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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. Hannah was also a unanimous selection for the All Freshman team. Christmas at the Werth house should be fun. Hannah should be able to hold her own with Jayson in the "athletic accomplishment" conversation this year.
  2. We have a great opportunity to make it to Tampa. It sucks that ISU and Texas are in our Region, but I'll take the home-court advantage in all four matches instead. Besides, we've played both teams tough this year, and we're playing better ball the longer the season goes on. I like our chances!
  3. I just don't see how this helps them. They're not going to get any recruits worth half a darn when Hawkins looks like a one-more-year lame duck. How do you convince a kid to come play for your coach when the coach looks half out the door?
  4. We're also ranked in the BCS - #22. Too bad we'll drop out of all the polls again if we lose.
  5. I don't think so. Especially in an offense-heavy conference like this. This is all WAY to premature on these two. They'll be OK.
  6. +3,172 Assuming he stays on the ballot, this is a done deal.
  7. That's too bad. I hate seeing stuff like that - for any team.
  8. Admin1: Hey, knapp, that's a great idea! Admin2: And not all that hard to implement, too. Let's see if we can't get that going... Admin1: We should have done this ages ago. Thanks for the tip, knapperoni. knapplc: No problem, guys. Glad to have helped. Cheers!
  9. The sit-in worked, especially after me & BRI ate the beans. Management was holding firm until we started gassing the place. It's dirty and sneaky and underhanded, but it worked. Viva la Rumorville!
  10. This should definitely be done.
  11. I think there's a setting in your controls that makes these record. I've edited my spelling/punctuation on several posts throughout the years with no record. Overall I'd rather see everyone's edits time-stamped. I hate seeing that edit on my posts, but I hate typos more.
  12. Redshirt Freshmen should not be counted on to make consistent plays. I've wished for more out of our LBs this year, but they're young. If they struggle again next year we'll have valid reasons for concern, but this was always going to be a rough year.
  13. +1,400 right now. By tonight we should be up nearly 3,000, if not 4,000.
  14. This thread is about a week too early. They haven't announced anything official yet.
  15. So, it's possible this has never happened?
  16. +700 now. If they take Suh off in favor of Toby Gerhart, I'm going to blow a gasket.
  17. Make that +140. And that's just seven minutes after you posted!
  18. Suh has been getting votes on a 3:1 clip for the past few days. With Clemson's loss and Tiger Nation in meltdown mode (at least temporarily), I think that stands a good chance of going up about 4:1 if not 5:1 for a good 48 hours. That should help Suh pull away to a pretty comfortable lead.
  19. I think the Tigers are very demoralized after today's loss. TigerNet is full of angsty postings about how they played today. They're not thinking about this vote at all right now. They're going to wake up from their doldrums in a day or two with Suh 5,000 votes ahead and pulling away.
  20. All they gotta do is not be cheap worthless bastards and leave Suh up one more week and this is in the bag. If they pull him down it's rigged. If they leave him up he can't not win.
  21. -95. It is inevitable. It is useless to resist.
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