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Everything posted by 45timesbetterthanemptysuit

  1. Now. Had he started the legal, and necessary investigations during the witch hunt, the Dems would have pushed for impeachment for obstruction.
  2. What a glorious day! Time to declassify all the FISA warrants, fire up a few special council investigations to look into Schiff and all of his associates for leaking info, Hillary and her entire campaign for using a cut-out to collude with Russia and generate the bogus dossier. Comey and all of his FBI, Fusion GPS. Obama, both for the IRS BS, as well as being fully aware of Russia’s involvement in our election, and choosing to nothing about it as he was certain it was her turn. Seriously it’s hilarious to hear democrats talk about these pathetic indictments and guilty pleas when the supported Clinton!
  3. I am very happy that I voted for President Trump. Courts, NORKs, Iran, getting other countries to get a bit closer to contribute their promised amount to NATO, trying to put the US on equal footing WRT industry.
  4. Outstanding! I sure hope this time President Trump picks someone much younger and more conservative.
  5. Too bad he had to use multiple media outlets to corroborate his bogus dossier. Too bad the FBI wasn’t confident enough to disclose the source and who was paying them when they applied. It’s all crap. If it wasn’t they could have been forthcoming in the application and they wouldn’t have needed to be forced by a court to turn over their dirty evidence
  6. Regarding the hack. I’m not buying it at all. The FBI, as incompetent as they seem to be regarding digital comms, never got to look at the server, they had to take the word of the firm (crowdstrike) hired by the DNC.
  7. I think anyone that is known by the DOJ to be “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president” has pretty well shot his trustworthiness to hell. That’s ignoring the whole wife Fusion gps deal.
  8. Doesn’t bother me one bit! No he’s not. He’s specifically separated the rank and file from the leadership several times.
  9. Good point! Regardless the Yahoo story, and anything from Steele is garbage.
  10. The Carter Page fisa app cites a sep 23 Yahoo article by Isikoff. Article is derived by info leaked by Steele to Yahoo
  11. McCabe testified that no FISA warrant would have been sought by the FISC without the Steele Dossier. That’s enough for me, but I will see if the Page warrant is equally corrupt!
  12. Let me look! I know the Carter Page in Russia story was corroborated by a circular release. 2 media sources printing it. I thought Steele fed that story also.
  13. Lol! Democrats! The entire democrat party should be quietly scuttled right now for the good of the country. They are desperate to cling to anything to discredit it. Why not go right to McCabe and ask him if he said it?
  14. Oh, I wasn’t upset! Someone called me out about using names! I only seek consistency!
  15. Yes I do. That was McCabes testimony. It’s right there in the memo
  16. So, there would be no FISA warrant without the dossier written by a man the FBI knew was desperate to keep Trump from being elected. The Dossier was corroborated by Steele leaking it to the media, who’s circular reporting corroborated the dossier. (Steele got fired for it later) the FBI knew, and witheld that the dossier was paid for by the dnc/Clinton campaign. Comey, Rosenstein, Yates etc signed off on the application. They used media story duplicity to make Carters Russia trip look bad. If page was under investigation, why let the incoming admin add him to the Staff? FBI, DOJ is corrupt as hell at the top. Should this lead to obama, Clinton etc. I don’t know if jail is sufficient. Needless to say, no real court would let meowlers witch hunt continue as all of the fabricated evidence is fruit of the poisonous tree. Time to find out what meowler knew about the fraudulent activity at the top of Obama’s DOJ and FBI, perhaps he should be prosecuted also. Obama has brought deep shame to our great country. I hope the Dem leaders have the courage and conviction to denounce him and his cohorts for the good of our great nation.
  17. I only see 3 charts? unemployment rate monthly job gains labor participation rate. I dont see the chart that shows what the wage gains are so I only have the part of the article that I quoted that says wage gains are the greatest in 8 years. You know, the part that I found depressing that the somewhat meager gains are the best in years. Do you see a 4th chart? I’m on an iPhone. Sometimes they don’t display everything! Heck I even went to the Link you provided. My phone must have cached my link as it didn’t show your link that refutes mine!
  18. From the AP article. “robust 200,000 jobs in January, and wages rose at the fastest pace in more than eight years,”
  19. If I do one thread for the good things, and the rest of the forum does one thread for the bad things, we would only have two threads here!
  20. Yep. It’s not much yet, and actually a bit depressing that this was a high level mark for the last few years. Frankly I would rather see this go up than the market, so long as the Dollar remains steady or stronger. One of my fears with a stock market making gains is its relationship to the dollar. Tough to be certain if the real value is rising, or the value of the dollar is falling. If the dollar was falling, it must have been bolstered by the economic issues worldwide
  21. Will do! It just seemed that the forum could use more positive thoughts. So many seem to look very hard for the negative.
  22. Awesome news all around! I would like to see the labor participation rate tick up, but this is fantastic! We’re getting this ship turned around!
  23. So if I start watching Fox News I will like Trump even more? Perhaps I should try that!
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