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Everything posted by dizzturbedNUfan

  1. Yeah, and the morons that are driving around Arizona are alot better. *rolls eyes* ZING!!! I've been to 48 of our wonderful states and in my travels I have found that "morons" are a national problem.
  2. Why Sharks??? I don't really like you but the Red Wings and their fans are so freak'n stupid!

    1. Street Novelist

      Street Novelist

      You knew it was coming. surrendering 3 goals in the third period. Most people here think Detroit will win tomorrow.

    2. dizzturbedNUfan


      I hope not! The Sharks are all I have left of this season! I will be cheering for them as loud as I can!

    3. jsneb83


      Go Red Wings!!!

  3. At the 7 second mark there is a really short clip that they don't show all of........If your wondering what happen to the guy crossing the street, click here.......... From what I have read the dude lived to tell about it.
  4. Cabelas is having their law enforcement trade in sale this weekend. I need to get another hand gun and their special is a Glock .40 cal with 2 mags and case. My question is, in your opinion, what kind of shape are these guns in when they are finally taken out of service. Thank You!
  5. The PS3 games were traded for Xbox games today. I have always considered Xbox Live to have better online play anyway, just did the PS3 for graphics and a handful of friends that didn't have the 360.
  6. Anybody concerned about the Iphone secretly recording your history and tracking where you are and where you go? I was going to go upgrade this week but was thinking of holding off. That doesn't really excite me that they are doing that stuff.
  7. what platform do you have it on? I bought a used copy for the Xbox since the PS3 is still down.
  8. Just got it yesterday and have had some fun playing online. Haven't had time to finish the campaign yet. Lot's of snipers, last game I played was 12 on 12, climbed up on a roof top and took out 7 snipers all laying on the same roof. I have a long way to go to pass any kind of judgement on the game as a whole.
  9. Excellent post! +1 to you sir! Couldn't have said it any better myself.
  10. I don't see Versus offered by itself or with the Outdoor channel on Dish. Sportsman and Outdoor channels are packaged together, but I don't see Versus in that or by itself. Am I missing it somewhere? Well I called them today and I guess your not missing anything, they took those options away. I get to keep it that way as long as I don't cancel anything. Sorry man, didn't mean to post bad information, I just didn't know they changed it.
  11. It basically boils down to Direct being somewhat better for sports, Dish being somewhat better for movies and women (studies show they do watch TV too), Direct has whole house DVR (hopefully Dish will have this soon) and I think Dish is $5-10 less for a comparable package at regular prices. Again though my only real complaint with Dish is ESPN U only being SD, it's completely ridiculous and looks terrible since the channel is formatted for HD. And also no Versus unless you get the 250 package but that's more a complaint with IndyCar's awful TV contract. you don't have to get the 250 programming to get Versus, you can buy single channels. That's what I do for the Hockey coverage. I added Versus and the Outdoor channel.
  12. Dish hands down. Maybe things have gotten better since I left Direct, but all it took was a cloudy day for my picture to be jumpy and in a slight shower I would lose signal all together. The Dish HD receiver with dual DVR's and Slingbox is awesome. Now I can watch tv no matter where I am! I will never have to watch a recorded football game again because I can watch it live on my laptop or phone. Plus you can go into your DVR and watch anything you have recorded. The customer service has always been great, adding extra channels doesn't cost an arm and a leg and they have been very kind to us with upgrades. Either way you decide you will be happier then you are now with Cox.
  13. Years ago I gave up Lent for Lent, It's been so easy I have been able to stick with it for years! I actually threw in Devil May Cry on the PS2 last night just for the hell of it. I loved that game when it game out. I am looking forward to Homefront, can't wait to see if it stacks up.
  14. I have a STR DE895, so I am not sure what you have for options. I enjoy all the "crappy" surround effects, that's why I have a home theatre room. When using the AFD button on the remote can you scroll through several options? When playing a blu-ray I get the best sound from PL II Movie or if you want a little less bass try PL II Music. You should have a surround test button on the remote to make sure all the speakers are working correctly. If you find what you like you can go into options and adjust the output of each speaker to your liking.
