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Everything posted by nebraskapit

  1. Yeah, after visiting Iowa State last year, I try to always apologize for any Husker fan not representing us well. Over there, we met a few over-the-edge fans- prompting the security to come. Throughout the game, other ISU fans apologized for them and we had a great time talking with those ones. If we show others that we won't settle for our own fans treating opposing fans bad, I think it says a lot more than we realize.
  2. Exactly. Saturday's crowd was great. And Bo even pointed out that the crowd hasn't been outstanding most of the year. But everyone should be proud of our stadium and fans. I'd like to hear what other people thought of the atmosphere... Definitely one of my favorites.
  3. Solid work. I commend all of you guys who put together stuff every game. Especially trying to work with what footage you can get your hands on.
  4. Nice work. For all those who weren't at the stadium, epoc's video was a great, fresh jump start for the game. And good to hear you guys moved to Final Cut!
  5. I don't know how much it changes during gameday, but if you are traveling between Omaha and Lincoln, take the Waverly exit and head on Highway 6/ Cornhusker Highway into town... To and from campus daily, it is definitely quicker than the Interstate if that helps.
  6. Agreed. But if you do go the Mac route, go ahead and pay for the protection plan/support from Apple. That really helps with any hardware issues-- but if you don't have it, it does suck.
  7. Coming out ready to play every week is what college football has now become. The gimmes are gone. If you aren't ready (coaches and players), you'll get beat.
  8. Coming out ready to play every week is what college football has now become. The gimmes are gone. If you aren't ready (coaches and players), you'll get beat.
  9. This is exactly what we DIDNT need. We now have a full blown QB controversy. QB controversies in mid-season never end well.... Yeah, Just ask Tommie Frazier about that. Exactly. If the players really are devoting themselves to the program and want to play, maybe a little controversy is the motivation they need.
  10. How about Ohio State this year? I'm hearing a lot of similar unrest about removing Pryor this year... As for Lee v Green. I've been looking at the other faults our offense. But maybe now is the time to just put in Green. There are so many potential positives or negatives about making the change (as evident in this thread). But maybe this change will help change other areas? I don't advocate change for the sake of change, but maybe this is what we need.
  11. I have to say.. I thought the crowd noise and atmosphere before Tech's first crazy completion was pretty good. After that long drive and the fumble for the touchdown, the crowd was out of it. About standing up and cheering loudly... back in high school I went with a friend and we were told to sit down by a couple of 30-year-olds. After a couple times of trying to stand to cheer 'after' a play to appease them, a very elderly couple a couple rows in front of us told us to go ahead and stand. And you should have seen them-- I was afraid the older man wasn't going to be able to make it through the game! But they stood and yelled the whole time!
  12. Yeah, I am having this ongoing conversation with my friend from Missouri (who goes to UNL, is a Husker fan, and "hates" Mizzou football) about Missouri's fans. I really wanted to be able to show them the whole situation involving the Colorado game...
  13. If you are coming in on 'O' try the parking garage at 12th and P Street (depending on how early you are getting into town). It is one of the only downtown garages that you don't need a prepaid pass. Or the surface lot on Q Street between 13th and 14th. If not... like mentioned already try the neighborhoods or greek houses around.
  14. I don't know about everyone else.. but maybe a full year suspension isn't too bad. I realize he's young and all, but in our society where full grown men are able to sit and lie in front of Congress, I'm for stressing the importance of something like this. That being said, I still don't know the specifics of the situation in which he actually lied to the NCAA... older athletes in a court room versus a college kid (and whenever he told his story) are two different things..
  15. I don't know if it has been mentioned on this board yet.. but they've now limited everyone to one vote per day...
  16. Anyone able to find a video from back in 2005 at Boulder when the officials stopped to game to try to clear out some of CU's fans?
  17. Definitely one of my favorite videos... Any chance we can look forward to a new episode soon?
  18. In case you are interested... this poll has finally hit facebook (at least within my friends) and it is now all over my newsfeed and has been all day...
  19. Overall, I am not bothered by certain personalities of announcers and I thought last night's announcers were not bad, but the last minute of the first half really bothered me. If I am not mistaken, one of them repeatedly said Missouri did not have enough time to run the ball (as a part of their discussion about Missouri's lack of touchdowns per red zone visit). Yet, when Missouri began to call their timeouts after RUNNING THE BALL, the same commentator said they had plenty of time to run the ball. Of those final plays, Missouri ended up running on three of the at least last four plays? I mean it is one thing to comment on your opinion of the situation, but still.
  20. Wouldn't it be a blast to be able to actually vote in a nationally known poll and get to be the one driving everyone else insane?
  21. Once you buy anything these days, you better quit looking at prices (unless it is within a certain period and you can get the difference back)... It is just too depressing...
  22. I'm glad you had a good time talking with them! I hope everyone who complains about not everyone standing the whole game reads this... Another thought.. do you think the number of actual season ticket holders in attendance was close to an all-time high being the 300th sellout? And as someone mentioned awhile ago (about having a separate 'older' section), maybe the next time we expand the new box seats go to some longtime season ticket holders? (more elevators, less stairs, AC/heat, etc)
  23. Granted Va Tech didn't look the best... but it doesn't matter how pretty a win looks. And as far as I'm concerned, our chances of taking it all in a season like this are just as good as next year. Just think of all the upsets occur... it's not out of the question that an unexpected team just finds a seemingly impossible way to run the table... Isn't our season's success dependent on not making mistakes when we expect not to and then coming up with some extraordinary plays/games?
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