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C N Red

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Everything posted by C N Red

  1. I think this Jerryism came at the same bar and same time he gave his thoughts on Tebow and Parcells!
  2. I'm completely loving how many people are saying we cannot compete in the Big 10 in football. First, I don't get how they are figuring this. What is a good reason we cannot compete??? Now the reason I love all the put downs is how Bo will use this to push himself, the staff, and the team. So we can't compete with the South in the Big 12 and can't compete in the Big 10 either, huh? Bo will push hard this year to do everything he can to win the Big 12 so he can give the big FU on the way out. Then, once in the Big 10 he will push just as hard to win that title to make a point. He is hyper-competitive and stubborn, and his teams will reflect their coach. This is going to be an interesting next two years for sure. Let's do the supposedly impossible and win the Big 12 and Big 10 in back to back years, and even if we don't, I will promise we will compete to a point that no one will be able to doubt what we can and can't do.
  3. Well, no matter what, Nebraska will be a winner in all of this. Not only will our TV revenue increase enormously, but funding for academics and research is going to be even a bigger windfall for us. We are big winners no matter what happens!!!
  4. Giving the Governor doesn't have any affiliation with the University, if I were Mizzou I would call him up and tell him to please quit speaking for them. The guy is clueless. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/news/story?id=5288859
  5. I heard on radio today that some bigwig Fox execs were talking to Big 12 conference and may redo TV contract before this year instead of waiting til next year. This could very good for rest of conference but the teams besides Texass need to make sure it is a fair revenue sharing or it's just gonna be more money for Texass and it will continue as it has been. Still don't see any way that all their games will be on TV like Nebraska's will be now Anyone else heard anything about this?
  6. If nothing else changes, the former Big 12 conference will be fine as long as the minority teams(everyone except Texas) stick together and vote together. Right now I don't think Texas has anywhere to go and will have to stay. If the other schools are smart they ask Texas for rights to their sports to the conference, like Nebraska wanted, along with the rest of the teams. This will create a much more even field and revenue dispersement. If Texas doesn't like it I guess they can go Independent but I just don't think they can make it as an independent. I'd stick together, push them and see what they will give up. Otherwise, if it continues to go like it's been with every other school sucking Texass's tits it will not be good for the rest of them.
  7. That would be the best thing that ever happened!! Just awesome if the Big 10 got OU and then ND came along for the most powerful 14 team league in the nation. I'm kinda surprised the Big 10 or even more OU didn't get in contact. I guess OU's AD is just too in love with Texass. That's a shame, cuz I think the Big 10 jumps at taking OU.
  8. it was difficult for me not to go down and kick kietzman's a$$. if he said "thank you nebraska for leaving" one more time.... Let's just compare how much Mizzou, Kansas, or KSt. makes the first year we're in the Big 10 compared to what they make that year. Even with us paying back a $10M buyout subtracted from our TV revenues we will make more than them. Didn't we make like $7-8M last year on TV revenue? If so, take the $20M minimum we will make from TV rev in the Big 10 the first year minus our buyout of $10M. That gives us $10M that year which is more than we made last year and which is more than we will make this year. So, one year at $10M and after that >$20M a year. And that doesn't take into account the millions of dollars more we are going to get for academics and research!!!!!!!! Also, if the Big 10 came to Mizzou, KU, or KSt. tomorrow they would bolt immediately, so don't even play that game.
  9. somebody needs to lock criag james along with his whinny son in a tool shed how would you know they were in there? they would blend in with the other tools so well. I read this and laughed pretty hard, then clicked out of topic and was gonna go look at other topics, but I had to come back and give you props!! That's some funny shizzle!!!
  10. we are officially applying. applying??? dang it.....well, we are on our way That's basically saying we're in, especially with how T.O. was talking about starting athletics in 2011 and academically getting in ASAP!!! It's basically an informality. Don't worry buddy!
  11. I challege you to find me one quote from the MU president, AD, coaches, players, personnel, teachers, ect. You cant. The Govn. is the only one that said anything other then "proud members of the big 12" and "do whats best for MU". O.K., point taken. But did Mizzou ever come out and say that in no way is the Governor related to the University and his statements are not those of the University? Maybe they did, I'm not sure and don't remember, so just asking. But if they didn't, then they should have. Also, any chance he gets re-elected? i think that if MU gets left in the cold, Mr. Nixon has seen his last term in office for the state of Missouri Nothing against you buddy. I just am getting tired of being thrown under the bus. Ol' Cow Chip, the TX mouth piece has been killing us on hersay and perceptions. Actually I think Cow Chip got me, cuz I had kinda forgotten about the Governor thing. I guess he got me all juiced up and seduced into things he was saying and I forgot about some of that stuff. Not a problem. Gotta stick up and protect your school. I'd expect nothing less.
