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Everything posted by Archy1221

  1. I think the vaccine uptake on this cohort will be a slower process.
  2. This often gets lost in the Covid shuffle in terms of the under 70 hospitalizations and deaths.
  3. Hehehehe. Hope you didn’t pull a hammy with that stretch. They knew exactly what the guest they had on was going to say. Which was that the approval was good news for everyone.
  4. 1). Anyone else here confused on what a rocket surgeon is? Or is someone just trying to have a funny? 2). Drugs get Brand names once they get approval. It allows companies to market those drugs. The Brand name isn’t 4D chess so people don’t think they are getting “the Pfizer shot”. Someone doesn’t understand that Pfizer will be marketing this vaccine to the public
  5. Umm did you listen to the entire discussion Majority Report had on it. They make is sound like Dana is questioning in a way to put doubt on the approval which certainly wasn’t the case. Good try
  6. Would be nice to have another airfield to fly people out of instead of just one choke point. Maybe the one we left? Maybe those troops could have assisted there. Myabe the Admin is evacuating things backwards and now has to scramble to get civilians out. And then Maybe 25k troops in DC was overkill as they sat around in parking garages getting Covid. Maybe that was the point of the tweet that was posted. BTW..Taliban seems to love every empires sunk costs. Maybe we should have destroyed those sunk costs first.
  7. Did you notice they never actually played Dana’s clip so we don’t actually know what was said. They only played the lead in. After looking more into it, the guest they had on talked about the Approval being great news, not rushed, etc. so the majority report people seem to wrong and trying to push a narrative.
  8. I’m sure you will be enlightening us with your many levels here soon. FYI….kinda seems you missed the point.
  9. Oops…a $30 billion fund with such a small stake in a company Since your making these claims, check out two things, if Griffin donated to Biden and Blackrock’s stake in Regeneron. You know the stake that dwarfs Citadel. You know the Blackrock that has employees with millions going into the Biden campaign. Now you see how silly you sound with your DeSantis claim. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/aug/19/democratic-underground/firm-led-top-donor-fla-gov-ron-desantis-donor-isnt/ Griffin is a major campaign donor to DeSantis, but his firm is only a small investor in Regeneron, and one of more than a thousand institutions with a stake in the company.
  10. What Govs are making money from the cures?
  11. They have said governors have banned universal mask wearing
  12. I will go ahead because it’s simply not true that governors have banned mask wearing which is the dishonest conversation people are trying to have. If you are wanting to make the other point you are trying to make, fine. It’s one I support. Governors should not put in place statewide anti-mask mandates. It should be left to local communities to decide.
  13. Polls show 20-30% of holdouts so no it won’t be a majority.
  14. Because most others here don’t believe it will help at all.
  15. That’s what I say. Unfortunately others don’t see it our way.
  16. Polls show it should help capture roughly 2 or 3 out of 10 that have not received the Coxid vaccine.
  17. Once again, and I’m surprised it still needs to be said, but zero governors have banned wearing masks or having 100% of people wear masks. Everyone is free to mask on there own. This won’t change no matter how many dishonest and obtuse posts there are trying to say otherwise.
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