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Everything posted by huskerfan2000

  1. So do you believe the Putin is a better leader than Obama? What I think doesn't matter Please, think about what was said..
  2. How am I deflecting? She's a lying dirt ball. We agree on that. I didn't think there was much to discuss. I'm just making a comment about some people's perspective of CNN. The media outlet really doesn't matter in this case, but you are right, CNN running with this is a bit surprising.
  3. right, deflect from the message, this way you can ignore it while drawing attention away.
  4. We/I don't know enough about him to hold him as any standard! Do you think what you see on TV is exactly who a person is? No! Do you know enough about him to call him someone you can look up to? Well, some might, but I need to know more. I don't just pick someone in the government, or in the public eye, and just assume what I see is exactly who that person is. Like Hillary Clinton for example!
  5. I believe she is the "village idiot"! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCS_4SF37_E
  6. because I asked who said he was a hero and said respected is different than being a hero, you ask what I have against him?
  7. lol, it is not indicative of Putin, but of Obama and the dems.. That is why it is being said! Not that I am backing the repubs, they are ever bit of the problem with our government.. Bush was a big defender of the North American Union, which isn't dead by any means.
  8. Wow. I feel for you. Yeah, sucks when there is no competition, they can set whatever price they want.
  9. Respected is totally different than what was said.. and just because he held those positions doesn't mean he was any ones hero, respected? ok.
  10. Gotta love the "deflect at all costs" posts. Who said anything about Powell being a republican hero, or even a standard to hold ones self?
  11. You are spot on with this. If anyone else lied to the FBI they would be locked up. How is she even allowed to run for POTUS except for the fact that she appears to be above the law. What if most striking is the difference in how elected party members respond to significant stories like this. When Trump screws up (such as with the Khan situation), you will see leading party officials come out and criticize him, whether its Rubio, Kasich, Bush, or others in Congress. Meanwhile, when there is evidence Hillary has lied again, what do we hear from elected Democrats...crickets. They need to be calling her out rather than standing by her in silence. Please point me to where she lied to the FBI. Specifically. Unbelievable, Hillary supporters will ignore anything she does. I think you just proved my point. No, you proved my point, there are plenty of real hard core facts that show how Hillary lied, you ignore them. See my videos above. Yet you don't care that Trump lies both more frequently and in a greater magnitude of bullsh#t. Must be everyone else that's brainwashed though. Trump is an idiot and I won't vote for him, he lies just as much. Neither are fit to be President. Do I need to say it again? Also, I bag on Hillary more because she by far scares me more than Trump. NEITHER are fit.. and I won't vote for him! If Trump doesn't scare you more then you need to wake up. If Hillary doesn't scare you more then you need to wake up.
  12. You are spot on with this. If anyone else lied to the FBI they would be locked up. How is she even allowed to run for POTUS except for the fact that she appears to be above the law. What if most striking is the difference in how elected party members respond to significant stories like this. When Trump screws up (such as with the Khan situation), you will see leading party officials come out and criticize him, whether its Rubio, Kasich, Bush, or others in Congress. Meanwhile, when there is evidence Hillary has lied again, what do we hear from elected Democrats...crickets. They need to be calling her out rather than standing by her in silence. Please point me to where she lied to the FBI. Specifically. She lied many times about 'not remembering' basically everything she has stated publicly unequivocally she did and did not do. She has lied so many times on so many things, I don't feel like listing her entire statements. She lied about: not having multiple devices. This is NOT something one 'forgets' (reports are she used a dozen different phones, pads, computers, etc. She claimed she used ONLY one! This is absolutely a LIE! This is NOT a mistake, an error, an accident, a 'slip up', a 'fib', a failure of memory or any other rationalization by anybody trying to defend the indefensible. She is a compulsive liar. It appears she cannot help herself and often lies about things she has no need to lie for in an effort to cover up her criminal activities. Or, more likely, she made a mistake on the emails, but not a prosecutable criminal action. There ya have it folks.. just like I said above!!
  13. You don't have to pay attention, but I won't stop!
  14. One was from CNN, you must have ignored that one.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. You are spot on with this. If anyone else lied to the FBI they would be locked up. How is she even allowed to run for POTUS except for the fact that she appears to be above the law. What if most striking is the difference in how elected party members respond to significant stories like this. When Trump screws up (such as with the Khan situation), you will see leading party officials come out and criticize him, whether its Rubio, Kasich, Bush, or others in Congress. Meanwhile, when there is evidence Hillary has lied again, what do we hear from elected Democrats...crickets. They need to be calling her out rather than standing by her in silence. Please point me to where she lied to the FBI. Specifically. Unbelievable, Hillary supporters will ignore anything she does. I think you just proved my point. No, you proved my point, there are plenty of real hard core facts that show how Hillary lied, you ignore them. See my videos above. Yet you don't care that Trump lies both more frequently and in a greater magnitude of bullsh#t. Must be everyone else that's brainwashed though. Trump is an idiot and I won't vote for him, he lies just as much. Neither are fit to be President. Do I need to say it again? Also, I bag on Hillary more because she by far scares me more than Trump. NEITHER are fit.. and I won't vote for him!
  16. You are spot on with this. If anyone else lied to the FBI they would be locked up. How is she even allowed to run for POTUS except for the fact that she appears to be above the law. What if most striking is the difference in how elected party members respond to significant stories like this. When Trump screws up (such as with the Khan situation), you will see leading party officials come out and criticize him, whether its Rubio, Kasich, Bush, or others in Congress. Meanwhile, when there is evidence Hillary has lied again, what do we hear from elected Democrats...crickets. They need to be calling her out rather than standing by her in silence. Please point me to where she lied to the FBI. Specifically. Unbelievable, Hillary supporters will ignore anything she does. I think you just proved my point. No, you proved my point, there are plenty of real hard core facts that show how Hillary lied, you ignore them. See my videos above.
  17. How anyone can say with a straight face this women is even the slightest bit qualified is beyond me, and it shows brainwashing. I am very sorry, i don't mean to offend anyone, but it is 100% true. This woman is way more scarier than Trump, and he is bad. PLEASE, stop being partisan and do not vote for this woman. We will regret it!
  18. another gem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6M67nHDmNE
  19. Well, that isn't true.. They sell very fast, always have. Again, I know I have been looking. Dealers can't keep them in stock.
  20. Yep, we are so far from being a top 10 team it is a bit scary. It won't take much of a decent defense to stop our running game based off of that game forcing TA to pass, and that won't go well because we couldn't even keep Fresno out of the backfield.
  21. I have been looking into this type of service.. Vue or sling. My problem will really be slow internet. I live in the country and all I have available to me in a wireless service out of Lincoln and it is only 3 mbps for $54.00.. no competition. I did find another wireless service that I have been bugging about expanding, signal is literally 8 miles away. They have 15 mbps.. They said they are looking into it for after the first of the year.. hopeful!!! My current company can go up to 5 mpbs but for $94 a month.
  22. That style of tackling is now considered "rugby style"? That is how I was taught to tackle! Hit them at the hips and pull the legs to your chest.. You can drop a person real quick by doing that! Talking about when a single person makes the tackle.
  23. nobody suggested that.. I did talk about unnecessary regulations being the reason why car manufacturer's cheat. Chevy pulled the cruze diesel just after VW had issues, wonder why?
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