  12. I challege you to find me one quote from the MU president, AD, coaches, players, personnel, teachers, ect. You cant. The Govn. is the only one that said anything other then "proud members of the big 12" and "do whats best for MU". O.K., point taken. But did Mizzou ever come out and say that in no way is the Governor related to the University and his statements are not those of the University? Maybe they did, I'm not sure and don't remember, so just asking. But if they didn't, then they should have. Also, any chance he gets re-elected?
  13. Wow, sticking it to the South by T.O!!!!!!!
  14. He did give his O.K. on Pedey. But, at least he came in after to clean up.
  15. Wow, want in academically immediately! Smart, I didn't even think about it.
  16. Hey Mizzou, see what happens when you keep your mouths shut. Take note!! Someday you'll be classy, maybe.
  17. If this is true, which I'm sure it is, then if we move to the Big 10, Dish Network better be all over getting those channels. Why? Because if they don't they will be losing alot of business in Nebraska. The area I live in is pretty big in Dish, but if they don't get the BTN by the time we make the move, or probably even sooner, I know alot of people including myself that will be moving to DTV.
  18. So what about joining the Big 10 to highly increase the prestige of our University highly improving the academics and research. This move is going to make UNL a school people will want to come to. The academics and research monies will increase alot, which will bring in better professors, therefore bringing in better students and thus raising the name of the university. It won't take long for UNL to move up the rankings of colleges after this move is made. UNL won't just be a school anymore, it will be a destination for highly intelligent professors and students. Thus, a degree from UNL will look very, very good on a resume!! So, unless Aaron is against getting a better education with a degree from a university whose prestige will be very high, I don't think he's gonna see this move as disloyal or "sinful." If he gets informed he will see this move will be unbelievable for current and future students of UNL!! I call that big time loyalty!! UNL is committed to their students and faculty number 1. If they take care of that everything else will take care of itself. I'd like to hear these radio stations talking about move and about sports get some faculty members prospectives from UNL. I bet they have the biggest sh#t-eating grins on their faces you've ever seen.
  19. You know I never really thought about it, but you're exactly right!! I was gonna have a tough time rooting for him in KU, but with the move it would make it much easier. I've been following him ever since he left to Buffalo. I think this is the second big reason T.O. and Perlie will move to the Big 10.
  20. Um, nah. You could have combined about 15 threads under this topic, but they are all still on their own. But, i guess since I don't post here enough I'm not allowed to post a topic. Feel free to merge if you want, what the hell.
  21. I don't understand why I keep hearing how bad people are feeling for KU, KSU, and ISU if we move to the Big 10. We are abandoning them and need to be more loyal and stay in order to keep a conference for them. First, Nebraska needs to do what is best for them and for their school. I don't think people understand how much more money Nebraska will make in the Big 10. And as far as money goes, we will make alot more for sports, but firstly, we will make ALOT more for academics and research which will push Nebraska up and up in rankings and prestige. This is the reason we have to move and need to move. It's not about Football, it's about the academics and the prestige Nebraska will receive by just being associated with Big 10 schools. And as for KU, KSU, and ISU, I say F-off. Where were these schools when we needed votes in the Big 12? Oh yeah, that's right, they were sucking on Texas and the South schools popsicles. We were the only North team, with maybe Mizzou once in awhile, to stand up to Texas and the south. Alot of 11-1 or 10-2 votes. Where were our North allies when we needed them? They were hopping on the South teams in order to try and get as much money as possible, and now they have to eat that humble pie. Don't stick together and things will eventually break up and turn bad. We really have no allies in the Big 12 and never have since the conference began, so I say good riddings.
  22. C N Red


    Well, unfortunately I don't think I can agree with your friendliness arguement considering what asses Penn State fans were to Nebraska fans when we played them in PA.
  23. I believe its the third time that lands you on the sex offender list. I dont know for sure or anything, but i dont wanna find out. I really hope this is sarcasm. And urinating in public doesn't mean you're doing it in front of a crowd or any people at all. I don't think it was as if he was trying to show his junk to people, he was drunk, had to piss, and made a bad decision on where to piss. I know many, many people who have gotten drunk and pissed in all kinds of places like kitchen floors, trash cans, closets, beds, other people's beds, grills, boxes, cups, bottles, bedroom corners, bathtubs, sinks, etc. A drunken mind cannot be considered a sober mind. Now, the real problem is he had already got into trouble for something like this, and the he drinks enough again to make a stupid mistake. He's definitely guilty of making bad decisions when he drinks, but a sex offender? I would love to see a case where a drunk guy relieving himself in public has been registered as a sex offender if you can find one. If so, then I will totally recant and offer congrats.
  24. You do know this board isn't text message based, right? I can't stand when I get to one of your posts. Just spell the stuff out, it's not that hard and looks much better(e.g. less adolescent).
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