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Everything posted by hosker

  1. there used to be a husker highlight video to the song "paint it black" in the "bigredrock" series, anyone know were i can find it?
  2. SOCAL hit the nail on the head, in everything not bold i could agree with a government agency doing research on products, and informing the people... and once the people know the info, they'd have a right to choose whether they want to use it or not... the federal gov. has no right to regulate what people want to spend their money on, as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. if people don't want a product, they don't have to buy it. if enough people don't want it, they have the right to make it illegal/regulate it, in each respective state.
  3. first off, i think the right to sue is necessary. imo it creates more accountability.... although i will agree, it has become a bit excessive in our society, esp over trivial BS. i agree, 100% the responsibility should be left up to the individual. but i feel that pharmaceutical companies and doctors have the SAME responsibility to provide a quality product/treatment... as far as coming down the road, that has lead us to this point... i don't think personal responsibility can fix that by it self, because there are alot of smooth talkin politicians that could convince a sheep that a wolf is its friend... personal responsibility/accountability alone won't fix that. it takes knowledge, and force of hand(peaceful, and sometimes otherwise) by the people onto the gov to achieve that. its clear that we're on the same page... again.
  4. And we no doubt pay for it. What I thought was extremely absurd was Bernanke's explanation of inflation. As if creating more of something doesn't decrease the value of it. Seriously, what planet did this tool come from? Did it ever occur to him that higher prices (his definition of inflation) are a direct consequence of the devaluation of the money (the true definition of inflation), which happens when he prints money out of thin air and adds to the total money supply. Typical bureacrat to only look at the short term effects and effects on a single group rather than the long term effects and the effects on the whole. lol, yeah we probably are. oh, im confident that it has occurred to him. in fact, im confident that its the reason behind most of his policy making. they got the long haul in their sights too, and their doin everything they can(quite well i might add) to make sure that they(bankers/some politicians/the elite) come out on top when the future does get here.... but thats all just "conspiracy", at least until HR 1207 is passed.
  5. nope, i'll have to look for some youtube clips... i think there must be some sort of "side-stepping" seminar that these f#*k-heads go to each year... Bernanke was really starting to make me mad in the vids i posted above. it seemed like he was just delaying his answer, and saying enough BS in the mean time, just to allow time to expire on his questioning.
  6. so no one should regulate the health care industry? absolutely not. the more regulations/bureaucracy there is, the prices will inevitably go up. and in turn, for the people who can't afford high price meds, the quality goes down....EDIT: and further more, that all leads to the president/politicians pushing for universal healthcare, when with any logical review of any "universal healthcare" from history, that is clearly not the answer to our problems. the way the health care industry should be regulated, is by: the doctors administering the meds, the pharmaceutical companies making the meds, and the market's(or peoples) want/need for the products... We don't need the FDA(or anyone else) saying this is a good or bad product, when the companies should know if their product is good/bad, before it hits the market.... if its good doctors will prescribe it, and people will continue to use it, and vice versa.
  7. i believe the home team is given 2.5, so it's a wash. Which as of now, i have to agree. +1
  8. i think the "uh-oh" is supposed to stem from the fact that alot of us Husker fans think we'll win the north, and now that he's "proven" that we won't.... we're supposed to say: "uh-oh, this flaming turd from KC is right"
  9. i agree, NU and iowa are natural rivals.... it would be great for the program to play iowa on a yearly basis
  10. pSRvnXtrmtE XKSKWSnhCwI 2_VCy0lMU1g KIaEjgXZR04
  11. I know it has been said, but for the longest time, I thought those were dancing bananas. Then I realized Nebraska was not nicknamed the Banana Peelers or Ripe Bananas. Eh, football season needs to start now! They're not bananas???? Please tell me this is a bunny with a pancake on its head is that what it is? i never really understood it... i need some basic ground rules, whens a good time to use this
  12. "The Creature from Jekyll Island" overview, part 1: LINK part 2: LINK its a shame mainstream media can't devote an hour or two to this subject each day
  13. i wish we'd go back to this, only add the skull & bones crushing the other teams logo... 7VZSOoxU6n4
  14. No, not bananas! well that sucks can we get dancing bananas?
  15. i hope he signs with my vikings.... him and AP
  16. Wow that cop was out of control! He's going to go beserk against an EMT, who was transporting a patient no less? I understand cops have a high stress job but man, save the anger and beatings for the actual criminals who deserve it...
  17. never thought about that... it kinda sucks, starting a game one day, and ending on another
  18. thats pretty good for being an amateur! keep it up. Thanks alot!!!
  19. lol yeah, i voted for about 10 mins non stop
  20. anyone have time to make me a sig? id like a Blackshirts one. with the skull and bones in there, and maybe saying "blackshirts" or "here comes the pain".... everything else is up to you.
  21. yes!!! im reminded of the old saying "to protect and serve" ..... as in, BRI serve me a F'n donut.... i'll even time ya! go!
  22. gasoline give chainsaw new life...
  23. lol, i must not have been clear enough. because i didn't mean to limit my use/non-use of the program to just that one stipulation..... btw, that stipulation most deff not been met.
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