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Pasadena Husker

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Everything posted by Pasadena Husker

  1. CU 31 NU 17 Passing 250 yards Rushing 75 yards
  2. yep. tomorrow against Uconn i expect them to give up ~15 hits and get boat run out of the park.
  3. disappointing end to the tournament. thought the Huskers would win this one. oh well.
  4. Gomes needs to work with a good hitting coach this summer. Has been good in the field and in relief, but every time he comes to the plate I cringe. dude can't hit his weight.
  5. same story for the entire year. runners on 2nd and 3rd with 1-out and we can't score a single run.
  6. i don't understand the logic of swinging at the first pitch when the guy who has already pitched a ton this tournament and just walked a runner home. don't like the lack of discipline
  7. Giving up 9 runs, 12 hits, and committing 3 errors through 4 innings won't put any pressure on them. Hopefully they can forget about this performance and be ready for this afternoon's game.
  8. looking at the weather channel it predicts that the thunderstorms will hit between 10 and 11 pm, which will cause a significant delay. either they will play well into the early morning or delay/finish for the 9:00 AM game tomorrow.
  9. i like the potential match-ups. Minnesota will likely throw Meyer, but if the offense shows the same approach and life they have the last 2-weekends, then i think we'll be ok. I also like facing Indiana in the second game. i know they score a lot of runs, but they haven't faced someone like Fischer, yet, and think he shuts them down.
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