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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. The fully vaccinated will carry viral loads roughly equal to the unvaccinated only in breakthrough cases. So that percentage would spread the virus but it is only a small percentage of the fully vaccinated.
  2. Chilling. Even moreso considering that this just gets played off as another Deep State power play that is only intended to disparage Trump. I can't count the number of stories, including his own gaslighting of election fraud, that have come out indicating Trump had every intention to do whatever it took to stay in power and the only thing holding it back was the likes of Dan Quayle. Or General Milley. Yet we still have people on this board denying any of Trump's attempts at eroding or ending our democracy are real. All a vast conspiracy. I guess "f#&% around and find out" is going to land hard on all of us soon enough. Because if the Trumpists think this will be some sort of utopia with Trump or someone else of his character and intentions taking over as our more dimwitted Putin, they are in for a rude awakening.
  3. Do you have any information on this being debunked? All I can find make it seem that we'd have to take Trump and Mark Meadows at their word to believe he didn't.
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/09/02/unvaccinated-teens-10x-more-likely-to-end-up-in-hospital-with-covid-cdc-director-says/amp/ https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7036e2.htm https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7031e1.htm
  5. The study wasn't peer reviewed and the data is suspect. I'll take what Dr Hotez has to say over a click bait article ran by the Guardian. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-guardian/%3famp=1
  6. Seems businesses know vaccines are good for their bottom line.
  7. I'm at a loss. I can't wrap my head around what the motivation is, politically, for wanting to see your base die. Or is she just that ignorant?
  8. The Covid vaccines we have here have been shown to reduce transmission. Even if it's only due to the time an individual is infected. That reduces the odds of spread. But it's also been shown to reduce spread via the vaccinated since not ever vaccinated exposed to Covid can even transmit. Think of it this way. If everyone in the US was vaccinated the spread of the virus would become virtually nil in no time. And because there are not a lot of hosts for the virus to infect, replicate, and then that host continue to spread the virus, the chances of mutation are greatly reduced. It's a numbers game. The virus is mutating all the time. Most mutations in nature are not advantageous to the mutant and soon the disappear. A few help. In the case of Covid, the Delta variant was a mutation that helped because it made it far more contagious. The viral load is what, something like 1200 times greater than the original Covid. Vaccines still are effective with the Delta variant thankfully. Maybe not long term but for the short term. Think of the viral transmission in the US if there were no reliable vaccines and the Delta arrived. The spread would be like a wildfire with the virus constantly mutating. That's a situation where another even worse mutant is an even higher probability than what we have now with around 60% vaccinated, and far greater than if everyone was vaccinated. Of course there is a possibility that a virus will develop that the vaccines are marginally effective against. This is why a situation where you have say, 50 or 60% of the population vaccinated is tenuous. There's a lot of virus out there to mutate (from the unvaccinated) and a partially vaccinated population. This could potentially set-up the situation of a mutation "jumping" the vaccine. Then we'd be back to the drawing board. Same place we'd be if nobody was vaccinated though since what's the use of a vaccine if nobody uses it? If nobody uses a vaccine why develop a new one for a new variant? I guess someone could guess that such a variant would even be worse if it was a mutation that jumped the vaccine but it easily could wind up being less deadly too. An effective vaccination drive could have brought the R factor down, possibly at one time enough to drive Covid into the dust bin of history. That's now about as good of chance of....not going to say it this week https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/25/1/17-1901_article A little bit on R factor.
  9. To the first bolded, Adrian's reads on the option are light years better than on the zone read. So much so you almost wonder if on a lot of the zone read plays it's a predetermined give. I'd agree it looks like Frost has instilled a lot of his mastery of the option onto Adrian. Moving forward I'd like to see 7 to 8 options a game. It's working. Keep doing it. Of course there will be turnovers. Expect board meltdown then. To the second bolded, it's the defense that has me bookmarking this thread for the guys saying "that's it, no more wins are possible. Done, zip, nada mas". With any improvement whatsoever on the o-line or special teams, this D may steal a game or two. Guys are flying and active....see Reimer and Domann
  10. Wondering if Frost would challenge that if they gave him a two yard spot
  11. This is the template for every upset ever
  12. Not defense at all. Just adding to the conversation. "You' as in random guy in the he street.
  13. Do you have a link to the bolded? https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSL2N2NL1M2 https://www.healthline.com/health-news/unvaccinated-people-are-increasing-the-chances-for-more-coronavirus-variants-heres-how
  14. Well there's one. Thanks. So would you rather rely on monoclonal antibodies or the vaccine? Which costs less? Which is still EUA? Remember the original post I was replying to. The quote was about prevention. Are you going to take monoclonal antibodies to prevent covid or get vaccinated?
  15. This is what Harris said I don't blame her considering Trump would have done anything to get reelected. Even strong arming the FDA. Did it work? No but at the time she said it anything was possible. I didn't say covid is deadly to everyone. I said within every demographic there are cases of death. Big difference. The Delta variant has show that what we knew in 2020 changed. What about the next variant? Will it attack currently less susceptible demographics? Delta has. Another reason why we all need to get vaccinated. To reduce the amount of viral mutations. So saying there are currently protective therapeutics (whatever that means) is false. Thanks. Vaccines do slow the spread. Sorry you don't understand how. If everyone in a gathering is vaccinated the chances of spread are reduced dramatically. Expand that over a large population. None of what you posted is true. Hostile? Maybe because we have a cure that saves lives. And yet deaths are once again through the roof. Why are you hostile to the concept of everyone getting on board and stamping this thing down to a manageable level? Instead you seem to want to enable the whiners who refuse to get vaccinated when almost all have been vaccinated for other serious diseases before.
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