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Oklahoma Husker

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Everything posted by Oklahoma Husker

  1. No player will ever win the heisman as a freshman. You can take my word on that. I know it's supposed to be for the best player in the game, but they will always go with upper classmen. That's the way it is and that is the way it should be.
  2. A baseball season is alot more stressful on the body than you think. It may not seem like it but it is. Throwing a baseball every day makes the arm a little tired after 6 months or so. Especially if you're a pitcher, that really kills the arm. After some games that i've pitched i can't hold a cup still to get a drink of water. Both football and baseball seasons are tough on the body and i'm not saying that baseball or football is harder, just that you put in a lot of work to get to that series and then you win and it's just a step closer the the World Series.
  3. uhhh i counted 10 Huskers that you can pick for the top 10
  4. 1) How long have you been a member of Husker Nation? 17 years 2) What/who led you to The Nation? Both parents lived in Nebraska and went to the U 3) Where are you from originally? Altus, Oklahoma 4) Where do you live now? Altus, Oklahoma 5) Favorite Husker memory? shaking Mike Rozier's hand 6) Worst Husker memory? '04 TT game.....stayed for the whole thing too 7) Number of home games attended? around 50 8) Number of away games attended? about 15 9) How many pieces of Husker apparel do you own? alot 10) Favorite place to watch a Husker game? (section in Memorial, bar, friends house etc.) anywhere i can 11) Favorite all time player? Ahman Green 12) WCO or Option? WCO (i gotta go w/ it...it's what we're runnin!) 14) Lil Red or Herbie Husker? Lil Red (i love it when he stands on his head) 15) Favorite Husker play? 2001 Oklahoma game....Black 41 Flash Reverse....I think that was the craziest I have ever seen Memorial Stadium
  5. Are you sure?? If so, that would be great because right now, i'm not liking our qb situation. I think if Adams can get healthy, he'll be starter by the end of the year.
  6. Yeah but you just played 165 games to get to that point, so i'm thinkin you'd be pretty happy too.
  7. Uhhh, we haven't "won" in a while. And by win i mean a national championship. It's only been since 1997 but as far as i could tell we were a long ways from winning another one. The run, run, then run some more type offense isn't going to cut it anymore. Other teams have athletes on defense that can stop us easily. I believe Frank Solich would have never won a national championship in his tenure as our head coach. I love Frankie for everything he did for this program but he just wasn't getting it done as far as winning it all.
  8. Dave knows, along w/ everybody else here, that we're gonna be killed by OU. OK so imagine that Frankie's not fired. We still are going to be destroyed by OU. WE DON'T HAVE THE ATHLETES THAT THEY DO. IMO Callahan is bringing in better athletes already and he hasn't even been here one year. The reason we don't have the athletes is the former staff's fault not Callahan's.
  9. We had recievers open on almost every play we ran, Joe just never saw them. That IMO is on him, not the coaches. And as Eric said that camera just focuses on the players involved in the play. I was there and we were open all night, Joe's just gotta see 'em.
  10. I don't care if we beat half their team as long as we get the W
  11. I'm not comparing us to USC. IMO there is no comparison there right now. I'm just saying that one game is not going to kill you. Now I'm sure we'll probably lose more this year but right now there is no reason to go on and on about our offense. It's going to struggle! The reason we are using it its because it will give us a chance to get the best athletes and compete for the national championship EVERY YEAR. It has struggled these first three games but it will continue to get better.
  12. Maybe 1 out of the 3 games we were a couple of plays from winning. MAYBE, I don't even think we were a couple of plays from beating Mizzou. We weren't even close in the KState or Texas games.
  13. We've only played three games in a brand new offense that is one of the most complicated out there. How can you talk about not winning very well? We're 2-1! That's three games! USC lost a game last year. Settle down and stop complaining until we see how we do coming off this bye week.
  14. Or maybe it has nothing to do w/ Callahan. Seeing as Kevin Cosgrove is the defensive coordinator, he probably decides who he wants to play his defense. He could feel that the kid isn't right for his D.
  15. Do away w/ them completely?!?! You're kidding right! People are already complaining aboiut putting in a new offense and now you want to take away the Blackshirts! IMO the 'shirts our a more important tradition than option football. I just feel that they were more of what Nebraska was about. Yeah we always had the power running game but more importantly we had the smashmouth defenses. W/o a good defense we wouldn't have won any of the championships in the '90s, our offense was good but our defense held explosive offenses to 17, 24, and 17 points. And if you'll recall the Miami game, we only scored 24. That's my opinion.
  16. I think Willie Amos is a better man for the deep ball as he showed us in week 1 against WIU.
  17. I agree w/ Benard only 11 blackshirts should be given out. I don't care if a guy is in there half of the plays, if he's not a starter he shouldn't be given a blackshirt. How bout ya work harder so you can be a starter and earn yourself a 'shirt, now wouldn't that make you feel more special than if they were handed out to whoever contributed on D?
  18. Bad Boys 2 is the greatest ever. I think that is the one of the funniest movies I have seen plus it's got great action scenes.
  19. That would be crazy! But I think he can stabilize that program even though I don't think he can turn them into a NC contender.
  20. This is a great commit! Murtha really gives us good depth on the line, which we need alot. Our line the last couple of years hasn't been as good as the dominating lines we had in the mid 90's. Getting a good line is the first step to a good offense.
  21. Gotta agree w/ BRM. KSU and OU will be tough road games but if we can compete and show that we can actually play w/ those teams I think we'll be alright. Pitt shouldn't be that tough of a game if Fitzgerald goes pro. I think they lose Ron Rutheford (qb) to graduation and I think they also lose their rb. Tech will be tough if they can get a qb comfortable in the system, but if they can't it should be a sure win.
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