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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. AM wants no part of running the ball today for some reason. And it’s the only thing he’s good at.
  2. Benhart got worked but open down the middle for huge gain on the scramble.
  3. https://thecrimereport.org/2021/02/02/are-police-racially-biased-in-marijuana-arrests/
  4. Give me a few to find that study for you. I believe it has a paragraph or two on that particular question
  5. The weed data….the self reported data from the Household survey should be taken with a big grain of salt. Studies have been done that show Blacks self report weed usage at a much lower rate than their actual usage vs white’s. Questions I would ask about the arrest data….1) where were arrests made (on street, in household, at school, etc) 2) data on where weed is actually smoked by race (on street hanging out, in household only, etc..) 3) This one would be hard to do but data on how often weed users by race carry around their weed even when they aren’t using or don’t plan on using in the immediacy. I ask this question because it was quite different between races while I was in college. That’s obviously only one college and amongst mostly a football team and some other general population students so it can’t be extrapolated buts it brings up the question. I’ve never smoked marijuana and only been around it during college years but if people are more likely to be carrying it around and using it in public settings, one would think they would be more likely to be arrested for it.
  6. You are quoting my words then making up some garbage statement that I never said.
  7. Single income/single parent families represent a large part of the problem. That’s indisputable. White families have had more generations to pass money down, however, the majority of new wealth is first generation wealth (sorry but will need to find the paper on that). Would need to read your study on this. I believe they commit more crime per capita according to the FBI crime statistics that I have seen. Especially violent crime if I’m not mistaken, which leads to longer prison sentences. Don’t have an answer for this, also don’t think I’ve seen data, but would like to make sure amounts of drug on hand are similar across races. If similar, that would be an injustice that needs worked on immediately. I believe I talked about this in a police thread or crime thread, but violent crime encounters are higher per capita
  8. No. Is any city actually representative of the whole country? That particular link I couldn’t read because it popped up as a non-secure site. If you have a different link that breaks down school district costs, I will check it out.
  9. Not disputing this as I haven’t seen the data backing up why the headline is saying what it is saying.
  10. Who’s defensive? I don’t live in Texas and really don’t give a s#!t about it other than to say districts shouldn’t have 10 different sides to them as an example. But that’s for Texas to work out. Just as I don’t a s#!t about Kinzinger getting redistricted out. That’s up to Illinois even though I don’t agree with it.
  11. Your confused because your comprehension seems to be sub par on this. Full stop
  12. I beg to differ but either way I’m happy for you. Enjoy life believing everything is racist. I’m sure you will have a wonderful experience. In today’s day and age, systemically, are black people being paid less for the exact same job, exact same experience level, and exact same workload? My company doesn’t. My competitors companies don’t. Matter of fact my entire industry doesn’t. @BigRedBusterdo you pay your black employees less than the white ones for the same work? Any other business owners on this site that could answer that question? According to this, we are almost in margin of error area for pay equity. Only an idiot would think otherwise. It’s not even open for debate. https://www.payscale.com/research-and-insights/racial-wage-gap-for-men/ When we hold all employment characteristics equal, black or African American men still see the largest pay gap. The controlled pay gap for black men is $0.98 for every dollar a white man with the same qualifications makes. To put that in perspective, the median salary of a white man in our sample is $72,900; the controlled median pay for black or African American men is thus $71,500. This suggests a $1,400 difference in pay that is likely attributable to race.
  13. 6. Black high school students are less likely to receive a high school diploma - National Center for Education Statistics How is this systemic racism or racism at all. Asians lead this and it’s pretty hard not to graduate HS. You almost have to work at it, or just don’t show up. The link article doesn’t say why it’s racism that I say 7. A higher percentage of black Americans with a GPA of 3.5 or higher attend community colleges vs top-tier selective institutions - Georgetown University #2 in my house did not get admitted to the two he applied to despite having a 4.52 GPA out of a 4.0 scale, Tied for best in his class in one of the largest HS’s in the State. 2 with Indian decent and lesser GPA’s were admitted. So I fail so the systemic racism. 8. Only 46% of black college students finish a four-year degree within six years, compared to 72% of white college students - National Student Clearinghouse How is this systemic racism vs personal responsibility? 9. Black college students are more likely to go into debt to pay for college - US Department of Education Seems like either an income problem, possibly a problem of not looking for resources that help pay for college. Racism not so much.
  14. From your link: 1. 65% of black children live in a single-parent home, compared to 24% of white children - Kids Count Data Center How is this systemic racism? Either choose to be married or don’t. 2. Black preschoolers are 3.6X more likely to be suspended than white preschoolers - US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights The link doesn’t work 3. Black students are 3.2X more likely to be suspended for infractions at school - US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. Link doesn’t work 4. Predominantly black school districts receive far less financial funding than white school districts - ED Build. This isn’t true in the city I live in and have provided the data. It’s actually the opposite. 5. Black students/children have less access to computers and the internet - National Center for Education Statistics This would be an income issue not a race issue
  15. You will do the Illinois gerrymandering next I assume?
  16. That’s right. So what’s your actual point if you even have one? For people informed about the terrible ideas expressed in CRT, it doesn’t make us feel bad whatsoever because we know it’s garbage. However, aspects of CRT tries to TEACH the ill-informed like impressionable school aged children to feel guilty of what they call white privilege, the country is inherently racist so feel bad about that, etc…. They don’t know any better and the hope is that the idiocy in CRT will be accepted no questions asked to not feel bad about themselves and avoid white guilt. Big difference than what you keep trying to make up and say
  17. What’s telling is him saying if things I never said to make his point.
  18. You’ve been given compelling and well-vetted evidence to show individual choice, and income level matters and you continue to ignore it
  19. So....talk about how white immigrants treated native Americans and put them on reservations....but don't do it in a way that makes white people look bad. That’s not what was said. Why do you do this? All it does is make you sound silly and childish.
  20. I don’t believe it does exist anymore. Anyone who wants to exceed on life (medically able) can succeed. Individual choices matter. Since you brought up Little Johnny, why should he/she feel guilty about anything in the past he wasn’t a part of? There are individually racist people, and most likely will have them for quite some time. Some of those people run things. That’s not systemic racism. It’s harder for poor people than rich people, but that’s not systemic racism. How does Black voter suppression work exactly? In the day and age when voting records are being smashed?
  21. So now we aren’t happy about a vaccine mandate?
  22. The Russia hoax isn’t turning out too well for those who hoped and wished it true.
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