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Everything posted by muzicman0

  1. I don't get how people don't think even 2-3 cells is a human life. By what criteria are you making this decision???? By ALL scientific definitions, this would not only be considered life, but human life. The only thing I can figure is that it is convenient and helps people justify their actions and or beliefs to ignore the facts. mm0
  2. I think we agree 98%, and I'll just leave it at that.
  3. I hear what you are saying, I really do. I guess I look at this like any other life and death decision. Doctors and patients make choices, and sometimes those choices cause a death. and that is OK (well, not OK, but you know what I mean), I get that. But that is different than saying that abortion is legal. If a danger arises, deal with it, however the doctor and patient decides. But just because there is a possible danger, in my opinion, doesn't make it OK to murder the child. Again, I get what you are saying,
  4. I guess I don't find it so gray...danger doesn't imply that the mother will die...only that it is a possibility. Also, I can't remember where I read this, but the statistics say that there is ALWAYS another choice to save the mothers life. Always. Whether that's true or not, I can't say with authority, but what I can say is that it is probably extremely rare for abortion to be the ONLY alternative. mm0
  5. so, you admit it's a child, with that in mind, what possible circumstance would it be OK to kill that child? Even if your life is in danger, would that justify murdering a child?
  6. Hopefully I didn't come off as argumentative. That was not my intent.
  7. Or maybe your god is lazy and hasen't revealed himself in a coherent enough manner to be taken seriously. Or maybe it's worse than that. Maybe your god actually hates atheists and wants us to burn in hell. Ever think of that? Ever do a quick study of predestination? And I'm sorry, but feeling bad isn't good enough. If you think I'm about to roast alive forever thanks to your loving god, I need to see some emotion, here. I don't think you really mean it. If you have studied the bible even half as much as you claim to, you would know the answers to these questions. Or, at least our (Christians) answers to these questions. and, to put it bluntly, if you don't accept Jesus as your savior, you will go to hell. NOT by God's design, but by your choice. But, again, you should probably already know that, which can only mean one thing...you have chosen to not believe. No amount of reasoning will change that. As I stated in another thread a while ago to you, why don't you take a month or 2 and honestly seek God, with no preconceptions, and see if He doesn't reveal himself to you. mm0
  8. I don't think I said that...and if I did, that was not what I meant. Non Christians can be good people, just like Christians can be bad. But I will say that if you truly are chasing after God, you will strive to live a better life. I don't always succeed, but I try to be a good person. and I will say again, the vast majority of Christians feel the same way. mm0 But I don't think Christianity or a belief in god is needed for that. Take those same people and remove god from the equation and I think they will still strive to be good people because they, on their own, are good. sometimes. But take for example a couple that we have in our church...When they came to us, they were drug addicts, and were also (at least one of them) having affairs. They were also social outcasts. They would be the first people to tell you that God has completely changed their lives. It has been 6 years since the first time I met them, and while they are not perfect, and still have their moments, they are now productive members of society. Please don't misunderstand though, again, I'm not saying that there isn't good people outside of church. And I'm not even saying that a faith in God is needed for that. I do believe it helps though. But all of that, again, wasn't my point above. My point is to stop looking at others for your validation. You and you alone are responsible for what you do or do not believe. mm0
  9. I don't think I said that...and if I did, that was not what I meant. Non Christians can be good people, just like Christians can be bad. But I will say that if you truly are chasing after God, you will strive to live a better life. I don't always succeed, but I try to be a good person. and I will say again, the vast majority of Christians feel the same way. mm0
  10. I am a Christian. I get so fed up with people claiming that because so and so did such and such, the church is a horrible place, or Christians are just as bad as everyone else. I'm not saying that things don't happen, or that people haven't done evil in God's name...but the bottom line is that in the end, you are only responsible for YOUR actions. If you want to reject God, that is your choice, but stop blaming others. You made the choice, and when it comes time to be held accountable for your decisions, it will be 100% based on you, not someone somewhere that did something...no matter how often it happened. I go to church every week, and minister in a couple different churches where I live. The VAST majority of Christians I meet are great people, who honestly want to live a life pleasing to God. mm0
  11. as embarrassed as I am to admit it, I actually love that show.
  12. I'm also from California (raised in NE), as far as I know, I don't know anyone that posts here. mm0
  13. I had it installed on my desktop with no problems, but on my laptop, I've never gotten it to work...I finally came to the conclusion that it just wasn't compatible...not sure if you will have the same result. It was a long time ago for me though, and I know there are better ways to do it than when I first tried (it was still 10.4.x). mm0
  14. I've done it in the past, but not lately. Do you have the EFI bootloader?
  15. haven't done much looking, but here is a link to check out...these are bigger than than the one you mentioned above (which are smaller than an iPad)... http://www.flatcomputing.com/ mm0 Edit: I want the 10T!!!!!
  16. So my 6 year old daughter drew this picture in her 1st grade class the other day. We live in So Cal. She also loves to chant Go Big Red during games, and wanted to watch a replay of the NE vs KSU game with me...how awesome is that???? mm0
  17. install IHeartRadio and you can tune into KFAB out of Omaha.
  18. risk to what? I assume you have a hardware firewall in your router. You are always at risk when you are online, but I don't see this setup as anymore risky than anything else.
  19. OK, gotcha...can you provide the IP addresses of the laptop and the xbox, and the mask. If they are in the same subnet, you should be able to ping the xbox from the laptop. If ping fails, you probably need a crossover cable (some laptops will auto configure this, some won't). mm0
  20. you will need to use an address outside of the dhcp scope...someplace in the router it will tell you what that is (usually it will say something to like assign IP address in range of...). Also, you will need to set the netmask...typically for home setups it will be Also, the default gateway will normally be or (use whatever IP you use to connect to the router). Can you ping the xbox from a PC? open a dos window (start:run:cmd), and type ping and then the ip address you assigned to the xbox. mm0
  21. What do you mean your 'NAT is moderate'? What are you trying to do? (I'm not a gamer, but I am a network engineer)...
  22. So, I have two options (I live in So Cal)...I can semi listen to the game live over the internet feed, or I can listen to the game later Saturday night...my question is, on the huskers.com site, it has an 'Audio archives' section...will I be able to listen to the game say at 8pm my time (10 pm Central time) via huskers.com? Or will I have to set up some way to record the feed? or, is there a better way that I haven't thought about? mm0
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