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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. I know all there is to know about psychology. I took psych 101 Keller Plan.
  2. You have my respect (as does pretty much everyone in this thread) for taking the time to ponder these things, though. Most people don't. It's a tragedy, in my opinion.
  3. I think making a baby and then striving to leave the world in a better place for that baby is a pretty good way of living your life.
  4. Not messing around - I've recently dealt with pain like this. Turned out, after many tests, that it was most likely caused by bad posture, since I sit in front of a computer all day. I was prescribed core exercises, and the pain largely went away. I never had anything that was sharp enough to make me leave work, but I've had pretty sharp pains at times. I would recommend getting it checked out by your primary physician. Internal pain is nothing to mess around with. Maybe it's only kidney stones, at which point you'll just have pain so bad you'll feel like someone stabbed you, repeatedly, but it's better than possible tumors or colon strictures.
  5. So we've conclusively proven in this thread that Po Belini is as accurate as WebMD.
  6. Shoot, I totally forgot about this. I have bad news...
  7. It would be one thing if it was just a matter of believing. It's an entirely different story when there is a preponderance of evidence that blows that belief out of the water, and I'm still required believe. The faith story is very convenient for a church that wishes to keep you in their fold, is it not? Without a shred of proof of... anything in the past 2,000 years, the "belief" mantra is awfully handy to explain away God's absence - at least, an absence relevant to that of a loving, caring Father. I'm not gonna argue with you. I hope you find the answers you're looking for. I've already found the answer. It was right there in front of me the whole time, I just chose to not look at it.
  8. I doubt they cancel it. I doubt they cancel or postpone it. There would have to be tornadoes on the ground before they'd do that.
  9. It would be one thing if it was just a matter of believing. It's an entirely different story when there is a preponderance of evidence that blows that belief out of the water, and I'm still required believe. The faith story is very convenient for a church that wishes to keep you in their fold, is it not? Without a shred of proof of... anything in the past 2,000 years, the "belief" mantra is awfully handy to explain away God's absence - at least, an absence relevant to that of a loving, caring Father.
  10. How far does believing in a non-existent God get you? We will find out someday won't we? Yes and no. If there is no God, we never truly find out anything. We just kind of blink out and all knowing ends. If there is a God, you'll know and I won't. In the meantime, as long as neither of us says, "YOU MUST BELIEVE WHAT I BELIEVE!!!!" then we're all going to be OK with our disparate beliefs.
  11. How far does believing in a non-existent God get you?
  12. For all the grim weather models, the National Weather Service only has us at 40% chance of rain. Weird.
  13. Not joking - I have had gas pains severe enough to cause nausea that went away without passing gas. Happens too frequently, actually.
  14. And usually that ability takes time and gradually gets better, he is saying this was instantaneous relief right after prayer... If this was indeed a renal calculi, these may not only cause pain but also infection and necrosis of the nephrons. Pain does not usually subside until the calculi is passed. Sorry Benny, but infections do not go away instantaneous...the only disease I can think of in the peritoneal cavity/abdominal area that goes away instantaneous is an appendicitis after the appendix ruptures, but this causes peritonitis and can be fatal. Surely we are not going to presume to diagnose this cause of pain over the internet to conclude that it was something that could only be cured miraculously, are we?
  15. The Bible's use of "the Father" is different than our every-day reference of our dad as our father. Don't give me excuses. I've been through the bible cover to cover. I've run the gamut of church involvement, from leading bible studies to church council to choir to VBS leader to altar boy. I've delivered sermons, I've taught classes. I know what the bible means when it uses the word "Father" to describe God. And before you give me the "Her reward is eternal life in Heaven with her Father," explain why she had to live on this earth in the first place, why she had to have hopes and dreams and plans, only to have them taken from her. If God truly loved my mother so much he wouldn't have needed her to prove her worth through tribulations before he allowed her to suffer and die to get to Heaven.
  16. This looks comforting. If I see the TIV driving by I may have to bring a rain slicker.
  17. I know you mean well with this. My problem with it is that God is "the Father." I would never, ever treat my child like this. I should not be a better father than God the Father.
  18. NASA should have a good enough handle on their rovers to know it's not one of theirs. You'd hope so, anyway.
  19. I don't doubt your story one bit. If it's a comforting thing for you to believe that God healed you, I'm 100% in your corner. I just wish God had chosen to heal my mother, 64 years his servant, humble, wonderful, dedicated, self-effacing, the ideal Christian. Devoted her life to trying to raise a child that didn't want to be raised properly, then the next 15 years to trying to raise that child's children, despite never really having time to enjoy a simple married life with the husband she loved. She always figured she'd have time after the grandkids were safe and in college. Neither went, they spurned her love and wisdom, and about a year after they moved out, boom! cancer and she's gone. I'm happy that God cured your side pain. I just wish he would be an equal-opportunity curer of his servants.
  20. Here's another angle with some different levels of zoom.
  21. Really? I was pissed - then thrilled - at the goal-line stand later in that game. Ciante Evan's greatest moment - stonewalling Gabbert at the one yard line.
  22. Nebraska makes both lists. First is the worst: LINK Now for the best: LINK
  23. Grisante's restaurant gives out a version of these, but they're candy, like candy-cane candy, dipped in chocolate. I don't think that counts. I'll just go buy some. I can hold my nose for a few minutes in Wal-Mart if I have to.
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