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Everything posted by ssfranny

  1. How long has this really been in motion? I mean it would make sense for all the alleged "Duncan Aviation" sightings and people saying they saw him at Runza or whereever with a Husker hat on. So was that one of the main reasons Pederson was fired other than the fact he was a major tool with an ego to match? Was it to make amends with Pelini and set the wheels in motion for his possible return? It could also explain why LSU's defense kinda tanked in the last several games between the injuries and him coming back to lincoln for meetings or whatever. I really just have a hard time believing the first time TO and Bo had a real "sit down" was this last Sunday. I would love to see a Pelini/Gill combination but would both men set their egos aside for the good of the program? I don't see the HC being happy with a probable successor waiting for him to potentially screw up. I think Bo would use this job as a stepping stone but Gill would be here till be retired. All I know is I spend WAYYYYY too much time on this board! Its just so darn entertaining!! Thanks everyone and whoever it is I know one thing...I will forever bleed Red! Scott
  2. Wow Oprah is a Husker fan? I know she likes "carpet" but from Tom Osborne Field? Yeah and her book of the month was "The Nebraska Way" Beforehand, on Dr Phil, Bo was on there dealing with his anger management issues. When Skerfan stood up and said he was forefiting his season tickets, Bo went in the audience and beat him into submission with a Cornhead hat This is entertaining stuff coming on here. I mean you can only look at so much Internet porn...huh? Scott
  3. Ok so what if Bo changes his ways and is more in control? I mean the guy would know this is his "dream shot" do you really think he'd do anything to screw that up? I actually think TO could keep him in line. TO allegedly said he reminds him of "Bob Devaney" I mean what did your family think of the Bobfather?? If not Bo who would your choice be Skersfan?? Personally I want a guy with fire and can motivate the players. Have been a 90 year fan, but I've been a Husker fan as long as I've been on this earth. Scott
  4. Now wouldn't that be something?? Co-HC's great idea but would both go for it? Both are unproven and would be co-running one of the most prestigous programs in the history of college football. Certainly better than HC at a MAC school and HC for a lesser D-1 school. Scott
  5. Are those the players who were in the volleyball outfits in the garage of someone house?? I wish I could photoshop haha Scott
  6. Preach on brother! Next time you're at Disneyland go punch Mickey Rat and pee on the Pirates of the Carribean ride haha
  7. Please....ESPN as a "Sports" network is an absolute joke!! Idiots like that yahoo Stuart Scott who says "booya" all the time and Scott Van Pelt whos from the Golf Channel?? Not withstanding the dolts ESPN/ABC have covering college football Brent "pass me another shot pard" Musberger and Lou "sufferin succatash" Holtz and that idiot of all idiots Lee Corso. A network that has spelling bees and bowling and 10 hours of poker (who said poker was a sport...oooohhh we went all in man he must be winded) can they really even call themselves a "Sports" network?? Damn, I'd rather watch Travis Justice than any of those assclowns on ESPN. Funniest thing is if we're not relevant anymore why is it being scrolled on CNN at 8 am Sat morning Callahan was fired? Every other sports article it seems talks about the firing/new coach. Not revelant......please!!!!! email the author of the article: genewojciechowski@espn3.com and tell him what you think. My guess is with a last name like that he never played sports. Heck, no one could spell it or put it on a jersey!! Scott Scott
  8. Why did they turn the job down? Can you further explain that? Coaches were turned off by a program that fired a coach who was 9-3...love to have had that record this year. Scott
  9. I'll take Bill Callahan on the 28th of when hell freezes over twice. Seriously, I'll say Pelini on the 28th, leaked by media early afternoon on the 27th. What do I win?
  10. On Rivals, Sean Callahan said its optional for Seniors Thanks. Sean Callahan obviously would be a reliable source as well. That makes me think that it would have to do with the coach search since they would make it mandatory for seniors to attend an end-of-season meeting. And if they announce it to the players at 4pm, I would expect an official announcement soon after, or at least leaks would start to come out very soon. Where is anyone getting from the LJS article that they'll be announcing a new coach? They said it would be to vote on MVP and other stuff. Anyway, seasons over why would a meeting be mandatory anyway?? Maybe they'll be taking about who they've talked to for new coaches. I can't believe a decision has been made this quick especially if Dr Tom said he hasn't talk to any coaches. My feeling is if Pelini is announced as the new coach, then they've been on contact for quite some time. Dr Tom is becoming quite the spin doctor his time in Washington has served him well for this job Scott
  11. I thought about exactly the same thing just puts more pressure on the HC if he knows his successor is the OC most likely. Unless Bo sees this as a stepping stone to the NFL and he'd be gone in 3-4 years so in that case why would he care? I think the two together would be a brilliant combination. Seemed to work well together in 2003? Scott
  12. Brent Doucheberger was probably drunk offhis ass again. Wasn't he busted for open container years back leaving after a Husker game he announced? Hes a tard.. Scott
  13. Wow just read most of those Bo posts and they really can't stand him down there. I wonder if he has been up here as much as has been rumored if that played a toll on the D falling apart for LSU. Not a big motivator when perhaps your HC and DC both are rumored to be leaving...look what the distractons did for us. Certainly didn't help at all.
  14. Yake your negative crap elsewhere please...no one wants to read it! Scott
  15. Well I don't think Missouri was running the ball down people's throats in the Kansas game. Chase Daniels is one HECK of a QB. He'll be playing on Sundays if he stays for the next three years. Tigers are going to be the team to beat in the Big 12 North. Kinda why I'm suprised Blaine Gabbert was looking at Mizzou??
  16. BUBEYE!! Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!! He can't be gone soon enough... Scott
  17. So smoke some more crack and do another shot...won't happen.
  18. HAHAHA I was just going to do this!! BUBYE BILL!!! Seeya wouldn't wanna be ya!
  19. I agree probably the most talented wide receiver we've had since Irving Fryar. I hope to see him playing on Sundays. Thanks Maurice for some memorable plays!! Scott
  20. Better yet lets make him "Jockstrap Coordinator" where hes responsible for cleaning the jockstraps of the offensive and defensive lineman after 2 a days in the middle of August. Hmmm for $60,000 a month.....nahhhh can't do it Scott
  21. Oh I'm sure the scumbag weasel agent will get a cut off of Callacrap's buyout. Who cares agents are about a high on the human chain as a used car salesman.
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