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Everything posted by VectorVictor

  1. It's spineless because we have bad actors (namely Russia...) that can veto anything that comes out of it. Remove Russia from the Security Council, and things will happen in a hurry. Also, don't forget the United States has also been the bad actor on the Security Council (like under the previous administration), so to call the UN spineless and say they did nothing when the US has been the reason the UN cannot do anything on occasion in the past is somewhat hypocritical.
  2. I originally found it hard to believe that Americans during WWII would discredit or not believe that Concentration Camps existed, despite reports showing up a year or more before they were liberated. Thanks to Trump supporters I now see why.
  3. Anonymous had already announced the hacking prior to the recent atrocities...and heck, Anonymous themselves said they want this data to go towards persecuting anyone that participated in this invasion (or helped enable it). But the other thing this does is it lets parents in Russia know about their children--many of these soldiers were conscripted and parents lied to. Before media blackouts, there were stories upon stories of frantic parents trying to find out the location of their children and if they were involved in this 'exercise'. Parents were told they'd be sending their sons to training and they'd hear from them in a matter of days--for some parents, it's been months since they've heard from their children. It's difficult to remember, but not all Russians are the villain here, either. Just the ones enabling Putin, like Tucker Carlson.
  4. I'm pretty sure those soldiers will be leaving glowing reviews for their commanding officers.
  5. They should be tried and found guilty of treason. Can't believe people are so stupid to actually consider what these vermin say is legitimate.
  6. They certainly backed into this qualification. Would have preferred that we were somewhat competitive with Costa Rica, of all countries...but hey, it could be worse. We could be Italy.
  7. The leadership of Berhalter has been good so far, and it's interesting how much MLS experience he's willing to lean on too (read: I don't think it's a bad thing like some pundits believe). And teams like Costa Rica are like Texass--if they can't beat you on the field straight up, they'll beat you with politics and in the backroom to weaken you so they can beat you on the field. I wouldn't be shocked if we have one or more players have a problem getting through to play at Costa Rica, if for nothing else, as a nice f*** you for the whole cold weather ordeal. Having said that...it would take a colossal collapse to finish outside the top 3. But the USMNT has come up with bigger failures before...so...here's hoping they don't disappoint. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. It boggles the mind why many GOP voters support these two when they're obviously suckling at the teat of Putin and his ilk. To paraphrase the modern-day GOP on topics like Universal Health Care that Europeans are ahead of our country on...If you love Russia so much, why don't you move there?
  9. Except that the Gorsuch and Barrett votes were about two COMPLETELY different issues. People objected to the Gorsuch vote because Mitch McConnell refused to let Obama appoint a judge for almost a year, which is and was garbage. That's why when Gorsuch came up, Democrats rejected it because of how political Mitch made the whole process--a process that should be apolitical, but good luck getting the LCDs of our nation to understand that now. Barrett's objection was two-fold: One, because Barrett is a whackjob Christian Conservative that has a history of ignoring judicial precedent in favor of her beliefs--something that courts are not supposed to do at all. Now...you may have been absent for the semester where stare decisis was discussed in civics class, but it's the bedrock of our judicial system and something she committed to going against in her confirmation hearing. That right there is a red flag for *ANY* judicial candidate. It's why when she was nominated for the Circuit Court of Appeals (her old job before the Supreme Court), it was a 55-43 vote. Hardly overwhelming and consistent with the narrow vote to approve her to the Supreme Court. Two...not only was Barrett unfit for the position she already had and was nominated for, the GOP were hypocrites yet again (shock of all shocks) in holding hearings two months before the 2020 election and voted her in eight days before the elections happened.
  10. What's sad is that there are nut jobs that actually believe this s***. Some of which post on this very board.
  11. What's pathetically hypocritical is that Mitch voted for Ketanji Brown Jackson for her Federal appointment. Also, I'm sure most of the GOP only see Ketanji Brown Jackson as 3/5ths of a judge anyway.
