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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. I seem to remember the VP offering talk going back as far as December of 2022. How are you making your crow? Please post a video.
  2. Who could have foreseen that trying to elbow your way in to the right of Trump and flip MAGA voters all the while not even confronting Trump was a losing strategy? So ends possibly the worst campaign in history.
  3. The GOP has rolled over and given total control to a dictator wannabe. Party's adherents for some reason are in complete denial that the guardrails of democracy are even under assault. It's clear when watching Trump's campaign rallies that many of supporters agree with him that a "strongman would be nice to have running up your country". The following document answers to question of how we might lose our democracy to the dictatorial intentions of Trump and his GOP enablers. https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/
  4. Just a few examples of the dictator wannabe telegraphing his intentions for a second term and softening up his followers to accept his plan. And no it's not going to be "nice" having a strongman (dictator) running the country.
  5. "Have you been drinking tonight?" "I've only had a couple" "How many?" "Two" Has that ever worked for anyone? At that point you might as well go big say "I crushed a twelver. What's it to you?"
  6. I just can't see this happening. It's political suicide for MAGA to reach across the aisle. He doesn't have the huevos to stand up to Trump's political games. I'd love to be wrong though.
  7. She does in that lop your Johnson off and throw it the front yard if you ever cross her kind of way
  8. Disqualified. He was drinking Bud Light
  9. She must just be skimming, flipping through, looking for photos
  10. I wondering why she'd be afraid to admit to this part of our history.
  11. Let alone going with "acting" positions in order to bypass the Senate confirmation process.
  12. Like there's any deal that Trump would allow his puppet to make during an election year. Anyone laying odds on a false flag event come around, let's say, October?
  13. Wait... that's illegal in Kentucky?
  14. Seeing change especially when it's a slow erosion can be difficult especially when you don't want to see that change or you're personally insulated from it It doesn't mean it's not happening though https://www.brookings.edu/articles/understanding-democratic-decline-in-the-united-states/ "Globally, it is increasingly rare for an authoritarian to come to power via a coup. Instead, democracies in decline usually experience a slow but steady erosion. The process is often incremental and episodic. Each step is only partial. There can be intermediate moments of apparent stability or equilibrium. The electoral road to breakdown is dangerously deceptive… People still vote. Elected autocrats maintain a veneer of democracy while eviscerating its substance." The U.S. is already listed as a backsliding democracy. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/22/us-list-backsliding-democracies-civil-liberties-international
  15. Really?? I guess if you really squint you could see a woman
  16. I love his reaction just as the guy(?) literally walks out of the closet. His eyes bug out and "hamana hamana hamana"
  17. Possibly but I get the vibe that he's even more unlikable than Desantis and dare I say, Trump. Plus, is MAGA really going to go all in a guy named Vivak Ramaswamy?
  18. Whoopsie....glass houses and such
  19. It's like we all didn't watch the "peaceful protests" unfold live, listened to the speech that incited the mob, and somehow our eyes ard ears deceived us because in reality it was all pulled off be FBI plants and a rogue cop. Even though it was all there for us to see live and to hear directly from the horses a$$, it was the media boogeyman that tricked us. Got it. Goebbels would be proud the gullible types from his day still walk the earth and are easy targets. I mean it does make sense... the FBI plants were Biden supporters who were trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power from Trump to....er wait a minute
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