every time. The drunks are the ones acting belligerent and getting into trouble while the potheads usually just sit there. Weed is less dangerous than alcohol despite your buddy. I have buried friends because of their night of drinking but have yet to bury any because of their night with weed. True. But beer doesn't cause manboobs to grow. MOOBS Sure it does. They aren't as noticeable compared to that huge beer belly.
  4. Exactly. Legalize it, tax it, and put the money towards schools or something. +1 Also quit incarcerating pot heads for possession, and clogging up our prisons. Just levy fines based on the amount of the possession. One of the biggest groups supporting keeping marijuana illegal is those who run prisons. They don't want to see their profits decrease.
  5. I drank a lot of beer in college and I still drink to this day. I had a really good friend in college that smoked weed in college more than he drank. To this day, he has a hard time with memory loss and comprehending things that shouldn't be that hard to comprehend. If you really think that weed is far less dangerous than alcohol and tobacoo, then you haven't been around too many people that have been doing it for an extended period of time. I don't use marijuana and never have. I also don't drink very much. I have been around people who have drank to excess and smoked weed to excess and I will take the potheads over the drunks every time. The drunks are the ones acting belligerent and getting into trouble while the potheads usually just sit there. Weed is less dangerous than alcohol despite your buddy. I have buried friends because of their night of drinking but have yet to bury any because of their night with weed.
  6. Thats a bs argument as it will never be legal for teens. Alcohol is also bad for teens development.
  7. I think that it is bad in general but not nearly as bad as alcohol or many other legal drugs. Soda is probably killing me slowly.
  8. I was just going to post something like that. I would say that would be a great idea especially for Western Ne and the many fans of DONU in Colorado I am all for this.
  9. Without a doubt. Phil Steele gives his opinion and doesn't think twice about Nebraska after that. Far too many Husker fans suffer from chronically thin skin.
  10. I am an ~atheist but I still consider "my people" to be Americans. I will fight for the rights and well-being of any Americans before I will somebody in another country. Its unfortunate that there are regions in the world where people are being tortured or killed because of their faith but I guarentee in every country that is happening, atheists are still a couple rungs lower as far as the social hierarchy goes. Many American Christians always complain about how they are persecuted for their beliefs here in the US. It really cheapens those who are truly persecuted in other parts of the world.
  11. Also got a commitment for the class of 2017.
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