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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. Where the heck has KC been all year? He gets married and he just leaves us? Jerk. Anyway. Happy Birthday.
  2. How deeply have you studied other religions? There are a lot of religions out there who have "proof" in the forms of ancient texts, eyewitness statements, etc.
  3. It's been a week....you think they'll already have the seats in or something? Haha you're right, but he said the pictures were ten days old when they were posted so I was thinking that someone possibly had gotten some new pictures since then. Like I said, I'm greedy You could say "thank you" to the people who post pictures. That would be a start. And I haven't taken any pics recently. I should, though, because they're starting to wrap around the middle of the stadium with the steel work. Maybe this weekend.
  4. According to UNL Research on Twitter, today is NU's 143rd birthday.

  5. So... what happens when Iran's government falls apart, the more-modern youth of the country finally get tired of living under the watchful eyes of the gasht-e ershad, and civil war erupts? What will an unstable religious hierarchy do, especially after establishing a decades-long precedent of arming known terrorists? Will Iran's hard-liners really care if their nukes are traced back to them when they're going to be out of power anyway? That's not a bet I'm excited to make.
  6. Probably like a lead zeppelin. But it would have to be a major denomination, not some sideshow. The Westboro Baptists come to mind as an example of church-going extremists in this country, but nobody cares what they say because they're a minor sect. If the Roman Catholic Church or the Lutherans or Southern Baptists came out with a racial agenda it would be a media firestorm. But if it was just the Church governance and not a fair portion of the believers, it would blow over.
  7. That's like asking who you are, your head or your body? Can't have one without the other. Now, are we specifically talking about Catholics, or are we talking all Christians in general? I thought this was about all Christians. If it's only about Catholics then the roots of their issues go back to the Middle Ages when political power was as much the Church's focus as theological instruction. However, I'm not the best person to answer for Catholicism, since I'm not and never have been Catholic.
  8. We've parked there in the past, but they've raised their prices so much lately that we're not parking there anymore. It's pretty crowded, and the folks there seem to be having a pretty good time. Many students come over there to 'gate before the games.
  9. It would be traced back to them and they'd pay for it big time. That's why they wouldn't do that. OK, so we're safe then. Good to know.
  10. I get that that's Church law/doctrine, carlfense, but again, I don't think the vast majority of today's Christians walk around thinking men are "superior" to women - or at least, not because of their religion, and not in a greater degree than the secular among us believe this. The Glass Ceiling wasn't created by Christians, nor is it perpetuated today as part of some Christian doctrine - again, some exceptions excluded. As far as male clergy, that's a holdover from the Middle Ages, and is not justifiable by Biblical example (see: Priscilla). It's another example of our patriarchal society, IMO.
  11. I get the ironic hyperbole, but I think it's pretty safe to say that today's Christians aren't intentionally feeling/thinking this. At least, anecdotally, none of the Christians I know feel this way. Male or female.
  12. What about the qoute that God made man in his own image? Wasn't Adam the first human God made? Do you really think God has a gender? What's the point of gender without equal/opposite gender? Gender is only necessary as a component of procreation, which is unnecessary for a god.
  13. Well, that's a wrap for the 2012 HuskerBoard Starting Lineup. I hope everyone had fun nominating and voting. I'll post some stats about the nominations and votes in the next day or so. If you were elected to a position and you do not have an avatar, PM me and I'll get it to you ASAP. HUSKER 37 and Bucky, I have yours already made and I'll get them to you in the next 24 hours. Oh yeah... there may be a Walk-On Class this year. Stay tuned.....
  14. Medieval mores. The left hand was demonized and considered "ungodly." It's actually quite common among ancient cultures.
  15. I'm more worried about a state known for exporting terrorism acquiring nuclear capabilities and giving that technology to groups who will use it against us.
  16. I took out most of the conversation of religion from this thread and made a new one so this stays somewhat on-topic. You can find that discussion HERE.
  17. One for each wrist, one in each foot. The paintings we have from this period aren't just random works of art, they're sometimes important symbolic representations of the position of The Church, and the many kings and princes who derived their power from God. Symbolism was a major factor in the everyday lives of these people, and whether Jesus was pierced by three nails or four was, at one time, a hotbed issue. The depiction of crucifixion involving three nails has as much to do with Medieval sensibilities as anything, since it's far more "proper" to depict a nearly-naked Christ with His legs modestly crossed rather than splayed in an ungainly fashion.
  18. Voting is over! Congratulations, Badgerf-- errr.... Bucky, you're our new Towel Boy.
  19. Voting is over! Congratulations, Husker 37, you're our new Equipment Manager!
  20. Probably. Everyone refers to God as the father. I suspect that's so bronze-age man could relate to him. Introducing the concept of a genderless god is much harder than a god that follows known parameters.
  21. Why would it be disrespectful to a genderless god? Or, more specifically, why would it be more disrespectful than calling God "He" or "Him?" Isn't referring to God by male pronouns simply repeating dogmatically the tenets of a religion you were taught?
  22. God has no gender. "Him," "He" and other male pronouns are derived from a patriarchal culture, not from God Himself. Or Herself.
  23. I think some people will be happy with that. Who is going to be happy with another step back, and another year of being an also-ran? If Bo goes 8-5 his seat will be flaming hot in 2013 You answered your own question. The people who will be happy with that are the people who want Bo gone. There are many of them right here on HuskerBoard.
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