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Everything posted by holvy83

  1. There was a play taking place at the High School when it happened, a co-worker of mine was there with his family and when they heard the sirens they started to head to the basement. My co-worker being a volunteer fireman went out to check on the storm, he saw the tornado coming right for them and it was big. He said he has never been so scared in his life. He also said that you always hear stories of how it sounds like a train, which is true except he said your standing right next to it and it is going 200 mph.
  2. no fatalities, a broken leg sounds like the most severe injury. The initial report is that 60% of homes are damaged severely. Check out Youtube for some of the storm chaser videos, if it wasn't for these guys out there the town would not have had over 10 minutes of warning for this vicious storm.
  3. My wife's family is from Mapleton, everyone is ok but lots of damage, reports we have heard is that over half the town is severely damaged. They still have the highways going in to town blocked off so we have not been able to get over there yet. Please keep everyone in this town in your prayers as this will be a long road ahead for those in this community. Mapleton is located between Sioux City and Omaha in Western IA.
  4. nice, kind of what i was thinking, but you beat me to it.
  5. long time until thanksgiving...
  6. Its not just girls. I work at an elementary school and there is tons of bullying going on, but one little boy comes to mind. He is one of the nicest little kids, but he has glasses and is kind of clumsy. He has very few friends, if any at all. He gets picked on literally every day and goes into the bathroom to cry. My heart goes out for the kid every single day and the only thing I can do for him is listen to him and say things will get better. I can put his bullies on timeout, but as soon as they get up, it will happen again. I even told one of them, "you know, your really mean to that boy, doesn't that bother you." His response, "I don't care." And then he laughed and walked away. These are 2nd grade boys. Okaive, if you worked with kids, you may have a diff. view on bullying bc u would want to do whatever you could to prevent it for the victims sake, but at the same time feel helpless bc u know it won't stop. Yikes! 2nd grade?! Man if that kid didn't care what you said to him, you can already tell that there is not much discipline in him.
  7. nothing against you Caven, but this is typical fan banter, this is nothing I haven't heard from any Big 12 foe on here, you are not really gaining any argument points. You saying this is just like my last post when I said most people didn't find Iowa relevent until 2002.
  8. The never ending argument... In my experience growing up in Iowa, Iowa fans were born to hate Nebraska, if their parents hated the Huskers so did you, just the way it was. I don't try to get into smack talk with Hawkeye fans since most of them didn't know they had a football team until 2002.
  9. 500 cal a day?? no thanks... you are starving yourself plain and simple.
  10. I remember vividly how evil and ruthless girls can be at that age, the girls in my class were absolutely horrible to other girls about the way they dressed or acted. I was in 6th grade in 1990 so if you can imagine we all looked like freakin nerds!! They do more damage mentally then what boys can do physically.
  11. Glad I didn't order it. I'm not high on WWE right now because all of the backstage skits are really lame and most of the fighters that I grew up watching (Stone Cold, Rock, Mankind, Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boyz, etc) have all moved on, retired, or are still in the business but they don't wrestle anymore. If I watch RAW its just to see what Stone Cold is going to do but I don't think he has a huge role right now, could be wrong since I don't watch RAW on a weekly basis. Just started watching RAW here and there since the Rock came back. On another note I watched TNA for the first time last Thrusday? and I really enjoyed it for some weird reason. Sure they wrestle in a smaller ring and venues but the backstage skits were not retarded but yet enjoyable/believeable compared to WWE. speaking of skits/storylines, I read somewhere on the interwebs that WWE has less than 20 minutes of actual wrestling on their 2 hour shows anymore plus they are wanting to drop "Wrestling" from their corporate name. From what I read the company is trying real hard to clean up their image just so Linda McMahon can make another run in politics. I think they are trying to get it back to what it was back in the 80's...
  12. Same here, I am surrounded by Hawkeyes...
  13. I don't watch much NFL either, will usually watch the playoffs and the Super Bowl but normally find something other to watch on Sunday's, have never really had a strong interest in any pro team and if I did would get labeled a "fair weather fan" so I just basically stay out of it. Plus I watch enough football on Saturday to make up for not watching on Sunday.
  14. The Butler did it AGAIN!!

  15. Butler = Amazing

    1. suh_fan93


      Loved it! I am pulling for the Bulldogs.

  16. So very true, we truly live in an amazing time that gets tarnished by people that do nothing but b*tch and moan about it.
  17. LT gets 6 years...PROBATION!!! Who says money cant buy freedom...

    1. ADS


      Shawn Watson could buy his freedom.

  18. Butler wearing the same size glass slipper as last year? got to love march madness

  19. Post from work? NONSENSE I SAY! Nobody here wastes company time on Huskerboard!
  20. OMG, don't say that. We don't want a re-occurence of the Texas v. Nebraska game of last year. I hear its going to be a Red Out Around the World - Wear Red, Be Loud, Beat Texas Ohio State Yup, that is what i was talking about... quiet confidence will be better this time around!
  21. The players will still be allowed to practice, just not play. It looks like Tressel will be able to do everything except coach during games. thanks! So since Tressel will still be able to set up the game plan all week I don't see that having that big of impact on them if he can't be on the sidelines for 5 Saturdays.
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