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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. It was for Ted Cruz, maybe it will be for Abbott. He’s running against the same person. If it comes out that he actively tries to sabotage supply chains so his constituents couldn’t get food to “eff Biden” then ya, it will get real difficult, real quick.
  2. I do not think Abbott is purposely trying to sabotage the supply chain to screw Biden. You think otherwise. Doesn’t mean either one is delusional or can’t be taken seriously. It means we differ on why an action was taken. But choose to do take me how you wish. Matters none to me. Would love to see your proof as to why anyone should believe your opinion. I showed you mine. If you think this is just a revenue generator for the state at the expense of the supply chain I would disagree and hope I’m not wrong.
  3. It very well may be an Ill-conceived plan to combat a border security issue he sees, but to say Abbott put this plan in place purposely to disrupt supply chains in order to eff Biden and stick it to Americans in the process is just not smart IMO.
  4. That would be a money losing operation for law enforcement to give out 1 mile over the limit tickets based on the time it would take the officers in court as people challenge those tickets not a money grab. You don’t need walked through that do you? You also don’t get taken off the road for going 1 mile an hour over the speed limit.
  5. The timing and current day conditions tells us all we need to know. If this is some big safety concern of his, why now, why not in the past also? At this moment, neither of us know the answer to your question. If your thoughts are correct then why now try and stick it to Biden and eff his own state as you say when Abbott is up for re-election? Why not last year?
  6. Take my comments however you wish. I don’t really care, won’t harm or make my day either way. What does Abbott gain by trying to eff over the American people as you say? It certainly want help his prospects in an election if that’s what’s going to happen. You are aware he is running for re-election right?? Bold strategy if your claim is correct that his goal is to screw his constituents over. Biden has a 35% approval rating, he’s effed no matter what so it ain’t that. No one really need to help Biden eff himself over. He’s a walking , talking gaffe machine. So why not walk me through how this is all just some conspiracy to eff over Biden and the American people and how that helps Abbott in the process.
  7. And my quote doesn’t say anything in relation to your earlier post. This is the point where you go back to where the discussion began, realize you are incorrect and just move on. Relaying a fact that a Senator’s vote is a valuable vote DOES NOT MEAN “ It only matters that they show up to vote along party lines” Mitt Romney is better than Warnock, McCain was better, Murkowski is, Collins is, etc…….They don’t just show up to vote along party lines. Geesh.
  8. I think Walker could fit into scenario 2 and provide ideas or opinions into the Leadership team when policy is being discussed. He brings it from an African American perspective which adds value, his lives experiences when talking mental healthcare funding, etc… And yes, a vote is very valuable when it is 1 of only 100. How many times has legislating squeaked by, by a single vote in recent history. So no, hopefully a US Senator is not “just a vote”. But a vote is a very valuable thing and for anyone to discount that, is being disingenuous IMO. If any politician is unable to carry out their duties because of mental issue, they shouldn’t be in the office anymore. So if Walker is still having problems that would prevent him from serving, then he isn’t a better option than Warnock by default. No one has shown that as of yet, which is why he is the better option as I’ve said. As far as the lawsuit goes, it hasn’t been adjudicated yet, and the story brought up other lawsuits that he won. So who’s to say he won’t win this one too? You can practically sue for anything, but it doesn’t mean you will win. Even if he loses, it doesn’t disqualify him for office. It’s just something for voters to look into and figure out why he was sued, why he lost.
  9. Sorry it took so long to respond to this. So, the bolded seems pretty concerning (if I'm interpreting this correctly). Are you saying his greatest value is being able to vote for Republican policies because Warnock won't and all the other personal stuff is... irrelevant? Mostly less relevant? I hope so say this the correct way to convey what I’m thinking…. I am of the opinion that very few politicians are policy wonks and actually create worthy policy of voting on. Many have ideas that worthy of debate and discussion and some of those ideas make it into policy proposals made by the policy wonks. That is where most politicians fit into the equation. Then you have a small percentage of politicians that don’t really do anything but show up for votes, raise money, and hide under the radar hoping to get elected. Walker certainly doesn’t seem like a policy wonk and neither does his Dem opponent. I don’t know about the other GA (R) primary candidates. Going to finest though in next post became of this Mobil site problems.
