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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. If the bill is “probably” not going to be passed, and according to Joe’s exact words of the “the increase and the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these — these reforms passed” Then that means if those two things are in DIRECT PROPORTION, he is saying the election will “probably” be illegitimate. Glad we are on the same page so we can carry on.
  2. It’s been posted twice: I mean, sure, but — I’m not going to say it’s going to be legit. It’s — the increase and the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these — these reforms passed If the election takeover bill isn’t passed an illegitimate election is in direct proportion to that not being passed. His own words. your welcome
  3. Have you compared the GA and TX bills to some Democrat state control election laws? It will be enlightening for you
  4. Ya, I actually already posted that. Again, Biden says if the election takeover bill (look what it all entails) isn’t passed, the election probably won’t be legitimate. This isn’t true, and the election takeover bill is much much much more than what you think.
  5. If the people counting the votes are counting all the legal votes only then it doesn’t really matter if they are Allie’s are not. Just need to follow the law. Sounds like we agree The electorates shouldn’t be overruled when the election is fairly run. Sounds like we agree. none of this really has to do with Biden pre-questioning the 2020 election and the election takeover bill.
  6. Ok, but what are you referencing with that statement.
  7. No. Has that happened before? In the modern era at least.
  8. https://ifstudies.org/blog/less-poverty-less-prison-more-college-what-two-parents-mean-for-black-and-white-children Much bigger factor in a child’s success than any of the race baiters want to admit. It’s why I will say again, I would rather be from a two parent any race home then a single parent white home.
  9. An example of this….My oldest boy is extremely smart in the math and sciences aspect of school. Each spring from second through 5th grade he would attend a Saturday test for the School District to test out of the next grade level math course. They would eventually get four years ahead on their math credits. Of the room full of students doing this ( hundreds across the district and various grades) I would guess 70% were East Asian or kids whose parents came from India. It was pushed very hard in those communities. Maybe 20% were white and the rest Black or Hispanic.
  10. Tell you what, I have a black man across the street, a Mexican American one house over and a Mexican American two houses down. I will ask them this question, if they would rather have a do over and be white, along my new Vietnamese neighbor next door. Me, I’d rather just be the way I have always been. it’s what I know, it’s what God intended me to be. Now, would I notice anything different if I grew up black in my hometown (not all of Kansas is the exact same, you may not know this). I’m quite sure I would. Being in the 10% minority would feel strange at times I would guess. Just like if I was white and grew up in a 90% black neighborhood. However, in my hometown, the black kids grew up just the same as the white kids. Many of the families still live there after HS and graduating college. That seems telling.
  11. You must have conveniently missed the qualifier at the end of that sentence. Or it’s possible you read it and still made that ignorant statement. Who knows.
  12. Phrasing the question “so, you are ok with” vs phrasing the question “are you ok with” gives different meaning. One is an assumption question, one is an inquisitive question.
  13. Depends. I’d rather be a black pro athlete than than a white Wal Mart worker. I’d probably rather be a white middle manager than a black inner city guy who dropped out of high school. I’d rather be a black suburban dad working at Cerner than a white trashy dropout from Raymore who spends his final bucks on Busch Light. What matters the most to me is I’d rather come from a two parent household that emphasizes and takes interest in their kids development than a single parent household that doesn’t give a s#!t about their kids. To me that’s much more important than race.
  14. That would be a very generous interpretation for you based on what’s actually in the bill and what it tries to accomplish.
  15. These are his words (previously posted in case you haven’t seen)…. It’s — the increase and the prospect of being illegitimate is in directproportion to us not being able to get these — these reforms passed He is saying unless the federal government takeover of elections bill is passed, he can’t say that the elections will be legitimate. So ya, there is plenty to push back on, unless your in the tank for Biden.
  16. So, no cause I never said that. Interesting….. I’ve pushed back on both unlike you
  17. Sounds like your still in favor of Biden questioning elections before they actually happen. No pushback whatsoever from you.
  18. No not really. You don’t really know why there is a rush to buy more guns when a Democrat gets elected President then. Hint…it has nothing to do with race. A simpler America does not really equate to a white America. I can’t stress this enough, but it always comes down to race with you and your ilk. Once you can get past the race card, your life will undoubtably be much better. Just judge people for people. It’s enlightening.
  19. Are there really millions of voters that drink horse semen? Any links to this? Wouldn’t those voters have died from Covid by now. One would likely assume the Dems have an advantage now by your fairy tail analysis. But, they don’t.
  20. Sure there are. Seems like a silly question in regards to is that actually in dispute? You have your white nationalists, black nationalists, segment of the Mexican American population. They seem to vote for both parties or third parties or independent depending on what group they fall under. That’s not in dispute either. is there a point you wished you were getting at?
  21. Trump was not even mentioned in the question. You said said the question was about Trump and elections. Your wrong. It’s literally on tape on in print.
  22. One party is about to get routed in 2022 because they have gone off the deep end policy wise Im surprised you find that Dems lying about racism lying about SS and lying about Medicare equals intelligent discourse. Too each his own I guess
  23. Are you really not reading the actual question???? Good lord man.
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