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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. I gave him crap for posting his articles because we didn't have an agreement in place. Turns out Sam is buddies with the proprietor of HuskerBoard. I emailed him, but between the two of us I think we may have succeeded in driving him off.
  2. No, but Sam reads HuskerBoard and speaks to us through his articles quite often.
  3. Ron Brown personifies Nebraska Football. Anyone thinking his departure is "no big deal" should seriously consider becoming a fan of another team.
  4. Since we have a more pertinent Watson thread, we're going to shut this one down.
  5. Only first part of my post was directed towards you. Rest was opinion. But I know it is funny that I usually respond to you. But I have yet to meet someone as routinely wrong as you are. You should invest in a mirror.
  6. That's so stupid! There's a Colorado fan on Vine street between 27th & 33rd who's lived there over ten years. He has a CU flag hanging from his front porch EVERY SINGLE DAY. He has CU bumper stickers on his car and he has some other crap on his porch. If we did all that stuff he'd have had to buy 100 flags by now, and frankly, if he's living in that house he can't afford a new flag each year, let alone 100. People love to talk about how horrible we are, but it's all such bunk.
  7. You definitely need a thicker skin if the gentle joshing you received (after you started it, no less) made you go off the deep end like that.
  8. Thread locked because people can't follow the rules. Don't post stuff like that in the Football Forum. That's why we have Daily Skin and the Woodshed.
  9. Not seeing any comments. Disabled? And what you would have seen over there was incorrect anyway. Since you seem to have the correct version (you've eluded to that multiple times recently) - care to set us straight? I have alluded to it, and I've also explained that we are not posting that on the boards due to possible legal issues associated with the situation.
  10. This is not coming from Watson up to Bo. As has been made abundantly clear, the door has been wide open for Watson to leave two years in a row. When Watson goes, if he doesn't already have a job, it'll be from Bo, saying, "We gave you a chance to find something. Now it's time for you to go." Watson has bills to pay. He's not going to voluntarily leave a job paying hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  11. Not seeing any comments. Disabled? And what you would have seen over there was incorrect anyway.
  12. That is absolutely hilarious. I admit that I've never paid much attention to Iowa football except when we trounced them a few times in the past, but if that's the case... that's sad.
  13. All right, he stays. But only because everyone's having so much fun jumping on him.
  14. Exactly, Carlfense. I have a historically low tolerance level for trolls. If this BS continues don't expect this guy to last much longer.
  15. We already have several threads discussing this. Another isn't necessary.
  16. Love it. You gotta be kidding after that marine comment.
  17. The first thing I thought of was how cool it would be to coach a sport I love for a school I love. If that's the first thing that came to your mind, maybe you should have put yourself in that graphic. LOL
  18. Meh. "Fired" vs. "resigned" is mostly a semantic debate. I don't like that Bo parses words like Bill Clinton sometimes, but.... there are times when it's not the worst thing in the world.
  19. Carlfense, you've got a legal mind. What about the possibility that Sanders' issue is legal, and therefore not a matter of public record right now? Don't you think we'd have to hesitate talking to the recruit at that point? It cannot be stressed enough that Jackson said he'd still have come to Nebraska had he known. That's probably a knife that cuts both ways, but it's pertinent. It minimizes the impact a great deal.
  20. Robsker, wouldn't you agree that we prospered under Devaney? And that we prospered under Osborne? There were shenanigans galore under Devaney, and there were several ugly incidents during Osborne's tenure, that never saw the light of day. I hear stories about this stuff over the past ten years or so that, if they came out during a coach's tenure today, would get him fired on the spot. The two differences here are 1) perception and 2) the Information Age. Neither Bob nor Tom had to deal with 24-hour sports stations or the Internet like Bo does. A lot of things that happened didn't come out to the public like they do today - but they still happened. Because folks didn't know about this stuff during Osborne's career they perceived he was this squeaky-clean coach, when in fact he had plenty of skeletons, too. The Bobfather had a whole graveyard full of skeletons, but he coached in such a different era that nobody knew or cared. Bo is fine. He is unpolished and could stand to work on some things. But even if you're not 100% giddy about the events of the last few days, it's far too much to demand his ouster. There likely isn't a coach alive today that would do a better job overall than Bo is doing now. Sure, we could get some Nick Saban PR master here, but Slick Nick is as dirty as they come. You trade some integrity for better PR, maybe. I'll pass on that.
  21. What if Bo couldn't legally speak about the situation? What does he tell the recruit at that point? Bo's mishandling of this situation lies in his uncomfortable presser, which is becoming more clear day by day. Sure, Bo sucks at pressers, and his (and ours) national reputation takes some jabs because of it, but if Bo never improves at his pressers and continues to field teams like he's fielded in the past three years I'm going to be one happy camper. Let's let all the facts come out from this Sanders/Jackson thing before we crucify Bo. And for God's sake, let's stop with this "fire Bo" nonsense. Good grief!
  22. WHOA!!! This is a tremendous overreaction! On a scale of 1 to 10 this issue with Jackson is a two, maybe three. kchusker_chris made a good point - it's entirely possible that Bo couldn't legally tell Jackson what was going on. Think about that before you want to run Bo out of here. This wasn't a perfect situation, but for goodness' sake, let's not begin a witch-hunt at Bo over it. At worst it's "not ideal."
  23. I think most people are in shock right now, and also most don't know the full story of what's going on. If/when it comes out, he'll take what heat he has coming.
  24. What? That's stupid - we've been doing Football 101 here at Nebraska since the Osborne days. Callahan may have been the first to make it a breast cancer fundraiser, but the event itself predates him by a decade, if not more.
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