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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. Whaaa...who could have foreseen more MAGA sudsy froth going flat....again?
  2. But then you read lucid and well crafted totally sane posts like below and you wonder..."maybe giving him another go at the most powerful position in the world is a good idea".
  3. Everyone knows why they voted against it and that reason is Trump wanted it killed. They're cowards. Even those trying to claim otherwise known this. They're just doing what they do...spew MAGA disinformation
  4. Go ahead and dig through the forum to backup your assertion. I'll give you a week or so.
  5. Not that I believe her but FAFO
  6. I'm wondering if anyone has self immolated in a game thread?
  7. Of course she didn't write this amendment. She has zero interest in, and knowledge of, geopolitics but she comes up with this level in detail and insight?
  8. Oh I imagine he'll have to bear the brunt of some incoherent rage posts on Truth Social once the sedatives wear off and Don Van Winkle comes to. As to what changed? First, this hasn't hit Biden's desk yet and second, I'm guessing the GOP has seen some pretty horrible internal polls recently.
  9. Take any random foreign intelligence operation and no way could they come up with a more comical or embarrassing disinformation campaign against the GOP then the GOP's actual day to day clown car towing a dumpster fire inside a three-ring circus s#!t show. Imagine if your job was to try to spin this comedy any other way.
  10. Oh boy. The narcissistic injury has to be brutal for the brat recently and I'm here for it.
  11. I'd say that guy was pumping the stock through his challenged MAGA followers and then shorting the hell out of it.
  12. Heavily sedated former president and current GOP nominee is falling asleep, again, 30 minutes into day two of his first felony trial. Take a bird's eye view of that statement. Well done MAGA.
  13. She does do a good cyclops impersonation
  14. And with the evil eye Sir Winks-a-lot has just reserved a special spot for Maggie on Gitmo
  15. Explode? Like when it hits earth?
  16. Of course he did pay for his kids' college, his house, cars, plane tickets, utilities, and daily living expenses with nothing other than myrrh and frankincense
  17. They're setting the table for political violence when he's inevitably convicted. Why does MAGA hate the rule of law so much?
  18. How do you undo tampering with a jury?
  19. Oh look. One of board MAGA's favorite sources committing a felony. I guess this is what qualifies for conservative bona fides now days.
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