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Everything posted by cornstar

  1. I really appreciate it how we keep dedicating our games, effort, etc. to Sam Foltz, RIP, but would it be inappropriate here for me to ask if maybe, just maybe, we could ask Caleb Lightbourn to perhaps re-dedicate himself to punting the rest of the season 'for Sam' in the manner in which Sam would have done were he still here? Gee whiz! I realize Caleb was recruited to place kick and not as a punter but this guy is gonna lead the nation as the 'worst' punter ? A negative 3 yard punt, a couple blocked and a bunch more shanks and etc. I know he is capable of kicking 42 yards and he has that chip and roll -rugby style in his arsenel. I also realize that Caleb is punting under extreme duress as blocking has been poor or worse often all year. If Drew Brown were not having a superb season, our special teams would be 'bottom ten' at best. They are putrid most of the time. Lightborn was not recruited as a place kicker. But I mostly agree with the rest of your post.
  2. Not disagreeing, but that should not have been a penalty.
  3. Tommy had missed a few, but he's the least of our problems. We should be up by 10.
  4. This about sums it up. And the running game has been solid when used. If course, the D hasn't been lights out either.
  5. I'd like to think that we've actually learned from history. I could be wrong, I guess..
  6. Very good points. To be fair, Hillary has had more than her fair share of screw ups, yet many (mostly on the left) still followed and voted for her. It's not like Bill and her are at all saintly.
  7. That's fair. I guess I feel like much of what he has said is a lot of bluster and bravado. But he did day some pretty nasty stuff.
  8. Haha. I get that. Sorry, I'm just really frustrated and bewildered by these protests. I understand the protester's concerns, but I don't get their want to do it now. If they peaceably protest during the campaign, cool. If they do so if and when Trump screws up, great. But now? I just don't get it.
  9. Thanks. I'm not unreasonable, I want this country fixed. I hope The Donald can do it, but I'm very cautious. I agree with Dudeguy's last post, too.
  10. Since no rights have been taken yet by Trump, there is nothing to protest. The police have better things to do. There is plenty of crime they need to attend to. If no rights have been taken away, then obviously they still have the right to protest regardless of how you feel about it, and the mandate of police is to respond accordingly. It's cool that you don't personally believe it's legitimate, but that's not what 'protect and serve' really implies for the job of a policeman when people exercise their legal rights. I guess it's an opinion that the police have better things to do, unless you have, like, a list of all things police do or are asked to do ranked from first to last in order of priority? All true. I'd prefer if the police were tracking down gang members, rapists, and murderers, not babysitting the hissy fit the entitled mob was having because the election didn't turn out to their liking.
  11. I agree with much of this, but can you explain how voting has become almost impossible? It was easier than ever for me. I requested an early ballot, filled it out on my time, and dropped it off on my way home from work. Not that voting has ever been difficult, but it was ridiculously easy this year. Can't disagree with you more. But it's not worth discussion at this point.
  12. Since no rights have been taken yet by Trump, there is nothing to protest. The police have better things to do. There is plenty of crime they need to attend to. The police presence at a rally tonight was impressive. Lots of cops that could be working elsewhere.
  13. The impression I got from ABC news was that those stupid toothless cracker hick men got Trump elected. On a side note, I saw a graph showing that essentially Trump got about the same amount of votes that McCain got in 2008, but Obama got about twice as many votes in 2008 as Hilary got this year. Yet I swore that the media said that turnout was similar to what it was the past 2 elections. Any help?
  14. Wow. Following this line of thinking, all of the cowards who have executed a police officer in the last 7 and a half years have done so due to Obama's war on police. Thanks again, Obama. (Serious)
  15. Thanks for dodging the question. But the police are supposed to serve and protect, not babysit entitled anti American malcontents who can't deal with the fact that their candidate lost. One of the best gifs going around right now says something to the effect of "protesting when your rights haven't been taken from you isn't protesting, it's whining. " At this point there is nothing to protest. If the shoe fits.... I agree.
  16. Did Donald Trump "look like a cry baby" in 2012? I'd say so. Some would say certainly. But at least he had 4 years of evidence to protest. How do you feel about the police having to utilize their resources to baby sit these protesters?
