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About schriznoeder

  • Birthday July 31

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    Lincoln, NE

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  1. I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking it has to be related to that.
  2. I probably should have said 2028/2032. If Harris wins and doesn't seek reelection, then Newsom throws his name in the hat in 2028. If Harris wins and does seek reelection, then Newsom waits until 2032.
  3. Strategically, I prefer Shapiro or Cooper. Personally, I prefer Buttigieg, so I voted for him. Also, I just learned that the 12th Amendment pretty much precludes Newsom from filling the VP role in this instance (plus I think he's saving himself for a presidential run in 2028). It states that the presidential and vice-presidential candidate on the same ticket can't both reside in the same state as where the electors reside. Well, they can technically, but it would null and void the electoral votes from that state. And the D's definitely can't afford that net -54 in their vote column. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-12/
  4. For a long time, it was common practice to name a handful of finalists and then present those finalists to the public in a variety of forums across the state for vetting purposes. But then in 2016, the Unicameral officially updated the hiring process. University hiring change advances to final round
  5. I was half-joking with some friends on Saturday night that VB might top FB in viewership. Apparently I should have put some money on it
  6. And apparently the silky smooth putting stroke of Ben Crenshaw.
  7. That's a major shift to the defensive end of the spectrum. Apparently everyone wants to be Iowa.
  8. His .871 career winning percentage just isn't cutting it anymore! /S
  9. I think I found my new Fantasy Football team name
  10. If true, I'm placing more blame on our cheap-a$$ Regents, rather than the cheap-a$$ Panthers. Less than two months ago, we forked over an additional $7.5M to get rid of Frost three weeks early, but now all of a sudden we can't pony up the additional funds to finalize a deal with a top-tier hire? SMH.
  11. Alright, I'll play along... Where are you getting this information about Carolina playing hardball?
  12. My mood shift in that hour between the false announcement of Bielema and the real announcement of Riley was pretty drastic. I went from being really excited for the future to completely meh.
  13. Yeah, I really want to know what went down in 2014.
  14. Since this has been brought up several times, here's the link to Mickey's revised contract. Regarding whether or not he's required to be retained by a new head coach, pay special attention to sub-section "1. Term" and interpret it as you will. interim-head-football-coach-mickey-joseph-contract-of-employment.pdf
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