  10. https://www.krgv.com/videos/dps-reports-nearly-14-000-violations-found-during-enhanced-vehicle-inspections/ about 1000 trucks and over 80 drivers found with serious safety violations and taken off the road. maybe there is a better more efficient way to do this, but there is no doubt it’s catching some unsafe situations before they can harm other individuals on the road. Over 30% of traffic deaths involve large trucks https://www.krgv.com/videos/dps-reports-nearly-14-000-violations-found-during-enhanced-vehicle-inspections/
  11. No yours actually is. I never once said a vote is the only thing that matters. I did say the country wouldn’t have to worry about Walker making terrible or outrageous policy because it would never pass, but he would a reliable vote fit good Republican policy. VASTLY, different than what you tried to portray. Sorry it upsets you to get called out for it.
  12. Why do you have to bring race into non racial discussions? Have you seen how many violations they have found? Do the operators of those trucks not have to follow the law like any other truck or driver?
  13. Sounds like a good quote from a person. But doesn’t answer the question I posed. so anyways, Who told you the Senator doesn’t matter and that it only matters that they show up to vote along party lines. Genuinely curious.
  14. Do you not want safe trucks and drivers?
  15. Do you currently not do that? I thought it was a given. Evaluate the candidate, what they’ve done in the past, what their most current history is, what are their positions, what is their health, how they compare to others running? That’s a good assumption. And a true statement, but that’s beside the point.
  16. You quite frankly have zero idea what kind of experience and feelings I have towards those with mental illness and your comment about my “newfound concern” is complete bulls#!t and unnecessary. It would be nice for you to try and make a position argument without the insults, if your capable.
  17. Sounds like similar language to me talking about the primaries. That’s an assumption de·serve /dəˈzərv/ Learn to pronounce verb do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment).
  18. It’s almost as if it’s even semi remotely in the ballpark of the same thing. But we will go with it…. Let’s also forget about running the precinct while we solve that one bank robbery. I mean, it’s a bank robbery that’s the only case we can focus on, nothing else matters or can be talked about. Nope, fundraising for new equipment is out the window till we solve this robbery, other crimes…nahhh gotta solve the bank robbery, community outreach….no way, not until this bank robbery gets solved.
  19. I already did and you actually replied to it! Did you forget your own post?
  20. Why would the author actively choose to reference two different metrics to try and prove an exaggeration point? Revenue and Profit are not the same.
  21. Our sons and daughters with treatable mental illnesses are then disqualified from national elected office? Is that what you are insinuating? Wouldn’t he be a great role model for those children if it’s shown he has overcome his problems to be one of 100 people in that profession? Add in being another African American in that exclusive body. Or is the whole overcoming adversity to achieve something and be celebrated just for Dems? The primaries will weed out his more recent background and we will see if he deserves to be elected in the state of GA.
  22. If you read this article a few things stand out…. He has definitely had some mental health challenges that led to very concerning and erratic behavior. Most severe issues were back in 2001 or prior and he acknowledged getting treatment since then. Are mentally ill people to be shunned from society even after they figure out what’s wrong and get treatment? Let’s see what they dig out about his treatment toward women since his treatment for his disorder. His chicken business story was interesting in that one paragraph talked about him claiming $70-$80 million in REVENUE. To discount his claim, they looked at court records that showed his company had a average $1.5 million dollar annual PROFIT from a range of years. Those are two totally different things. I assume the author knows this but chose to conflate the two. The agenda was probably to show he wasn’t as good a business person as he claims and maybe so. But a $1.5 million dollar annual profit ain’t too shabby. So let’s not put him in Jeffrey Dahmer category just yet.
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