  17. Look at the Republican platform. Look at the Trump campaign promises. Look at who controls both chamber of Congress and soon to be all three branches of the federal government, as well as a heady majority of state legislatures in the country. I'm afraid I can't see how "just repeal it" is not the path forward right now. I'd be thankful for anyone who can spell this out to me. Sorry If this has already been asked, but can it be repealed without a super majority in the Senate?
  18. I agree. IMO, it's over the top and I'm tired of the whining. The protests prior to him spending one day in office wreak of crybaby sour grapes. If he F's stuff up big time, have at him. Sure hope you didn't vote for Trump. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266034630820507648 And a super duper ironic tweet from The Donald: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266034957875544064 He deleted two more from that rant: "The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!" "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!" Your president-elect, folks. While I'm not advocating or agreeing with what was said in those tweets, the difference is we had 4 years of Obamas Presidency to actually protest.You mean like the more than four years of this kind of thing from Trump that these people are protesting? Or are you saying people can ONLY protest a sitting president? This explanation doesn't really explain anything. Care to explain? They can peacefully protest whatever they want. I thought I was pretty clear on what I said. Trump doesn't have 4 Presidential years to protest. Oh, so you're cool with them protesting the spew from Donald's last four years then? Me too. Cool. In theory, sure they have the right to look like cry babies. It's a shame though that the police have to waste their time baby sitting these malcontents and put the general public's safety at risk over the protester's temper tantrums.
  19. I agree. IMO, it's over the top and I'm tired of the whining. The protests prior to him spending one day in office wreak of crybaby sour grapes. If he F's stuff up big time, have at him. Sure hope you didn't vote for Trump. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266034630820507648 And a super duper ironic tweet from The Donald: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266034957875544064 He deleted two more from that rant: "The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!" "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!" Your president-elect, folks. While I'm not advocating or agreeing with what was said in those tweets, the difference is we had 4 years of Obamas Presidency to actually protest.You mean like the more than four years of this kind of thing from Trump that these people are protesting? Or are you saying people can ONLY protest a sitting president? This explanation doesn't really explain anything. Care to explain? They can peacefully protest whatever they want. I thought I was pretty clear on what I said. Trump doesn't have 4 Presidential years to protest.
  20. Why do you not pretend to see that people on both sides are being awful the past 2 days? People are chanting racist things in schools, abusing minorities, painting swastikas. Why are you pretending not to see those things? Why can't you be like the rest of us and see that there are a$$hole$ everywhere? There are idiots on both sides, but what I'm saying is that I do not recall seeing Conservatives organizing huge events to protest Obama when he won in 2008. We are talking mass protests across multiple cities, California threatening to secede, etc... I am all for peaceful protests, but c'mon, the guy hasn't even gotten into office and the left is already complaining non-stop. Right. Our "responsible" Republican leaders in Congress just met up and decided they were going to fight everything he did. I know they won and everything, but I loss a massive amount of respect for the GOP this cycle, for numerous reasons. Not that I loved them to begin with, but I'd like to be open to them if they'd act like a responsible, respectable party. I don't think I'm alone in this regard. Are you saying that GOP leadership fighting against an agenda they disagree with is the same as people protesting the rightful outcome of the election? I'm saying I don't agree with unequivocal obstructionism because I don't think it's good for the country. I'm also saying I expect better from our elected politicians than our citizens. No one is challenging the outcome of the election. But Clinton won the popular vote and people should have the right to be pissed if they do so peacefully. To your first two statements, ok. That's fair. While people have the right to be pissed about the outcome, it doesn't make them anything but petulant, whiny crybabies. My candidates have lost many times, never have I been pissed. Disappointed, saddened, embarrassed, fearful, disheartened.......certainly. Never pissed. But then again I don't feel entitled to anything.
  21. I agree. IMO, it's over the top and I'm tired of the whining. The protests prior to him spending one day in office wreak of crybaby sour grapes. If he F's stuff up big time, have at him. Sure hope you didn't vote for Trump. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266034630820507648 And a super duper ironic tweet from The Donald: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266034957875544064 He deleted two more from that rant: "The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one!" "He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!" Your president-elect, folks. While I'm not advocating or agreeing with what was said in those tweets, the difference is we had 4 years of Obamas Presidency to actually protest.
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