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Everything posted by Huskerfollower4life

  1. Why?? It's ok to be optimistic for once around here.
  2. If you don't agree with the fact that McCord isn't worth 2 million fine I do. Let's just say he came here and we decided to pay him that much what does he automatically do for the offense. He is a upgrade by far with who Nebraska has had over the years. He comes with a winners mentality something that Nebraska hasn't had for 7 years. He can actually throw the football and doesn't make much mistakes. You can say bc he was from Ohio State that his stats are bc of great players that surround him which is true but it does take the ability and finesse to make the throws that he needs to make. If McCord would have taken us to a bowl game and had success this up coming year that alone would be worth the money. You say he isn't worth 2 million only bc of how much you would have to pay him but it's all the other things that you don't consider or say as to why he isn't worth that much. If Ohio State didn't have stupid expectations like us he still be the starter at Thee Ohio State the prestige program.
  3. I only ask questions to gauge people's interest. Why can't we be friends???
  4. I am relaxed. Nobody knows for sure but some on here tend to think he is. Like I said when it's official I'll believe it then and say wow Nebraska really pulled it off. It's going to feel like Kirk Gibson's home run in 1988 all over again bc you can't believe the good fortune of Nebraska actually getting a great ready to play qb who doesn't need to sit.
  5. You have to think that their are teams out there that would pay for him to play for their teams regardless if me or you feel that is not what he is worth. I'd pay 2 million just to get us to a bowl game.
  6. Ok Shedeur Sanders 4.8 million, Arch Manning 2.8, Caleb Williams 2.7 million and just because you choose not to believe that Nebraska doesn't have that type of money maybe you should understand the realism that qb's do get that type of money.
  7. When I say got screwed over Im meaning bringing another power 5 former starter to compete for your spot. It wasn't exactly Casey's fault that he got hurt the o-line didn't do him any favors much of that season. Yes I understand the coaches concerns with him coming off a injury but if CT is their so called guy then you don't bring another guy in with experience you let him make the mistakes on the field and pull him just like what happened to Sims. I don't really see the fit with him coming back and probably wanting a starting spot and him potentially having to compete with Riaola who is the number one qb in the nation.
  8. What are you talking about? We only have lost one McCord bc Raiola is still very likely to have been committed here behind the scenes or is going to commit here. So I don't understand how we lost 2 guys unless your referencing to DK and not Raiola? And we haven't lost DK yet either.
  9. I don't believe Casey Thompson is in the mix to come back here. He left bc he got screwed over by the coaches on not being the guaranteed starter for this year when the coaches brought Jeff Sims in to be their guy.
  10. We have only heard of one team(Syracuse) but there are probably several power 5 teams behind the scenes that are willing to pay that much to him and guarantee him to be their starter.
  11. It was also probably the guarantee from the coaches that he wanted to be the starter and Nebraska told him well we got the number one qb in the nation that also wants the spot so whoever is the best will get the job and be the starter. But I just think McCord should have been named the starter and it's his to lose the spot and the others to gain it from him not to be on a even playing field bc it's fair or the Nebraska way of doing things.
  12. And if that was truth that he wanted 2 million to be the qb we should have given that to him. I love the White Sox's but they hate paying to get talented added to their team and try to go the cheap out which is why they love to lose. More times then not the teams that spend win.
  13. I believe we do have that type of money it's just the decision if you want to pay that for the quality of qb you want to get. Obviously Nebraska and the fans have suffered bc of the losing and piss poor choices Nebraska has made.
  14. Well maybe we are offering that much to Raiola or close to that. He isn't just the number one qb bc of his name. Kids like him don't just fall off a tree and decide to come here. When you been a bunch of losers for half a generation you wouldn't even want to consider even hearing or looking that way bc what do you have to show for it nothing.
  15. You got to be with all the bad football Nebraska has played the last 7 years. Glad you like losing bc I sure don't.
  16. Sims sucked at Georgia Tech and got benched there while committing turnovers. Your talking about a former starter from a 11-1 team. Two totally different style of qb's. You get what you pay for.
  17. You guys think he is actually committed behind the scenes?? I will believe it when it's actually official.
  18. Do you think that Nebraska would offer that to Raiola if that's what he wants?? Or it's not about the money and their is something else to him wanting to come here at the last second?
  19. You think we can get Frazier and Baker? It's so late in the game and that time has past I think we aren't even in the picture with early signing day being so close. I think it's going to be hard to bring guys with him bc of that point.
  20. I would say McCord is a 2 million dollar qb. He automatically makes the offense better and he can actually throw a football.
  21. He shouldn't have to compete. He is a starter and shouldn't have to sit his last year in college. Any school that he chooses to play at should guarantee him the starting role. Most schools that bring in transfer qb's guarantee them that role obviously Nebraska is didn't and has to be loyal to the kids they have on their roster or else we has fans lose our s***t. All I know is McCord isn't a scrub qb.
  22. Can't fault him. Who would want to sit their last year in college especially if it's his goal is to play in the NFL and he knows his ability is good enough?
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