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Everything posted by huskernation20

  1. Alright...according to Rivals, this guy has a pretty heavy lean on Florida St. right now. Although he plans on making a visit to USC. He has been on an unofficial here. He will probably decide by October. We need to get Gabbert on this guy!!!!
  2. His list on Rivals has us slated as 3rd behind: Florida St. LSU I'll try to find some more stuff out.....
  3. Nebraska (Solid Verbal) Michigan St. Louisville Ohio State Wisconsin Florida
  4. LOL, with a motto like that my crystal ball says you will be single for a long long time. Naaaa!....I have the looks and charm to bring in any woman. There is someone out there, don't worry about that. P.S. This is my 100th Post!!!!
  5. I just pulled this off of HuskersIllustrated....... Removed - Paid Content from other sites cannot be posted on HuskerBoard. Thanks I will post the entire article for you guys if you want! Let Me Know!
  6. With Gray recently committing....I say that we have Quite a shot @ LB Kenny Demens! We'll get him w/ a 1,2 punch!
  7. Alright! Gray is "N".......now lets nab this guy! He shoulld be a shew in if this Package Deal works out! Go Skers!
  8. Now lets see if this "Package Deal" thing holds out! Next Target: Kenny Demens Welcome aboard Gray!
  9. Yea....I have seen pictures of Tommy Lee in the Band....are there any known videos of him playing???
  10. Terrible!!! It took an entire 15 minutes for him to announce!!!!!
  11. He's "N"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. yea...if you have a Rivals account!!!! Its cheap though....$10 a month! They are broadcasting it LIVE!!!
  13. Agreed, hey could you maybe put a link up for that article? Thanks.
  14. Lucky: 141 Carries - 728 Yards - 6 TD's Stewart: 183 Carries - 981 Yards - 10 TD's
  15. Yea...A kid by the name Jonathan Stewart was ranked #1. He was picked up by Oregon in Pac-10 play. Last season he had 183 Carries for 981 Yards and 10 TD's.
  16. Agreed, but they may be a little harder to find...me being from Texas and all!
  17. Oh.....the intense impatience!!!! 1 Hour away from his commitment!!!! Going down @ 9 a.m. this morning! Say a Prayer Guys!
  18. I tried to convert my girlfriend for 3 years....she always told me that she was jealous of the Huskers! We got into fights more times than I can could because I wanted to watch the game instead of spend time w/ her. Com on now....a 3 Hour game!!! Well after my many failed attempts to fully convert this steel headed wench, she is NOW my EX-girlfriend. I would use the saying Bro's before Ho's here! Can I get an AMEN!?!?!
  19. You can tell by the way Gabbert talks!!!! Demens and Gray will be "N" I can FEEL IT!!!!
  20. I have been wondering why he was found like that for a while now and I am glad it was put to rest. I was afraid he had some sort of medical condition or something that he didn't want people to know about. However, I am just glad to see that he is comfortable @ NU. Lets see how this Dark Horse Canidate rides!!!! GBR!
  21. Brandon Jackson has forgone his senior year and was picked up in the Draft by the Green Bay Packers.
  22. Dear, Sweet, Tiny Infant Baby Jesus I hope your right!!!! That would add some needed depth to the Roster! And not to mention...probably land us K. Demens!!!!
  23. Yes....that is very true.......I think it was the ONLY good memory to come out of that game. I threw up in my mouth watching the second half!!!!
