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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. You're ignoring the larger point, that there was NO REASON for that tree to ever be there. And even beyond that, there was no reason for them to ever be anywhere except in Heaven with God where God intends them to be anyway. But your answer also doesn't explain why every subsequent person is branded a sinner from day one, the instant they leave the womb. Why convict them of Adam's sin? Again, not the act of a loving God.
  2. It's like every 'scandal' we've had in the past 50 years all happening at once, x 100. I feel sorry for them. No matter what, the fans don't deserve this.
  3. Why would he need to create Earth? Heaven already existed, and we end up there anyway, right? What is the point of Earth, then?
  4. You're changing the subject but I am not intelligent enough to tell you why an all knowing God would do that. That would be conjecture on my part. Only God knows and I think I will wait a little while until I ask him. No, I'm showing you that the concept of a loving God is not possible in the context of the Bible. Simple, unavoidable facts based on Christian theology: God is Omnipotent God created heaven and earth There is no sin in heaven God placed man on earth, NOT heaven When created, Man had no sin God placed the Tree in the presence of man Man then sinned God said, "You are OUT!" and cast man from the Garden This would be akin to placing an infant next to a fire and saying, don't touch! The infant can't not touch - it's in their nature. The infant can't grasp the danger, can't understand your warning. But you're a loving parent for putting your child next to a fire? No, you're a terrible parent. You'd be convicted in any court for doing this. But it gets even better. Because what you're actually going to do is not simply allow that infant to be burned, you're also going to burn every child that descends from that infant, forever, simply because the first infant burned themselves. Out of the womb, into the fire. Does this sound like the behavior of a loving God? It doesn't to me. If God truly loves each and every man, then why would he ever place man in this position, where we can't earn our way into Heaven, but we can VERY EASILY earn our way into Hell? Would you treat your child like this?
  5. Who put the Tree in the Garden of Eden? Why even put it there?
  6. Joe has actually had a pretty checkered past.
  7. Unfortunately, this fails at the first sentence. We can't have a personal relationship with God on Earth because he isn't here interacting with us. To have a personal relationship with God we need to go to Heaven, where there is no sin and hence, no separation from God, ever, for anyone. The very fact that we are here on Earth obviates God, who loves us unconditionally, yet places us on Earth, the only place where we can earn our way out of Heaven. We are God's children, correct? Which of your children would you put in a cave, away from every material advantage you could possibly give them, and - more crucially - away from your presence?
  8. How many of these players were waiting for this weekend, Senior Day, to walk out of the tunnel and hug Paterno as they headed onto the field? Those are the guys you feel terrible for.
  9. It's just your misunderstanding about the purpose of the thread. But however you want to spin it to entertain yourself is fine. I've said my piece.
  10. I'm not debating whether Obama does or does not have character. I'm making a comment on the rhetoric being used. Entirely different subject. Way to avoid a sack! Thread has nothing to with rhetoric being used... You may want to read the thread title and OP again if you think it has anything to do with Barack Obama's character.
  11. That is a great point. What was he thinking/saying whenever he saw Sandusky on campus? How could you not be shouting from the rooftops about this guy if you're McQueary?
  12. The biggest difficulty I see with this situation is that she's Cook's daughter. Any other player, a two-gamer for felony H&R with a side order of injury, and it would be somewhat troubling. But because she is Cook's daughter, a two-gamer looks like too much leniency or that we're a "win at all costs" program, which we aren't. We are about doing the right thing the right way. Our players are supposed to embody that, and fair or unfair the Coach's daughter should be the epitome of that mantra. When she shows that she isn't, there have to be repercussions. I don't want to pile on Lauren. I like her very much. But a two-game suspension and a pretrial diversion program don't suffice here, in my very humble opinion.
  13. You mean 'out' like this week, or at the end of the season? I was wondering the same thing. I think it it would be best to leave now, instead of drawing this out for another month or two I would imagine it's "out now." I can't fathom why they'd keep him around through the end of the season. Every game will be a horrific circus if he's still with the program.
  14. Which would be a terminable offense if I were his boss. That is a very bold, and a very unwise, move by Paterno. Nothing he has to say right now can be of any benefit to anyone. This needs to go to trial. He'll have ample time to tell his side of the story at that point. I cannot imagine what he has to say that is worth taking this step. Unless he's wanting to say he's stepping down. That is highly likely, but still stupid. Today is not the day for Joe to go rogue.
  15. Which would be a terminable offense if I were his boss. That is a very bold, and a very unwise, move by Paterno. Nothing he has to say right now can be of any benefit to anyone. This needs to go to trial. He'll have ample time to tell his side of the story at that point. I cannot imagine what he has to say that is worth taking this step.
  16. The evidence doesn't look good in this situation. It seems that JoePa was informed in 2002 by the Grad Asst (I forget his name) and all JoePa did was tell his superior. At a minimum Paterno was required by Pennsylvania law to call the police. But this wasn't the first time Joe had learned troubling things about Sandusky. There were allegations in 1998, FOUR YEARS before the most inflammatory incident in the PSU locker room, which led to Sandusky's resignation - a resignation about which Paterno said nothing despite Sandusky's decades of employment. It would be the same as Charlie McBride suddenly, mysteriously leaving in 1996 and Osborne saying absolutely nothing about it. Despite these instances, JoePa allowed Sandusky access to the program, the facilities and the players as recently as last week. That is inexcusable. Absolutely inexcusable.
  17. I don't know if playing the game this weekend is the right thing to do or not. I'm in a little over my head here. I can see both sides of that coin. Lost in all of this (and yes, we can think of more than just the children who were victims) are the Penn State players. Most likely none of them had any idea what was going on. Most likely they are as disgusted, horrified and shocked as we are. It is also very likely that this Saturday was supposed to be their Senior Day, since it's their last home game of the year. If they play, who takes these kids out on the field, shakes their hand, hugs them, and thanks them for their honest contributions to the team? Lots of collateral damage in this situation.
  18. They keep rewriting the first few paragraphs of the LJS article. It's annoying trying to keep up with it. The latest: I have a bit of a problem with this. If she is able to play as of this weekend, then I disagree with the length of her suspension. This was a big issue. Two games is not enough.
  19. Please don't use this thread to make any comments about the recent scandal involving PSU. That is not a subject about which we should be joking. Thank you for your understanding.
  20. If this game is played as scheduled, it will be one of the more ugly, sick feelings I've ever had watching a game, regardless of outcome.
  21. Buzz across the news world is that JoePa is out. Today's presser cancellation simply first step.
  22. From the LJS article: I have to imagine the judge wouldn't let her even try if she didn't have a realistic chance of getting into the program. She is exactly the kind of person those programs are designed for.
  23. Graham Spanier is also the Chairman of the BCS Oversight Committee. I don't think this situation reflects well on his ability to oversee things.
  24. I believe I have a pretty good idea when this happened, and it was after the accident, not before. EDIT - despite what I posted, she is NOT being charged with the license suspension. Just the felony.
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