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Everything posted by Bugeater

  1. Once they went up 21-10 and stopped the 2nd half drive and created a short field and made it 28-10, the route was on, because all they had to do was pass rush and go for turnovers! That is what Pete Carrroll has done since he has been at SC, they force TOs, save for last season! Turnovers are gonna come when you have big leads and the other team is one dimensional! What is their 2nd team? I saw, #2, #13, #21, #31, #23 all run the ball on the blackshirts? #83/86 caught passes at TE, WRs, 1, 8, 9, all caught passes... They are light years ahead! when it was 42-10, it looked just like the Nevada game, save this time Nebraska was Nevada! yep...thanks Frank. Who is Frank? and what does he have to do with it? He's the guy that ran the program into the ground, silly. Was that 3? or 4 recruiting classes ago? Defense needs to play better. Let's get ready for Ball St. We need to make a statement against them. Tell me you're kidding. We made our statement last night, and it was "We still suck".
  2. Sorry, but beating up on some weakling isn't going to change reality.
  3. Because 4 yrs later we're not ONE BIT BETTER than when Solich was here.
  4. Bugeater


    Firing Coz would be like trying to heal a broken leg with a band-aid. We need to clean house.
  5. We're a fraud as a program, from Perlman on down. Anyone who doesn't see it now never will.
  6. At least we're not gravitating to mediocrity. Thank you so much Steve Pedersen.
  7. You certainly weren't the only one thinking it, I nearly had to take down one of my friends with a traquilizer dart because of it. It's irrelevant though, we had no chance in this game anyway.
  8. Sure I do, but he won't, so what's the point?
  9. Once they went up 21-10 and stopped the 2nd half drive and created a short field and made it 28-10, the route was on, because all they had to do was pass rush and go for turnovers! That is what Pete Carrroll has done since he has been at SC, they force TOs, save for last season! Turnovers are gonna come when you have big leads and the other team is one dimensional! What is their 2nd team? I saw, #2, #13, #21, #31, #23 all run the ball on the blackshirts? #83/86 caught passes at TE, WRs, 1, 8, 9, all caught passes... They are light years ahead! when it was 42-10, it looked just like the Nevada game, save this time Nebraska was Nevada! yep...thanks Frank. Who is Frank? and what does he have to do with it? He's the guy that ran the program into the ground, silly.
  10. I'll stick with my original prediction for the season.
  11. No, I'm not down. This is pretty much what I expected.
  12. Hopefully that start was just some big game jitters.
  13. In addition, he also ordered that they use this logo for the remainder of the season:
  14. I'm going to be pumped when Husker x actually puts his stupid sig in the sig line instead of pasting it on the end of every one of his posts.
  15. This has actually been going on for the last few weeks, it's been friggin' hilarious. Husker fans have pretty much owned the USC fans in the smack dept.
  16. I could've swore we already had this thread.
  17. DJ's Dugout in Miracle Hills. They just spent a fortune on brand-new HD tvs there.
  18. For some reason the national media is just now picking up on this story. Jim Rome has spent nearly the entire first two hours of his show talking about it.
  19. And the winner of this gets....?
  20. You can try and explain it until you're blue in the face Dave. Some people will never get it! So all this talk I keep hearing about a giant playbook is BS?
  21. Here's the local 7-day forecast, the Weather Channel is always way off. This should update automatically.
  22. That would be very cool, I'm anxious to see it again. It doesn't matter, I was just curious if I really saw what I thought I saw.
  23. If it was THAT clear why are so many saying they saw something else? Because you're looking for a conspiracy. Nah, if that was the case I could nitpick any game to death. I'm not saying the padding didn't come loose, I'd just have to see it again to believe it. It wasn't that clear.
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