  24. I recieved this in an E-mail a couple of weeks ago: Somebody from California apparently wrote the top part, but somebody from Texas came back and put them on their asses at the bottom. Someone from the great state of Nebraska should reply to this one! CALIFORNIA: - I can wear sandals all year long - I go to the Beach - not "down to the shore" -Our chicks are WAYYYY hotter than yours. Well...Miami can hang. - I say "like" and "for sure" and "right on" and "dude" and "totally" and "peace out" and "chill" and "tight" and "bro" and I say them often - I know what real cheese & avocados taste like -Everyone smokes weed and its no big deal -We'll roll up 40 deep when something goes down. -I live next door to Mexicans, but we call them American's! -All the porn you watch is made here, cause we're better and thats how it is - I don't get snowdays off because theres only snow in Mammoth, Tahoe, Shasta, and Big Bear - I know 65 mph really means 100 - When someone cuts me off, they get the horn and the finger and high speed chase cuz we dont f#*k around on the road - The drinking age is 21 but everyone starts at 14 (legally 18 if you live close enough to the border) - My governor can kick your governors ass - I can go out at midnight -You judge people based on what area code they live in, and when asked where you're from, you give your area code - I might get looked at funny by locals when I'm on vacation in their state, but when they find out I'm from California I turn into a Greek GOD - We don't stop at stop signs... we do a "california roll" No cop no stop baby! - I can get fresh and REAL Mexican food 24 hours a day - All the TV shows you "other" states watch get filmed here - We're the Golden State. Not the Cheese State. Not the Garden State.....GOLDEN!!! - We have In-N-Out (Arizona and Vegas are lucky we share that with them) - I have the most representation in the House of Representatives, which means MY opinion means more than yours, which means I'm better than you [geez.... hahaha] - The best athletes come from here *******IF YOU'RE FROM CALIFORNIA, REPOST THIS******* ******IF YOU'RE NOT, GO SIT IN A CORNER AND CRY****** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TEXAS: Ahem... So.. Um.. yeah... I read this, and thought I would reply... Hey... California listen up... Texas is where its at! - I too can wear sandals all year long... plus I can put on boots to stomp your toes and I won't even stick out. - You may be able to go to the "beach" instead of the "shore"... but can you go to the drive thru "Beer Barn?" What now surfer boy? -Three words for you.... South Padre ISLAND..... Third Best Spring Break Location in the WORLD! 500,000 Plus people in ONE MONTH!!! Ooh wait...... Isn't that a Shore? - You're chicks aren't way hotter than ours... they are almost equal... and thats only due to silicone, saline, botox, lasers and hair dye... We have the real ones and they can beat yours up. - We're taught to say "Yes Sir" and "Yes Ma'am" and respect our elders because of it. We also say "Howdy" and "fixin" and "Yall" are pretty much recognized right away anywhere in the world We're famous - You may know what real cheese and avocados taste like... but I know what 100% Grade A Angus Beef tastes like. Who wants avocados and cheese when you can have steak and potatoes? - Haha... who do you think grows the weed and sells it to you? - Why roll 40 deep when something goes down if 5 corn fed country boys can get the job done... - I live next door to americans, but we call them mexicans - About your Porn.... 3 words... "Debbie Does Dallas"... You can brag about it now, but we started it - Why would you brag about not getting snow days off? - We're smart enought to know 65mph means 65, but our speed limit is 70. - - When someone cuts me off, they get run over by my big ass truck, then I give them the finger and tell them to go back to california. - The drinking age is 21, but if you aren't chasin the beer by 1 yr old... you're behind. - Yeah, Well my governor became the President of the United States... yours isn't even eligible. - You can go out at midnight? Thats nice, I haven't even come home by then. - Ok... you said,"You judge people based on what area code they live in, and when asked where you're from, you give your area code" and as hard as I try I have no idea what you're talking about... I think you're watching too much tv. - Yeah, you'll definitely get looked at funny when you come to visit, but we have another name for you pretty boys, and its not greek, its french. -When we go over there to visit your girls ask if we're from Texas b/c of our accent and we say "YES", then they ask if we wear cowboy hats and ride horses, again we say "YES" and then we ask would you like to wear my cowboy hat, save a horse, and ride a cowboy instead? and they say "YES!" - Of course you don't stop at stop signs... none of you can drive. - You can pick up Real mexican food 24 hours a day huh... well I can swing by home depot and pick up 24 Real mexicans anytime of day. Can you say catering? - All the tv shows get filmed there... but where does your favorite poker game come from? Texas Hold'em anyone? - You can keep your golden state... We're the Lone Star State...the one and only!! -Texas is the ONLY state flag that can fly at the SAME level as the United States Flag. - Do I have to remind you about the drive thru Beer Barn again? Does In-N-Out serve alcohol? (Oh and did I mention Dr. Pepper was created in Texas?) -Do you even know what Big Red is? No, well we smuggle it to your girlfriend everytime we visit. - You guys have the best athletes huh?... Eight words... Lance Armstrong and The University of Texas at Austin. -Everything is bigger in TEXAS. Though I could mention MICHAEL JOHNSON - Olympic Sprinter, World record holder in 200m and 400m, 5 Olympic Gold medals, 9 time World Champion (born Dallas, Tx) Who won the National Championship between Texas and USC? ... Enough said. - Football is a religion, not a sport. - In Texas, football means football, not soccer. - 90% of football "movies" you guys are making are about Texas Football. -Varsity Blues, filmed in Georgetown, Tx - Friday Night Lights filmed in Odessa, Tx - Necessary Roughness filmed in Denton, Texas at the University Of North Texas - Texas is the only state that can still separate to become its own country. The only way California's gonna accomplish that is if another earthquake comes along and you guys sink into the ocean. Can you say Atlantis.... hahaha
  25. Will these shirts be available for shipment order....I would really like one but I live in TEXAS!
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