  12. That's just it--Republicans want stupid now because it panders directly to their most active voting base--the (willfully) ignorant white, uneducated voter. While you have some people still being respectable in the GOP, like Cheney, you have people that have to pander to the LCDs of the world to stay politically viable.
  13. Here's part of the video from that farming town that trapped and completely scuttled a Russian armored column: https://fb.watch/bYBRm0b35i/ There's a better one from the BBC that showed the Ukrainians firing anti-tank missiles and hitting Russian tanks as they rounded the corner...but I can't find it anywhere now.
  14. Good points, and that's fair. If anything let's see if he can get improvement from the arms we have on the roster currently.
  15. Or enable his Lead Belly perk to digest less radiation.
  16. Except that Jeff Christy is the coach over pitchers and catchers, and he never coached under Van Horn. Very poor post.
  17. Well, if the Hague declares him a war criminal, Indonesia could just arrest him on the spot. They're not part of NATO so you don't have to worry about Indonesia sparking a war, and I'm sure the western powers would (discretely) reward Indonesia handsomely.
  18. Thought you'd like to see good news in the fight for the Ukraine: The farming town of Voznesensk, a town not unlike one you'd see in central Nebraska, banded together to repel a Russian convoy of tanks, heavy armor, and supply trucks, blowing them *all* up in the process after trapping them and blowing up the bridge to the nuclear facility outside town. I mean, it sucks they're having to rally around each other among such dire circumstances, but it does warm the heart that it's happening and a group of farmers and townsfolk were able to repel the Russian Army. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/ukrainians-repel-russia-in-battle-for-voznesensk/#x https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60840081 NOTE: I'm trying to find the BBC video, because it had footage from security cameras and the citizens of Voznesensk they took during the actual fight blowing up armor and touring homes where the Russians hid/regrouped in. Wouldn't be shocked if Ukraine asked for it to be pulled because it showed the citizens' faces...
  19. Sorry--traitors like Manafort and Tucker Carlson should be brought up on charges of treason. Zero excuse for their bull****, and less than zero excuse for the sorry excuses for human beings that enable them.
  20. Consider the source, but there have been reports that the Belarusian military is starting to object en masse to being deployed to Ukraine. https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3437326-belarus-military-refuse-to-fight-against-ukraine.html Plus, we're starting to hear about "draft dodgers" from Russia fleeing to Turkey, Germany, and Japan (among other countries) to avoid conscription, which is already happening in Russia.
  21. I'm just saying that not having a true pitching coach has been a concern since day one, and some of these arms are not fresh faces. Do I hope that things get turned around with the pitching, and fast? Yes. But I have my doubts, and they're the same doubts I've had since day one of this coaching hire (Christy, not Bolt).
  22. It also disproportionally impacts the Boomer Generation, who, among other things, addled their brains with drugs in the 1960s, had lead paint, led-contaminated water, and other pollutants that impact cognitive processes. It's brain disease, but some of these people may be broken beyond reproach, and it may not be their fault. That's why it's so sad.
  23. Thank you. It's obvious NDJ is just regurgitating talking points from Fox News without applying a modicum of critical thought to them and how bat**** crazy those talking points from Fox sound. And it's already been documented that Russia has their nuclear defense personnel on standby, and they have already said that the US providing fighter jets to the Ukraine would be an escalation worthy of a potential nuclear response...something that there's legitimate concern from intelligence gathered of the Russians doing. Considering Russia's propensity for projection (e.g. recent UN meeting where Russia is accusing the US of chemical warfare in the Ukraine...when it's been documented already that chemical warfare has been used on civilians by Russia)...I don't get why people are being apologists for Putin and trying to blame Biden for something he had no control over.
  24. It's not--it's that Russia is trying to do what Trump routinely does--pick an acceptable reaction you know your opponent will use (or project your own actions onto your opponent), claim it's an act of escalation, and threaten retaliation if it's implemented. In this case, Russia has said if we give Ukraine planes, it's an act of escalation, and Russia has already readied their nuclear personnel and threatened they could come into play. It's why Poland (via Germany) will give them their own MiGs, and the US will backfill with F-16s.
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