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Everything posted by Huskerfan55

  1. Burkhead and all the freshman on the field
  2. he will not be handing them out this year!
  3. Get an offense that does not turn the ball over continually and make the defense spend to much time on the field> Get Rid of Martinez, NOW!
  4. I read some where that the definition of insanity is "doing the same ting over and over and expecting a different result". I think Tim Beck must be over the edge!
  5. Kinnie needs to be on tghe bench until he shows the same desire/heart as our Freshman receivers. They flat out want to play and went up and got balls. I agree Kinnie has NPD and should be on the bench. Has he caught a ball this year? Maybe he is a great blocked but if you can't catch you shoul be on the bench on all passing plays!
  6. I believe T-Mart to be a prima donna who will not last here at NU. In fact it would not surprize we to see him leave after the season. Green will never have a significant role and the next possible QB is coming from TX. We are out of luck for QB's right now we need a guy like Ganz not a pretty boy!
  7. Did I say he was bad? No, I said lets hope he developes more in the Royals oranization then he did as a Husker. Learn to read Havoc!
  8. Will lets up he develops more for then then he did us!
  9. Ok season is over and we have Anderson for at least another year so I say lets move on and hope we can carry our current streak forward into next year! Hell maybe if we get behind the program like Sipple says they will win 50 games next year~~~
  10. Sipple is a joke he is paid by UNL!
  11. Seeing the name Callahan makes me cring
  12. I suggest that after Anderson falters again next year we look at Will Bolt as out next head coach! I know he is young but he apparently has what it takes!
  13. This guy(Anderson)is just bad news for any baseball program. If I had a son considering NE baseball I would try to steer him elsewhere and I love NE sports. I am not sure Anderson could coach himself out of a paper bag!
  14. 95-100% gone to the Big 10 or big 16. I say go for it and screw TX!
  15. I agree they are young but I respectfully disagree with Dr. Tom Anderson needs to go now!
  16. Two wild pitches I would pull the kid - two in a ROW! Two pass balls? The entire staff needs to go Anderson on down! I say go down to TXARKANA and get Will Bolt as our coach! He has to be better then Anderson!
  17. wow amazing how bad do you have to be to play on this team?
  18. I am watching I guess I am always hopeful but once again more of the same crap. Top of the 4th and 3 zip AM
  19. In my opinion and thats all it is Anderson has to go and the sooner the better. We are sitting at below 500 baseball and in all likelyhood we will lose all but one series that is left and hell who knows Southeast Missouri State may beat us. I am sick of Anderson Baseball . I say go get a young guy who can recruit some kids who have a desire to win and whos ego's are not so fagile. This is a result of the coach!
  20. Tickets wont be an issue!
  21. I am not in favor of any one losing their job but if he leaves he will get a nice severence package, unlike most of us! I am just tire of watching us return to the days of Sanders!
  22. It sounds like Osbourn is going to keep him! Havoc has disappeared since the downward spiral started!
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