  15. I hate when so many people get mad bc ppl camp and use noob tubes. Guess what, its part of the game. Ya its retarded sometimes when it happens to u, but I try to not to get mad at the player unless they r being a douche inbetween games. Thats the sad part, we were trying to be nice to them but they started off being jack wad's so we just turned it around on them. Sometimes you got to remember that it's a video game!
  16. We played last night and it was epic the amount of people we pissed off. I probably shouldn't say people, I should say 13 year old basement dwellers! 6 hours of camping and humiliation! Some little zit faced punk was so mad he said he was gonna f!@k my mom and slammed his controller down and then almost started to cry because we made him break his special edition Black Ops controller. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!
  17. What is our offense? Seems I remember a change happening.
  18. Well I'm a father of 2 kids, one of which is 9 and has type 2 diabetes and the other being a teenager. I work 10 hours a day and come home and deal with teenager and diabetic problems, then after they go to bed I spend a few more hours getting motocross bikes ready for our 3 and 4 day weekends at the track so my son can try to make his dreams come true. That allows me to get a good 4 hours of sleep a night. Usually leaves me a couple of hours a week to play. Doesn't mean I can't have fun with it and try as many new games as possible. Obviously doing this I will never be considered a so called "GOD" of any one perticular game, but that's not what I play for. As far as having a life goes, I won't get into that cause you wouldn't understand. So I guess I would rather be the noob instead of the whole penis! Guess you missed the part where you said it's cool if you're ok with that. No need to get offended. My implication of (attempting) to have a life had nothing to do with you. I also said attempting. I didn't say succeeding. But, I won't get into that because you wouldn't understand. Careful, you're workin' on being the best of both worlds. I was actually going to +1 you for sticking through all that until I got to the end. I'll do it anyway I actually do understand what that is like. Anyway, it's just video games bro. My apologies Dub, It's been a bad week with the kid. Getting an average of 3 hours of sleep a night for almost 2 weeks now. I may have went a little over board! I 100% agree with Battlefield being the better series. Like I said, just not enough time to play, so to most people online I do qualify as the noob! Is there a date set for the release of BF 3?
  19. Well I'm a father of 2 kids, one of which is 9 and has type 2 diabetes and the other being a teenager. I work 10 hours a day and come home and deal with teenager and diabetic problems, then after they go to bed I spend a few more hours getting motocross bikes ready for our 3 and 4 day weekends at the track so my son can try to make his dreams come true. That allows me to get a good 4 hours of sleep a night. Usually leaves me a couple of hours a week to play. Doesn't mean I can't have fun with it and try as many new games as possible. Obviously doing this I will never be considered a so called "GOD" of any one perticular game, but that's not what I play for. As far as having a life goes, I won't get into that cause you wouldn't understand. So I guess I would rather be the noob instead of the whole penis!
  20. Actually when you have a PC, Xbox, PS3 and Wii there is no reason not to play everygame that comes down the pipeline. You can use your rewards card and get a used game from Gamestop, play for 2 days and if you don't like it you take it back and trade it in on another one. The most I have ever lost is 3 bucks. I have the Battlefield series but I still like plaing COD, it has it's moments.
  21. Well imagine that! Another recruit that said he was informed there was going to be a coaching change. It can't be! I heard on here that Bo was an ass and didn't inform any of these guys there was going to be a change.
  22. Maybe this has been posted and I missed it. If it has feel free to remove it. This is the first I have seen it. From the information on the release it states that fewer then 150 people have ever seen this video before. It is long, but holy hell is it worth waiting to the end! Christian Peter is going to come through the damn camera and kill somebody! This is what they mean when they say "a leader on the field"
  23. Once again the NU athletic department forgot to call every single Husker fan in the world and let them know whats going on so let's get are undies in bunch! God D@#m it! When Bo takes a dump I want to know about it because "we are Nebraska"
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