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Everything posted by Nigel87

  1. Not against Missoura, but I can see a possible Baylor victory, but not by much.
  2. At least you have FSN, here they have Rogers Sports Net (aka hockey channel) and Fox Sports World Canada (aka soccer channel). Don't subscribe to either because they don't show NCAA games, and I can't even find 'Skers games on PPV
  3. I finally posted on allbuffs, and got a response. I tried not to waste time on there, but its too funny. I can go to bed tonight with a smile on my face.
  4. Yep California--- San Francisco to be exact. Just saw an "Vote for Arnie" ad.
  5. I couldn't get video to play in the player but I found this site from the player, http://www.viidoo.com/ ESPN ESPN2 Not too sure where the nets come from (give me KLKN or WOWT, but I think the feeds are from Cali) And I ran AdAware after (can never be too careful).
  6. I finally had a chance to really poke around... Very classy, not that I would expect better from the sCUm on there. Even their smack word for Nebraska (not going to repeat it) is very clever. (I wonder whose foul-mouthed 2-year old came up with that?) I hope everyone voted "No, we still suck" on the homepage. I don't think I'll be spending too much time on there, after all I have an IQ higher than 2. I'm surprised I didn't get any hate PMs just for my screen name. (I just gave them too much credit, I'm sure none of them could figure out who 'TOsborne' refers to.)
  7. I can't believe I had to register on that crappy board to read the thread (I'm TOsborne BTW). I couldn't stop laughing at Unleah Hell's comments
  8. I missed the first half, being at work... I've been looking forward to today since last Saturday, and couldn't be happier with the result! Good game... bring on Kansas
  9. Is it possible to love anything more than GBR?
  10. Wow it sounded so formal "The Nebraska Cornhuskers" --when I don't think anyone on here uses "Corn" or some don't even the "hu" in Huskers... Reading that made me feel even more better about tomorrow (even though I'm very, very, very optimistic we will win)!
  12. Anyone know or familiar with the Motorola V262? It can play truetones, but I don't know how to get them to download (besides provider content)... I've tried downloading them from mobstorage, I even registered on a cell phone forum (no ever answered me), looked in the owner's manual, called my provider... nothing! (Except for the crappy ringtones they offer.) Same goes for downloading wallpapers, I can view them, not download them... Right now I've got the Huskers logo (provider actually had something worth paying for/downloading).
  13. The Weather Channel So it should start raining around 3pm, just in time for the game! I thogught I heard yesterday on Early Today they said snow for the midwest....
  14. Don't want to spoil it for those of you haven't seen it yet, but I laughed to the point where my laughs turned into violent cough-attacks! Just when I couldn't think it would get any funnier, something else happened.
  15. Ugh! I am not running for govenor, but that hasn't stopped people from sending me propaganda in the mail. I recently got a mail from some nutbag in Hastings. Read Here So of course you ordered the book... How was it?
  16. That would keep him busy, but my vote would still go to Tom... and I have the shirt to prove it.
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